I think last nite I was all over the map writing. I was thinking about so many things at once. Trying to think about where I've been while looking at where I am, in anticipation of where I'm going- ha ha! Today I feel a little more together, packed a little, had breakfast with my friend Deb that lasted 3 hours! Ha! Well we ate in the first hour and then talked non stop for the next two. She really is a kick in the but and has so many stories and crazy stuff happening to her as they try to wrap up their life in Tuscon and live here full time. Everrado and I are taking her to our favorite taco place tomorrow nite for dinner...good thing we already found another super place in Ensenada or we'd be jonesin' for this place.
So we decided to give the dresser, the couch and the fridge to the lady next door. she is so happy. I guess she doesn't have a pot to piss in...when Poppi offered her the fridge today I think she was ready to drag it into her place that minute before we changed our minds! We were gonna take it, but it's huge, and hopefully we'll stick with the area we chose, maybe find another cheaper place after 6 months, but maybe keep this one, but we just decided to leave it. At first we were trying to find someone who might want to trade a washing machine for it, but we only had that bright idea a couple of days ago, and had no success. So we'll buy a used washer when we get there. So there is nothing left in the kitchen cabinets, our clothes are in suitcases laying open, and the rest is in bins and boxes to put in the back of the truck- oh except for the mattress which he'll put on the top of the trailer on Sunday. The dresser we gave away was one we bought on the street when we first moved here- it was brand new, but pretty shabbily made ya know, really cheap and we never planned to take it or the couch, so it's nice to help somebody out, and Poppi says nobody gives things away here; that this is a big deal to her. I just hope she takes good care of the puppy, Brownie. I'm over wanting to take him, he's chewing everything up outside, including a hole in my prized possesion- my hammock, but it's a small hole that we'll sew with fishing line, but I had to wrap it over the clothesline to keep it away from puppy teeth.
Sam has been playing with him though, more than he's played with another dog since he was a puppy, we'll think about a lab pup when we get there, but for now it's just the three of us.
I went to my last zumba class tonite. It was funny because across the street is a college (although I swear these kids are not more than 16...) and since the class changed to a half hour earlier this week because it gets dark so early (no daylight savings time here), the school gets out right then as well, and so all week there's been all these kids standing around while we dance. Last nite some girls started jumping in and tonite some guys did at the back. But what was funny was these guys (boys really), maybe 6 or 8, then joined by a couple of girls, were watching us- but standing facing us, maybe 3 feet in front of Erika our instructor. One kid grabbed some cheerleader pom poms from a girl and started trying to follow Erika's moves and it had to be so distracting for her. Of course then all the other kids were egging him on. She just kept dancing so we did, too.
It's a funny thing here, if you are insecure about yourself or you body image- this is the place to get over it! I mean there all all shapes in the class and of course, everywhere else as well. But women wear tight fitting tops and pants even if they are not thin. I mean I hardly ever see any size zero women here. And you know what? They're sexy. I always wear a baggy shirt over my zumba clothes, but most people do not. And they shake that boo-tay! At first I was so self conscious but after a while I started trying to shake mine too! I'd ask people how to do some of the moves, shakin' my ass was hard to learn- and I can't do that and something different with my arms at the same time!! Can you believe it- Remember trying to pat your head and rub your tummy- I can do that no problem. But this? Some of the songs are kind of Arabic sounding and we roll our arms and bellys...like belly dancing. We all bought these scarves that you tie around your waist that have round gold disks on them (like belly dancing scarves)- of course ours are plastic coins/disks, but when we shake it, they make noise. With practice I've been getting better at it. The one thing I cannot master is when you have your arms out straight and shake your shoulders forward while walking forward...but I am determined so hopefully some day....right now I basically shake my arms instead of shoulders and chest...well I make the women around me laugh with my attempts.
And at the classes, there are little kids running around and thru. Some try to dance and jump around- it's pretty cute. There are older kids walking home from school, or there doing something else but Mom is doing zumba so they come talk to her. Lots of women only watch, I think they wish they had the guts. And then the vendors with ice cream and cotton candy! I want to yell at them to go away. But the whole thing is fun to be a part of. Now I said I have become really comfortable and I try to do all the moves, but I do still wear my baggy tshirt..but I have the spangled scarf too for the butt shakin'.
