I went to Phoenix yesterday with my friend and galpal Pam. She's my best friend here besides my hubby; we are both so totally irreverent and laugh our heads off. We blabbed all the way up there, over three hours. We are both in recovery and so talked about the fact that everybody is sick (dysfunctional) and when we get mad at people, well that's just us having expectations. But we still had a good time making fun of everyone we know!
Phoenix is hot, a different kind of hot then here, no humidity, so it's just searing hot. I was happy for her ac in her car. Then we went to Walmart...ha ha Walmart in Arizona....it was exactly like all those utube photos of Walmart shoppers. I don't want to insult any one state, but omg- hillbillies, all these young families with 5 or 6 kids- must be nothing to do there. Huge people- and I know they make clothes to fit huge people, but all of these were wearing small people clothes. Yep I sound terrible but oh God it was funny. Of course I shopped there- I got wide egg noodles and different pasta sauces, some sharp cheddar cheese. And then..................yes! I tried on some tank tops and saw myself in the mirror in the dressing room....I was one of them! A Walmart shopper! I of course tried on at least two tops that were too small and I looked pathetic. I started laughing out loud to myself. Overhead a guy was announcing a free gift over in the produce area...I kept looking for blue light specials...But I shouldn't criticize cause the 2 tops I did buy (& they fit) were marked down to $5 when I got to the register. Pam showed up with a cart load of stuff and we laughed about the danger of shopping when you're hungry.
We got lost looking for these other places, but found our way, got what we needed and hit the road. I got some new Saucony tennis shoes for walking at the ovalo (& zumba), and Pam was happy to find some new places in Phoenix. The truth is Arizona is not my favorite state. It's very conservative and I am very liberal. There's alot of people down here on vacations from Arizona, and very nice, but again, at times they let their racist insanity show, you know? Jus' sayin'....
The drive back was pretty. I hadn't really looked around on the way up, we were laughing and talking so much. And I guess I never looked around much the other couple of times I made the trip, cause I never noticed how beautiful those catus are- they're called "Pipe Organ" catus; they're tall and usually have 2 branches- that look like arms on either side, sometimes they look like they're waving, or saluting, waving you over, or pointing at something. I don't know why they are only in a particular area, as we get close to the border they start to disappear, and there are none around here. Maybe it has to do with how the road starts to get close to the water? Maybe the ground changes beneath the surface, cause it sure doesn't look any different topside. Sandy dirt, dry sandy dirt. Well and I guess the air is different here as well; that humidity I was talking about- hey I bet that's it! The Organ Pipe cactus doesn't do well in the humidity...ok gotta look that up!
We're trying to plan a trip, maybe to Nogales since I've never been there. It's about 6 hours so we'll want to spend the nite, so we need someone to watch the kids (oops I mean doggys). But since Lucky is only almost 6 weeks old, he hasn't has any shots, so he can't be around other dogs. If he had his shots, Karen and Mark would be happy to take them, so we might have to wait a few weeks. But planing is fun cause I look the places up to find out things. I was looking at all the towns in Baja the other day, thinking it might be nice to live over there- it's not as hot during these summer months- but on the Pacific side the water is cold, on the Sea of Cortez side, well I didn't find any place that jumped out at me, and truthfully, I love my work at the center, I really am helping people, and I want to keep that up, so for now...this is good. So who knows what comes next..
So I noticed another thing different in Mexico than in the US that has to do with cars. Many businesses, even grocery stores, have parking that is right off the road. I mean like you turn into a parking spot right off the road. So when you want to leave, you back out into the street. It makes driving in the right lane a dangerous adventure sometimes. Especially on main roads, I got stuck once and now I'll park down the street or around the corner, or just come back in the evening when there's not too much traffic...ok really I pretty much just don't park in those spots, except for going to the atm at Santander, sometimes I'll pull in. Like today, and luckily the windshield washer guy had to guide me back out- ha ha and I didn't even let him clean my windshield. I drive pretty slow here. The stop signs, and even the traffic lights sometimes, are merely recommendations. People drive as fast or slow as they want, stop when they want- and NOBODY wears their seatbelt. I do. You see kids on laps or even dashboards...cars filled to the brim with people. And these parking slots right on the street are common everywhere in Mexico. I just didn't notice it was different until yesterday being in the states. Yeah and no smog requirements, you see cars on the road you can't believe are running, and half the windshieds are cracked. Mine was, too, and we only fixed it in case I needed to drive to the Phoenix airport to pick somebody up. Some cars have license plates, some don't, some lights work- yeah at least some so at nite you can tell something is there ha ha. Oh and the thing that scares me all the people in the back of trucks. Kids standing up! Or sitting against the tailgate! And that goes for adults as well, always people sitting against the tailgates and standing up.....scary.
