Saturday, September 27, 2014

What will happen next?

This morning Poppi told me he has having dreams we crossed the border back into the U.S. He said- get ready- things might change all of a sudden! I replied that he probably dreamed about it because we were just talking about it lately; from my recent trip to upstate New York to my daughter's upcoming wedding (at least a year away), to his uncle's new boots. His uncle, who is for all intents and purposes is his father, is pretty old, and not in great health, and Everardo worries about him. His tio calls Poppi "his son" when he refers to him even though Poppi refers to his uncle as "tio" or "jefe"...Anyway due to a long hard life of being hard on his body, Tio developed diabetes and now has lost both legs below the knee- the second one just in the past few months. He has been complaining of pain in his feet, which I understand is normal....sad though, right? And his feet being when Everardo was in Tijuana dropping me off at the border, he went to see a guy who makes shoes. He had this guy make this pair of "booties" I guess, almost more of a pair of leather socks. They are really soft inside, lined with the softest lamb's fur, and then they lace up to be tighter or looser. We mailed them the other day (yeah I know- funny how they were able to mail something out SO much better than receiving something in ha ha). They have been received and Tio really likes them very much and is wearing them constantly- they are keeping his feet warm. This is so sweet! I know my husband feels guilty for moving down to Mexico so far away from his uncle, but when we decided to move he was in much better health and it felt like if we didn't go- there would always be a reason not to. And we were agreed that we didn't want to look back with regret and say...oh I wish I woulda.....

So....I thought this is why he is dreaming about going back to the U.S. But he told me, you know what, when I start dreaming about something....things happen. Ha ha! But honestly we have things to accomplish before thinking of going back to the states. Selling our house in Guerrero is a biggie. Maybe the number one thing. The market hasn't been that good in that area due to lots of problems, and Playa Ventura is a tiny, sleepy, fishing village. I mean you would have to know about it for some reason to think of it. They are slowly, little by little trying to promote does have beautiful beaches, warm ocean water year round, it's the tropics. And it is a very popular vacation spot during the Mexican holidays, especially Christmas and Semana Santa (Easter week), for Mexicans from Mexico City looking for a beach vacation. The whole town basically makes it's nut over those 2 holidays. The rest of the year they scrape by. But when we were leaving almost 2 years ago the road was being paved, and I know they were working on getting municipal water. Right now everyone has pilas and the water gets trucked in.

I've seen some photos on facebook and some of the people are building "bungalows" like our friends were, on their properties to entice vacationers, and putting in swimming pools. I know that sounds funny- to put in a pool next to an ocean as warm as a bathtub- but honestly- it's the most refreshing and relaxing thing after an afternoon at the beach. The ocean is wonderful, amazing, fun, exciting...and strong...the waves crash in. If you are trying to surf or even just body surf or swim, you are exhausted after not too long. It's not the bay like where we are here in Baja. It's the Pacific ocean crashing against the shore. Where it hits a rocky shore...where the big boulders are like behind our's so....majestic, so forceful, so amazing and exciting to watch. But even where it's the softest warmest sand, the water is strong, and you get tired. You get sandy, you get sunburned, you get...hungry ha ha!! So you come back in, have a cool drink in the shade, take an outside shower under a shady palm, and then jump into the cool refreshing pool. Float around....Swim underwater with no tug, no push, no pull. Yes a pool is a great idea.

So the area becomes more enticing all the time, more people come. Yipee for us. And we have had a long term renter for at least 6 months I think, and they have voiced intentions to stay for the next year...but we want to sell. I know I have talked before here about how we paid way to much for the place- which is entirely on me...naive and arrogant ha ha...ouch. Yeah it was before I met and fell in love with Poppi. Ok so I messed up but time to let it go. In fact I think I have. It happened- it's done. Ok, so what can we do about it. We can sell it for less. Forget about how much we paid and/or how much we put into it. How much can we get for it today? Well- not sure. But that's part of our upcoming trip. Seeing if we can hook up with someone who can advertise it actively. And not someone who lives there now. We only trust one family there know, the guy who caretakes the house for us now. He has done a great job. Letting us know what the place has needed, taking care of the small stuff. Took care of getting the curb/sidewalk for our driveway that the construction workers totally screwed up (surprise surprise) and then my hubby- who almost never loses his temper, did...and took a sledge hammer to it. Ha ha writing that made me smile and laugh a little out loud...yeah enough time has gone by for it to be kinda funny...But man it was not funny when it was happening. Ok so Jay has done well by us, and we've been paying him well, too. I mean not way more than the job is worth, and basically the going wage down there, but Everardo has thrown in a few things along the way, made Jay some good deals with things. Not sure if I wrote about this- but during a storm down there our microwave went poof during a power surge (which were constantly), so we didn't have one for the next year and a half until a couple of months ago when Anna & Carlos brought us one from Calif. Anyway we never got rid of it, it just sat in the kitchen and I used it to store things in, helped keep stuff like bread or fruit/veges fresh outside the fridge. Once we decided to go we packed and left pretty quick with an intention to come back in 3 months for stuff we left behind or needed to get rid of...but we never did. Jay let us know recently that he borrowed it to use it, but he broke it and would replace it! Poor guy. We told him he did not break it- see what a good guy. So he has done a good job and let us know when there has been the random inquiry about the price....but he is not a real estate guy. And really- is selling it in his best interest? Yes we've told him if we get a buyer thru him we will ceratinly give him a cut..but...