It's an interesting mix, because many Mexicans are still old school, where women have their activities and men have theirs. So it was cool when the kids were jumping in today. Older men would never even consider it. Men used to be in charge here- they worked, women stayed home. They brought in the money so they were the boss- ha ha like raising kids, cooking & cleaning isn't work....- anyway things are changing here in Mexico, in some places more than others. In some ways it looks changed, but really it's not. You know before the zumba class became consistent I started out walking the track while Everardo was running or working out. I had my ipod and kinda dance/walked to music only I could hear. People began to know me by sight and after a few weeks waved or nodded when I went by..or as the passed me by in a jog or a run. I asked Everardo if he was embarrased by his crazy American wife dancing around the track and he said -NO! He said do you know how many women here wish they could break out and do the same thing?? (did I say I love this man?) I fool around in class sometimes when I miss the steps or get winded, and in between songs I always dance around to stay warmed up, and the other ladies like me- they talk to me and sometimes I understand, sometimes not, but usually I do. I twirl around during the songs and we all have fun.
Tonite at the end she was doing these leg lifts during the cool down that were ouch so painful. She was counting at a yell, uno! dos! Well this lady near me yelled out ocho, so I yelled veinte cinco (25), then 38, so when we changed legs and the instructor yelled 1, 2, I yelled 28, 29, and the other lady yelled 36,37, oh my god we were laughing so hard. So I traded facebook names and a couple of hugs with a couple of women and when I signed on tonite the instructor had posted some photos of us doing zumba and wrote a little thing about me leaving. I hope I find a class half as fun as this one!
I hope I find a class full of Mexican women who wear whatever they want and look sexy because they feel sexy and they ARE sexy. Much better than us uptight Americans who are ashamed if we aren't size zero! Or maybe if I do end up in an American class I can bring my Mexican woman-ism with me!
Wow this time next week we'll be in our new place! Hmmm but if I'm posting here I'll probably be in a cyber cafe- and they're everywhere- cause getting things hooked up always takes awhile. Ok that's all for now!
Mexico fun fact:
Spanish conquerors brought bullfighting to Mexico, which is now the national sport of Mexico. Bullfighting takes place from November to April, and the Plaza Mexico is the largest bullring in the world.
So we decided to give the dresser, the couch and the fridge to the lady next door. she is so happy. I guess she doesn't have a pot to piss in...when Poppi offered her the fridge today I think she was ready to drag it into her place that minute before we changed our minds! We were gonna take it, but it's huge, and hopefully we'll stick with the area we chose, maybe find another cheaper place after 6 months, but maybe keep this one, but we just decided to leave it. At first we were trying to find someone who might want to trade a washing machine for it, but we only had that bright idea a couple of days ago, and had no success. So we'll buy a used washer when we get there. So there is nothing left in the kitchen cabinets, our clothes are in suitcases laying open, and the rest is in bins and boxes to put in the back of the truck- oh except for the mattress which he'll put on the top of the trailer on Sunday. The dresser we gave away was one we bought on the street when we first moved here- it was brand new, but pretty shabbily made ya know, really cheap and we never planned to take it or the couch, so it's nice to help somebody out, and Poppi says nobody gives things away here; that this is a big deal to her. I just hope she takes good care of the puppy, Brownie. I'm over wanting to take him, he's chewing everything up outside, including a hole in my prized possesion- my hammock, but it's a small hole that we'll sew with fishing line, but I had to wrap it over the clothesline to keep it away from puppy teeth.
Sam has been playing with him though, more than he's played with another dog since he was a puppy, we'll think about a lab pup when we get there, but for now it's just the three of us.
I went to my last zumba class tonite. It was funny because across the street is a college (although I swear these kids are not more than 16...) and since the class changed to a half hour earlier this week because it gets dark so early (no daylight savings time here), the school gets out right then as well, and so all week there's been all these kids standing around while we dance. Last nite some girls started jumping in and tonite some guys did at the back. But what was funny was these guys (boys really), maybe 6 or 8, then joined by a couple of girls, were watching us- but standing facing us, maybe 3 feet in front of Erika our instructor. One kid grabbed some cheerleader pom poms from a girl and started trying to follow Erika's moves and it had to be so distracting for her. Of course then all the other kids were egging him on. She just kept dancing so we did, too.