Well another thing happened. My beautiful daughter got laid off from her job yesterday. I know how that feels- I got laid off once and I started questioning myself. She told me a binch of people got laid off, not just her; it is part of a bigger company taking over their company and making cuts and changes. I know she's mad, she's sad, unsure of herself, hurt feelings, and afraid. She has bills to pay just like everybody else, they have rent and food and gas and utilities, and she is a strong independent woman. I suggested she make no decisions for a couple of weeks, just let her feelings sort themselves out. She had gotten good reviews and was an outstanding employee, so she needn't feel bad about herself. And the face is- she hated that job, and so I hated it too. I hated for her to be in conflict about it, she was always sending out resumes, and hated the hours, she worked 12 hour overnite shifts for more than 2 years while always requesting day shifts that new people coming in kept getting-'oh they need training on days' or some other excuse that was always followed with 'don't worry we're gonna move you' and then mgmt would change (there's a clue-every changing personnel) and she would have to start again. So I'm hoping that after a few days when her emotions settle down, she will see this as a good thing. Hopefully in the not too distant future she'll say this was they best thing that could have happened to me! I love her so much and I'm so proud of her. She will be sucessful at whatever she goes for.
She's been talking about doing a certificate program, and there's lots of them around. She has great experience in customer service, dispatch, and 911 calls so if she decides to stay in the same field, I know she'll find something. She will land on her feet, I know. It just kills me for her to be sad, mad, and worried....you know- it's a mom thing. Right now she has the world at her feet, she'll get unemployment and she can take a look around, take a breather, asses and re-asses. She can wake up and workout instead of after work. She can take a look at her budget, they can do it together. I'm so happy she has such a strong partner, she can lean on him for a minute, and he can help her reason things out. I have every confidence in her and in them.
So I am completely soaking wet with sweat. The breeze is not making in in here and the fan quit a few minutes ago. Lucky is pooping all over the house and arrgghh I remember I hate it when they're babies. Sam looks on like- I don't know what you brought that little mouse home for....
I didn't go to the ovalo yesterday cause I got back from Phoenix right when Everardo was about to go down there, but I'll go tonite. No zumba on weekends but I can dance/walk in my new shoes. I brought Poppi new running shoes, too- so no excuses. Ha ha he doesn't need any excuses, it's me...even though once I get there I'm happy I went.
So life settles down here, English class, Spanish class, exercising, and dogs the park. I had to go to Telcel today to put money on my phone and the young women in there commented on how good my Spanish was (inferring for a white lady ha ha). If we could just SELL the other house, then we would breathe a little easier. Not too many tourists here now at the beach. Most of them are Mexicans from other states in Mexico, and they don't buy too much. He doesn't make to much work for the center and is thinking about quitting that, and now he's looking at a security position down at the condos Pam lives at...we'll see. Our rent is really cheap, but we still gotta eat, and buy tennis shoes, pay for water and electricity....but for today.......we are ok.
ok fun fact about Mexico:
Millions of monarch butterflies migrate to Mexico every year from the U.S. and Canada, though logging operations are rapidly destroying their habitat.d
Phoenix is hot, a different kind of hot then here, no humidity, so it's just searing hot. I was happy for her ac in her car. Then we went to Walmart...ha ha Walmart in Arizona....it was exactly like all those utube photos of Walmart shoppers. I don't want to insult any one state, but omg- hillbillies, all these young families with 5 or 6 kids- must be nothing to do there. Huge people- and I know they make clothes to fit huge people, but all of these were wearing small people clothes. Yep I sound terrible but oh God it was funny. Of course I shopped there- I got wide egg noodles and different pasta sauces, some sharp cheddar cheese. And then..................yes! I tried on some tank tops and saw myself in the mirror in the dressing room....I was one of them! A Walmart shopper! I of course tried on at least two tops that were too small and I looked pathetic. I started laughing out loud to myself. Overhead a guy was announcing a free gift over in the produce area...I kept looking for blue light specials...But I shouldn't criticize cause the 2 tops I did buy (& they fit) were marked down to $5 when I got to the register. Pam showed up with a cart load of stuff and we laughed about the danger of shopping when you're hungry.
We got lost looking for these other places, but found our way, got what we needed and hit the road. I got some new Saucony tennis shoes for walking at the ovalo (& zumba), and Pam was happy to find some new places in Phoenix. The truth is Arizona is not my favorite state. It's very conservative and I am very liberal. There's alot of people down here on vacations from Arizona, and very nice, but again, at times they let their racist insanity show, you know? Jus' sayin'....
The drive back was pretty. I hadn't really looked around on the way up, we were laughing and talking so much. And I guess I never looked around much the other couple of times I made the trip, cause I never noticed how beautiful those catus are- they're called "Pipe Organ" catus; they're tall and usually have 2 branches- that look like arms on either side, sometimes they look like they're waving, or saluting, waving you over, or pointing at something. I don't know why they are only in a particular area, as we get close to the border they start to disappear, and there are none around here. Maybe it has to do with how the road starts to get close to the water? Maybe the ground changes beneath the surface, cause it sure doesn't look any different topside. Sandy dirt, dry sandy dirt. Well and I guess the air is different here as well; that humidity I was talking about- hey I bet that's it! The Organ Pipe cactus doesn't do well in the humidity...ok gotta look that up!
