Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Living in the moment or not...

It's funny, we call Mexico the land of manana, we do things on Mexican time, but it's also a place of "in the moment". Example: We took the dogs to the vet in Maneadero; not here because everything is more expensive in gringolandia (American prices for everything) and Maneadero is about a 5 minute drive. It's where I went to the dentist...Ok we get there and Hazel needed her last puppy shot and they both needed rabies. But the vet said he didn't want to give Hazel a rabies shot since she was getting the other, and told us to bring her back in 2 weeks. I had asked about Bordatella (sp), and he didn't have any but said he'd order it and took my phone number- and also said we could just get it when we came back. Ok, we come back for Hazel's rabies shot, and he says- oh I don't have any but I'll order it...We dropped by the other day because they never us the tags that go with the rabies shot, and they didn't have any; said that the guy who brings the shots didn't bring them with him. Ok, so we'll check back. Oh- did you get the Bordatella? Oh no, but we'll order some. SHIT! Next time we go I want to wait while they place the order...

The phone company (Telnor- which is the Baha version of Telmex, all owned by the richest man in the world-Calos Slim), we had gone at the end of Jan to ask them to move our service and to pay the current bill. They inadvertently charged our debit card for the move charge (327pesos), and we said no- we just wanted to pay the bill, and pay the move charge over 2 payments...easy right? Ha ha They said oh we'll reverse the charge in the next 24 hours. Now there's no online banking here, and to go to the bank is a trip to Ensenada, which we make weekly so no big deal. But the return was never made. So after a month we went back to Telnor, and luckily took a bank statement showing all transactions and asked for the money to be applied to the current bill. OMG- ha ha I guess it's kinda funny now (just kinda since it's our money). First they think our bank statement is fake....then finally agreed to return the money- no they cannot apply it to our bill...this all took over an hour...& after we left she called us and said we had to go to the bank and ask for it....what???It was all so weird...and yet- we went to the bank- I waited outside because I was so pissed off, and they said they'd get us the money! Couple of days later I get a text telling us we have received the refund. So weird! 

We've been calling the Dish Ntwk the last few days because when daylight savings time started a few weeks ago, our tv didn't change. I wouldn't really even care but I'm watching this series at 11pm and so now it's on at midnite...Well 3 or 4 different "customer service" people have told us- oh we'll send out a new signal and it will change. Well it's been a few days and (big surprise) no change. So today the guy told Everardo to give it 3 hours because they were sending the signal and if it didn't change call back. Hmmm ok no change, called back and it rang for about 15 minutes...we were laughing because we figured they knew it was us, but I just held onto the phone while I was on my laptop...a guy comes on after about 20 min- and after a long conversation which lost me, Everardo said muchas gracias and hung up. He said the guy told him that only the border area changed to DST, the rest of Mexico was changing April 6, and we just have to wait. Ok fine- but WHY couldn't any of the first people tell us that??? 

So what does all this long boring story of my life mean??? Couple of things. One thing is you need to complete any transaction you are doing with a business in the same day. Any time you walk away and they have another step- it does not get done. They put it aside and go on to the next thing. It's the same in the store- oh we'll have it tomorrow...whether or not the person telling you this has any idea if the product will be available ha ha...  It's like they don't want to say no, or disappoint...or maybe they don't want to say they don't know. 

And here is the other thing: my continuing opportunity to practice acceptance. Man that is the lesson that never lets up! And it's the main cause of any arguments we have. I get frustrated and he does not. He almost never loses his temper. Ha ha sometimes even that pisses me off! I know there is no such thing as customer service in Mexico and in the grocery store & the bank I've gotten pretty good at it; I can people watch, chat, munch on something...etc. But in other cases...not so much! I was good at the telephone company until she started telling us the bank statement was somehow faked. (yeah for 300 pesos- about $25USD). But yeah afer that I was just mad. When we left I was still steaming- yes they told us they were going to give it back- but isn't that why we were there in the first place??? Finally Everardo got mad at me for being mad. "What good does it do for you to get mad at them??" So we had a fight in the car but got over by the time we got to the next place we were going.