It's a funny thing here, if you are insecure about yourself or you body image- this is the place to get over it! I mean there all all shapes in the class and of course, everywhere else as well. But women wear tight fitting tops and pants even if they are not thin. I mean I hardly ever see any size zero women here. And you know what? They're sexy. I always wear a baggy shirt over my zumba clothes, but most people do not. And they shake that boo-tay! At first I was so self conscious but after a while I started trying to shake mine too! I'd ask people how to do some of the moves, shakin' my ass was hard to learn- and I can't do that and something different with my arms at the same time!! Can you believe it- Remember trying to pat your head and rub your tummy- I can do that no problem. But this? Some of the songs are kind of Arabic sounding and we roll our arms and bellys...like belly dancing. We all bought these scarves that you tie around your waist that have round gold disks on them (like belly dancing scarves)- of course ours are plastic coins/disks, but when we shake it, they make noise. With practice I've been getting better at it. The one thing I cannot master is when you have your arms out straight and shake your shoulders forward while walking forward...but I am determined so hopefully some day....right now I basically shake my arms instead of shoulders and chest...well I make the women around me laugh with my attempts.
And at the classes, there are little kids running around and thru. Some try to dance and jump around- it's pretty cute. There are older kids walking home from school, or there doing something else but Mom is doing zumba so they come talk to her. Lots of women only watch, I think they wish they had the guts. And then the vendors with ice cream and cotton candy! I want to yell at them to go away. But the whole thing is fun to be a part of. Now I said I have become really comfortable and I try to do all the moves, but I do still wear my baggy tshirt..but I have the spangled scarf too for the butt shakin'.
It's an interesting mix, because many Mexicans are still old school, where women have their activities and men have theirs. So it was cool when the kids were jumping in today. Older men would never even consider it. Men used to be in charge here- they worked, women stayed home. They brought in the money so they were the boss- ha ha like raising kids, cooking & cleaning isn't work....- anyway things are changing here in Mexico, in some places more than others. In some ways it looks changed, but really it's not. You know before the zumba class became consistent I started out walking the track while Everardo was running or working out. I had my ipod and kinda dance/walked to music only I could hear. People began to know me by sight and after a few weeks waved or nodded when I went by..or as the passed me by in a jog or a run. I asked Everardo if he was embarrased by his crazy American wife dancing around the track and he said -NO! He said do you know how many women here wish they could break out and do the same thing?? (did I say I love this man?) I fool around in class sometimes when I miss the steps or get winded, and in between songs I always dance around to stay warmed up, and the other ladies like me- they talk to me and sometimes I understand, sometimes not, but usually I do. I twirl around during the songs and we all have fun.
Tonite at the end she was doing these leg lifts during the cool down that were ouch so painful. She was counting at a yell, uno! dos! Well this lady near me yelled out ocho, so I yelled veinte cinco (25), then 38, so when we changed legs and the instructor yelled 1, 2, I yelled 28, 29, and the other lady yelled 36,37, oh my god we were laughing so hard. So I traded facebook names and a couple of hugs with a couple of women and when I signed on tonite the instructor had posted some photos of us doing zumba and wrote a little thing about me leaving. I hope I find a class half as fun as this one!
I hope I find a class full of Mexican women who wear whatever they want and look sexy because they feel sexy and they ARE sexy. Much better than us uptight Americans who are ashamed if we aren't size zero! Or maybe if I do end up in an American class I can bring my Mexican woman-ism with me!
Wow this time next week we'll be in our new place! Hmmm but if I'm posting here I'll probably be in a cyber cafe- and they're everywhere- cause getting things hooked up always takes awhile. Ok that's all for now!
Mexico fun fact:
Spanish conquerors brought bullfighting to Mexico, which is now the national sport of Mexico. Bullfighting takes place from November to April, and the Plaza Mexico is the largest bullring in the world.