We're trying to plan a trip, maybe to Nogales since I've never been there. It's about 6 hours so we'll want to spend the nite, so we need someone to watch the kids (oops I mean doggys). But since Lucky is only almost 6 weeks old, he hasn't has any shots, so he can't be around other dogs. If he had his shots, Karen and Mark would be happy to take them, so we might have to wait a few weeks. But planing is fun cause I look the places up to find out things. I was looking at all the towns in Baja the other day, thinking it might be nice to live over there- it's not as hot during these summer months- but on the Pacific side the water is cold, on the Sea of Cortez side, well I didn't find any place that jumped out at me, and truthfully, I love my work at the center, I really am helping people, and I want to keep that up, so for now...this is good. So who knows what comes next..
So I noticed another thing different in Mexico than in the US that has to do with cars. Many businesses, even grocery stores, have parking that is right off the road. I mean like you turn into a parking spot right off the road. So when you want to leave, you back out into the street. It makes driving in the right lane a dangerous adventure sometimes. Especially on main roads, I got stuck once and now I'll park down the street or around the corner, or just come back in the evening when there's not too much traffic...ok really I pretty much just don't park in those spots, except for going to the atm at Santander, sometimes I'll pull in. Like today, and luckily the windshield washer guy had to guide me back out- ha ha and I didn't even let him clean my windshield. I drive pretty slow here. The stop signs, and even the traffic lights sometimes, are merely recommendations. People drive as fast or slow as they want, stop when they want- and NOBODY wears their seatbelt. I do. You see kids on laps or even dashboards...cars filled to the brim with people. And these parking slots right on the street are common everywhere in Mexico. I just didn't notice it was different until yesterday being in the states. Yeah and no smog requirements, you see cars on the road you can't believe are running, and half the windshieds are cracked. Mine was, too, and we only fixed it in case I needed to drive to the Phoenix airport to pick somebody up. Some cars have license plates, some don't, some lights work- yeah at least some so at nite you can tell something is there ha ha. Oh and the thing that scares me all the people in the back of trucks. Kids standing up! Or sitting against the tailgate! And that goes for adults as well, always people sitting against the tailgates and standing up.....scary.
Well another thing happened. My beautiful daughter got laid off from her job yesterday. I know how that feels- I got laid off once and I started questioning myself. She told me a binch of people got laid off, not just her; it is part of a bigger company taking over their company and making cuts and changes. I know she's mad, she's sad, unsure of herself, hurt feelings, and afraid. She has bills to pay just like everybody else, they have rent and food and gas and utilities, and she is a strong independent woman. I suggested she make no decisions for a couple of weeks, just let her feelings sort themselves out. She had gotten good reviews and was an outstanding employee, so she needn't feel bad about herself. And the face is- she hated that job, and so I hated it too. I hated for her to be in conflict about it, she was always sending out resumes, and hated the hours, she worked 12 hour overnite shifts for more than 2 years while always requesting day shifts that new people coming in kept getting-'oh they need training on days' or some other excuse that was always followed with 'don't worry we're gonna move you' and then mgmt would change (there's a clue-every changing personnel) and she would have to start again. So I'm hoping that after a few days when her emotions settle down, she will see this as a good thing. Hopefully in the not too distant future she'll say this was they best thing that could have happened to me! I love her so much and I'm so proud of her. She will be sucessful at whatever she goes for.
She's been talking about doing a certificate program, and there's lots of them around. She has great experience in customer service, dispatch, and 911 calls so if she decides to stay in the same field, I know she'll find something. She will land on her feet, I know. It just kills me for her to be sad, mad, and worried....you know- it's a mom thing. Right now she has the world at her feet, she'll get unemployment and she can take a look around, take a breather, asses and re-asses. She can wake up and workout instead of after work. She can take a look at her budget, they can do it together. I'm so happy she has such a strong partner, she can lean on him for a minute, and he can help her reason things out. I have every confidence in her and in them.
So I am completely soaking wet with sweat. The breeze is not making in in here and the fan quit a few minutes ago. Lucky is pooping all over the house and arrgghh I remember I hate it when they're babies. Sam looks on like- I don't know what you brought that little mouse home for....
I didn't go to the ovalo yesterday cause I got back from Phoenix right when Everardo was about to go down there, but I'll go tonite. No zumba on weekends but I can dance/walk in my new shoes. I brought Poppi new running shoes, too- so no excuses. Ha ha he doesn't need any excuses, it's me...even though once I get there I'm happy I went.
So life settles down here, English class, Spanish class, exercising, and dogs the park. I had to go to Telcel today to put money on my phone and the young women in there commented on how good my Spanish was (inferring for a white lady ha ha). If we could just SELL the other house, then we would breathe a little easier. Not too many tourists here now at the beach. Most of them are Mexicans from other states in Mexico, and they don't buy too much. He doesn't make to much work for the center and is thinking about quitting that, and now he's looking at a security position down at the condos Pam lives at...we'll see. Our rent is really cheap, but we still gotta eat, and buy tennis shoes, pay for water and electricity....but for today.......we are ok.
ok fun fact about Mexico:
Millions of monarch butterflies migrate to Mexico every year from the U.S. and Canada, though logging operations are rapidly destroying their habitat.d