So that's something for us to look into while we are there, and really we should be seeing what we can find online from up here before we go. I think I know what I would research but it's going to be in Spanish which will make it extremely slow going for me.....and Everardo is so much more the "in the moment" guy and will deal with it when we get there. Hmmm I guess that works for us.. I'm the planner, he's the doer....

We have some plans dancing around our heads regarding our life once the house is sold- but it is the one thing that would stop us from moving back to the states right now. Yeah we could go back down...but really, we just want to finish it. It's a beautiful amazing place, but I'm ready to try new things...and it's a really long trip from the's a 4 day, 12 hour every day min to drive there just from here. To fly?? No direct flights to Acapulco from San Francisco or anywhere near there...and so it's expensive. So all in all, better to finish it.

From a purely selfish point of view, I want to stay here at least until next summer when Drewy gets married. And if for some reason they delay it past summer, to keep staying here. I like it here. I love love love it here. The beach outside my door. I am 6 months into a 12 month health commitment plan for myself and I really want to finish it here. Yeah I could finish somewhere else- but if I don't have to- I want to stay. I am also totally excited about the afternoon meditation group and the book we just started and that may also end up as a year commitment. I am changing here. In good ways. Physically, mentally and spiritually. I want to see where this takes me. I want to become "more" of me and have it be me before I move again. Does that make sense? I mean sticking to exercise and good eating habits was sooo much easier on my trip to NY than my trip to Calif. It's become my normal here. And it felt normal in NY, but how much of that was because it's basically my sister's normal as well? In Calif I have so many habits...that yes of course I can change, or stay changed....but I'd like to be...I don't know- better at it? Sometimes I do get wrapped around the axle in my little pea brain and wonder if I'm only "all serene & stuff" here because I don't know too many people....there's no 31 Flavors ice cream store on every corner...the gym is too expensive...I'd have to get a job-maybe even a full time job ha ha ha haha YUCK! I really don't want to go back to work.

So, we'll see. I do know to trust my gut. That he and I make a damn good team. That we're getting pretty good at recognizing opportunities. So maybe we will be back in the states before....before our plans I guess. I can definitely say I would want to live close to...the beach, the woods....somewhere good for our dogs- especially Hazel who only knows open space. My big Sam...well as long as he is close, he's pretty happy. He knows about green grass, how to roll in it- Hazel's never seen it. Yeah thinking about it- it's sooo expensive in the reg & insurance, going to the doctor...any kind of medicine including over the counter....utilities, rent, food....arrgghh. I love you Mexico!

Right now I am only going to focus on today. And starting to plan our trip south in a month, for a month....visiting new parts of Mexico and revisiting others.....vamos a ver, right? Viva

Friday, September 26, 2014

So I am back in Mexico....

Yesterday I wrote all about my trip to upstate NY and feel like I'm ready to talk about Mexico again...oh but wait- one more small thing about my trip. The airport in Chicago where I had to change planes on the way home...and change terminals even though I stayed with the same airline....they have the thinnest and I mean THINNEST toilet paper of anywhere I think I've been in the entire world! I don't understand how they can produce it and get it on the rolls without it tearing and falling off. It makes tissue paper look like a block of concrete. And one thing I've learned in Mexico is always carry a roll of toilet paper in my purse. But that's because there might not be any, or it might handed out by the square (remember the Seinfeld episode about "sparing a square"?) Not because it's so thin it doesn't actually exist! Ok enough.

It's nice to be home. I came back to a heat wave, and then whatever parasite/virus is going around ha ha but now I've been home almost 2 weeks, the heat wave and my discomfort have passed, and it just feels good. I exercised every day this week and am feeling very good about myself on that score. the tides have shifted a bit- I'm sure that's how it works, I just never thought about it before. But now around 9am the tide is so high that there's almost no space for me to dance, and yesterday I sort of hopped along the shore and actually finished up here by the house. Today I went to the gym first, and not until 10am, so I hit the beach around 11am, and there was about 4 feet wide of the harder sand that the tide only hit a few times. It's hard to dance on soft sand, so I dance right next to the water, where the sand is damp, harder than farther up the beach, and so easier to dance on. I am about to complete 6 months of this and I don't exactly remember what it was like back on April 1. Back then I really walked alot more, sort of a walk seems like I had more space than today but I'm not sure. I didn't want to write about my exercise program here, but decided that I hit month 7 next Wednesday and I want to talk about it a little.

