Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The dogs here can outrun the dog catcher truck!! We were leaving today and we saw these 2 dogs come flying around the corner and up our street away from us. Next thing we see if the dog catcher truck coming slowly up the same alley, but they turned our way instead of the way the dogs went. We both burst out laughing! Those dogs are so smart! And up in the direction they went, I saw some other dogs meeting up with them. There's usually 3 guys in the truck at a time, and they all where the little white face mask, but the dogs around here are smart, and I think they warn each other ha ha.

Anyway we were laughing at them, and they pointed to our car and yelled we had a flat. Damn. So my little car had a flat and no jack. Guess what we went shopping for? Well we hit up the auto parts place at the edge of town, got a jack and a new distributor cap for the truck, which Everardo's been talking about since we were in Playa Ventura, and when we got back he discovered the spare had no air...I came in and found a comfy spot to start my 3rd library book- as soon as I finish it and return them I get my library card..yippee (yeah I know- easily pleased). Well Pam showed me where the Rocky Point Times office was and that they have a ton of books (in English) that I can borrow...oh boy oh boy, cause the English books at the library are slim pickens. I'm going to give them mine as I finish them, but I only brought about 30 or 40, maybe less. I was thinking about bringing the 100 or so that I left in Playa Ventura, but I probly would use the room for other things.

So that's the next new thing- we have kinda decided to put the Playa Ventura trip. Not sure if I wrote about the trip here or not, but at first just Poppi was going to go, and then when he got back I'd go up to Petaluma. Then we decided to both go; get someone to stay here and take care of Sam and the house. Yeah- Sam had to stay cause he doesn't do great after 2-3 days of driving. And we figured we drive straight thru to get there, but do some exploring on the way back. Maybe go to Oaxaca, Mexico City- or out to the pyramids at least, back to Morelia to see his sister and brother again, maybe fix that tile on his mother's fact we were talking about being gone up to a month. But today Everardo brought it up again and said maybe we should wait a few months, until after he finds some work and we get some money coming in. Our plan was NOT to live on the rent we get from the Petaluma house; but we have been spending spending..I mean life happens. Ha ha the project house from hell in Playa Ventura, not so much here, but we had to buy furniture, a car, lots of little stuff...So Poppi is still waiting on the permit to be a vendor down at the beach and/or on the malecon, and now he thinks he can find something working for someone who already has a shop. I'm not worried, my hubby s a very resourceful guy so it will be interesting to see what comes next. So we will put the trip off for a while; we were only going to make an appearance, to show we care about the house, but we do have a guy taking care of it, so not going right now is the better financial decision. I have to go to California for my mammogram, so that trip has to be first, we agreed on that. And now there's even another reason that my trip is important...

This is huge news!!! Our lives are forever changed. In ways we don't know about yet, not sure what comes next, but my darling sweet loving husband is over the moon happy! Two nites ago, kinda late, maybe after 10pm, he got a facebook message. (yep thank God for FB) It was a woman named Kelly, and she is the mother of his 16 yr old daughter, who he has not seen since she was 4!!! He was in shock I think, at first anyway. They chatted, and then she gave him her phone number and he called her right then. She had been looking for him for awhile, and as people may or may not know, Mexican people have two last names; one from their mom and one from their dad.
Everardo uses only one, and of course, she looked for the other one, the one that came last. It's taken a couple of days to piece the story together, and I'm not comfortable telling it all here, after all it was all things that took place before I even knew him. Life is messy, and relationships, families are dysfunctional as hell sometimes. Add some drugs and alcohol, the law...Anyway his daughter got older, and asked for him, about him. Kelly reached out, and (thank you God) found us.

So Poppi got to facebook chat with his 16 year old daughter, Elena. He has her name and her face tattooed on his chest. She does not remember him, but her older brothers do a little I think. They called him dad, they are older than Elena, and Kelly had them when he met her, then they had Elena. She seems so sweet, she is very nervous, scared, and has- of course- a million questions. She only wants to chat right now, she didn't want to skype and talk face to face, but she does want to meet her dad. It was so very touching to watch my husband go thru all these emotions, he doesn't want to pressure her, he wants to go at her pace. He is so filled up with love. And gratitude. And love. We do have a small problem, Poppi cannot go to the states right now, not legally anyway. Our current plan is to apply for a visa for him in July, after we have been married 2 years. If he goes anyway and gets caught, they will never give him a visa. Right now Kelly is not willing to let Elena come visit us. She is afraid. I understand, this is her daughter, and this whole thing is very new. She also told Poppi, pls don't hurt my daughter, don't come into her life and then disappear. I understand that, too. I would do anything to spare my daughters from any hurt, any pain. He understands, too.

So we will go slow. At her and Elena's pace. I friended her on FB, and wrote to her in a private message to introduce myself. She wrote back and said glad to meet me; that she and Elena were looking forward to meeting me when I come up in April. They live just 3 towns above where we lived! Everardo told Elena she had 2 stepsisters, and told her about Drewy and Halla. She also wanted to know about her aunts and uncles and cousins, of which she has many in Gilroy (below San Francisco), and I am willing to take her (and her mom too if she wants to got) down to Gilroy to meet some of her Dad's family. When I go up there I'll probly introduce Drew and Halla to Elena too, if she wants- my girls are already excited about it, but I am sure this is all very overwhelming for Elena. Yes it's what she wants, but wow- meeting your dad for the first time? (since she doesn't remember him). So they chatted the last two nites in a row, for quite awhile, over an hour each time. She told him about school, her pets, and asked him lots of questions. He is just soooo happy, and I am sooo happy for him. Funny I didn't start with this subject when I started writing tonite, but it's a bit overwhelming for me as well, and I wasn't sure how to start. And truthfully I didn't want to forget about the dogs! It was so funny.

Ok other news. The neighbor moved in- really it's neighbors cause it's two women. Not sure what their relationship is. I know they are friends, but maybe lovers? Maybe the one is the care taker for the other, cause one has a medical condition; she has Lupis, and needs help. Tina is American (white) and Lupita is Mexican; Lupita's sister and brother-in-law live here in Penasco. They have a little white scruffy dog, maybe part poodle, named Sophie, very cute. So they seem nice enough; Tina is on vacation, and only cares about having internet, I haven;t heard them say anything about tv. We gave her the code for our internet so she doesn't have to pay for it for 3 months. She is a bit unsteady on her feet, bad equilibrium, but like I said, so far they seem nice.

I worked at the center yesterday; frustrating in the morning with some out of control little kids completely uninterested in learning anything, and then much better in the afternoon with 2 teenager girls and then 2 women who were very interested; they wrote down everything I wrote on the board. I tried to do some phrases, with the "5 W's" (who where what when why). I think it went pretty well. For tomorrow with the little ones, I have a bag of a basket of strawberries, red & green apples, bananas, and cactus (the kind you eat). So I'm gonna try to make it fun to learn colors and names of fruit.....wish me luck ha ha (buena suerte!) Ok I think I'm caught up- yeah I need to write more often cause I know I'm leaving out stuff, like Superbowl at Andas - didn't think I'd enjoy cause don't care about football but had a good time...and practicing my Spanish at the Spanish speaking AA meetings and at the center....ah well tomorrow...