So I'm trying to take a look at it. First I was just mad....you can put people in little uniforms but that doesn't mean they know anything! We went to Starbucks- which we haven't done since we got here. I mean it's sooo expensive- like $5 for a cup of coffee! But that day I just wanted caramel. (Unfortunately it was the day before the Telnor fiasco) So we went...Everardo's latte was fine. I ordered a cold drink...and well. I think all the ingredients were in it, but what a mess...and the caramel squirted on top...yeah it was a mess. So they have Starbucks, but people don't get trained on how to make the stuff.....and I didn't even get mad after spending 123 pesos on 2 coffees...shame on me for going. We actually laughed about it. There was so much ice that I only got a couple of sips and then begged Everardo for some of his latte ha ha.

But after a couple of times in different place I start getting mad. Again, shame on me. I know I should have low expectations here, and then I get frustrated when things don't go the way I think they should. So maybe it's about my ego. Apparently my ego is the size of Chicago! Funny I see myself as a nice person, caring, understanding, I always tip good, try to be polite, positive....and then when I fall- I fall off a cliff. Why is that? If it's my ego, then somehow I must want the person to know I'm smarter than they are?, or that I'm very important and why are they screwing up my stuff? I guess I've grown up in a world where everything is right now, everything is available, and everyone will fall over themselves to get it for you, your choice, your price, your way. Hmmm sounds like a hamburger commercial eh?

My husband on the other hand is very patient. When things go wrong he just waits, or accepts it and moves on. I think it's a cultural thing. I see it here, everywhere. You wait in line. You ask for what you want. Maybe you get it and maybe you don't. You don't rock the boat. There's always a ton of people at the bank, at Telnor, in the stores. People do not get mad, not even frustrated. But I think maybe the right spot for me is in the middle- not to get all wrapped around the axle, but also not to just blindly accept, either.

I read this saying on facebook the other day....can't remember the words but it was about worry- that worrying today doesn't fix today,  just wrecks tomorrow..or something like that. Anyway I do understand that when I get mad it only hurts me. But it's also true that very often I get mad just for the moment and then get over it. And sometimes I just need to vent. If I am not outwardly rude or mean to the object of my frustration...well isn't a little venting ok??? Ok sucks I gave my bad temper to both my kids ha ha. Anger and stubborness.

Well to catch up from last week, I did not return to the exercise class, so yeah I lost the money. But oh well...I have continued my beach dance/walk. This week I'm adding in eating right....when I fill the kitchen with good stuff I tend to eat good stuff...vamos a ver...

Tomorrow I'm going to see a doctor who does laser treatments. Both my wrists ache; I've been wearing wrist braces at nite and sometimes during the day- especially if I'm on my laptop alot. I had the same problem last year during the winter, then it went away as it got warmer. But this time it may be worse- my hands fall asleep if my arms are not straight or level. Like holding up the binoculars makes my right hand start to tingle, sometimes in the morning I can hardly hold anything, and usually I cannot make a tight fist. It may be carpel tunnel in both, and I heard this guy treats it with laser therapy instead of surgery. I believe that the meds I take can be a partial cause for my aching joints- I looked it up and it can cause joint pain. I only have to take them until this November, but it's been 3 years...well 5 counting the drug I took first which also had joint pain as a possible symptom. I heard about this doctor when I was at the little flea market at the beginning of our road at the main road. I heard these women talking about "trigger finger" (which I also have going on right now) and also carpel tunnel, back problems, etc. I was looking at some stuff near them, and excused myself into their conversation. Two ladies and one husband raved about this guy up in Ensenda...and when I heard what he charged....ok I'm in! So I'm going to see him tomorrow. He may even have advice about the trigger finger. I been researching it on line and one symptom of it is fluid around the joint and I have that...Anyway I'm kind of excited because sleeping has been hell with waking up with my fingers feeling like they're going to explode- ooh I gotta remember to tell him that. Oh and he speaks English, too. Hmmm maybe I should wrap up this post and research laser treatments.

So- acceptance and balance...