The truth is I am kinda proud of myself for making a commitment and sticking to it the past 6 months. I made a year commitment to myself, so this is just the halfway mark, but lately it seems like I have had several excuses not to stick with it, but I did anyway, and that feels good. Back at the  beginning of August I smashed my toe and the side of my foot, but I exercised thru it- sort of modified. I have gone to Calif, been sick, but somehow stuck with it. Went on my NY trip and exercised thru that & really did good with food there as well. Now the damn beach has changed ha ha...I think wow- the old me would have taken advantage of all those events by giving myself permission not to workout....and then complained and hated myself for not changing mind spirit or body ha ha. I'm gonna look up the tides and see how long this is going to last, and maybe I'll just go out later in the morning. I mean I can do it up here by the house, but that's no fun for the dogs, and I really like being right next to the water. I am keeping a journal about my progress and how I feel about it. The truth is my goal is 5 lbs a month for a year, so that means 60 lbs. This month I don't think I'll get the entire 5 lbs. On Oct 1 I should be 30 lbs down, but today I am only at 26, and I'm ok with it. After 6 months 5 lbs a month is hard. But like I said, I'm pretty happy. And today was the first time anyone said anything to me about it. This guy I always sit next to at the Fri nite 6pm meeting said to me just as the meeting was starting- hey you look like you've lost some weight...AHA! I was sooo happy! I told him he was the first person to say anything to me! I mean my husband has, but I've had to fish for it, you how do I look, or how does this look? as I've tried on stuff that hasn't fit in forever. ha ha and I doooo fish for it! The thing is, I've lost this weight before, so I probly look the same. It's this second 30lbs that I will probly have to fight hard for...but as long as I stay willing, right? Yep, this is why I didn't want to write about this stuff. I need to stop right here at being proud of myself for making a sticking to a commitment....and inspiring myself to stick with it. So I'll finish this subject with my goals. The one I hope to keep as the most important is my health- I have 2 months left of the Arimidex woot woot! Then yesterday I heard something about a new medical "protocol" for breast cancer where you take tamoxifen for 10 years! Not 5...10. Well that's another story for later. Ok my second goal is look amazing and by that I mean AMAZING for my daughter's wedding next summer. My third goal is to be amazing for myself and my hubby. Hubby already tells me I'm beautiful, but he is also wonderful support for my exercise program and he already eats the way I'm trying to. Oooops there I go again saying "trying to". It's been 6 months- I'm doin' it! The cool thing is I am not craving sweets....I'm actually craving things like golden delicious apples! I always like the green sour ones before, but I tried the golden it's my sweets. I need to change my lifestyle and I'm doing it. I am going to be 58 in Dec...better late than never to be as healthy as possible. (Oh and the guy who noticed I have lost weight and mentioned it- is married to a man).

Oh new subject- our new juicer finally arrived today after about 6 weeks! I swear I ordered it in July! It was a huge hassle, first with the company, which was in the US...Brevelle, who cancelled the order because I had a different ship to than bill to, but after doing the entire transaction online, they called, didn't email, and then cancelled it. ha So I called a week later after I figured that out and got it reordered- really screwed up company who can't edit their 'ship to' when they send something out. Then it sat for about 3-4 weeks at the mailbox place of a friend who gets mail down here. You know what? It's a mistake to ask friends to help out with stuff like this. He had said sure- send it to my mailbox...and we would pay if there was an extra charge. It sat and sat there. He went up to the states and was supposed to pick it up while I was in NY (it had already been there more than a week)...then came back and said- oh yeah- I forgot. Forgot? So now we were at the mercy of the landowners here- ok let me explain. For something like $9 a month plus the cost of a mailbox at a mailbox place they use- we can have mail service. But in the 2.5 years we've lived in Mexico we've never received anything by mail. There's always been someone coming down, and so when he offered, we gratefully said yes please. I mean we just don't need to get much and could always wait. Last year I bought a hard drive for my laptop, but we were in Penasco and a friend who went back and forth quite often to Tuscon was happy to let me use her address....and then next time she took a trip- it showed up. So for this juicer, we decided to get one after going to a stand in Ensenada and having a carrot/beet/celery juice. I researched the heck out of it; we even looked at some used juicers here, and decided to spend the money on a good one, brand new. I was lazy, and didn't know as many people who went back and forth- even a couple of months ago, and went with someone that made it seem easy. Yeah well "I forgot" cost me about $50 extra, a charge for bringing it across and for it being a big box....and almost another $20 on top of that because of another greedy little shit.....So I am still not going to start paying $9 a month, but I do know I will have a debit card coming and something else that escapes my brain this second...but I can wait until it's a couple of things. Then a couple who are in my afternoon meditation group go back and forth twice a month...they actually have a house in Calif and a house here- they work every other week in the states! Anyway she's really nice and offered to me anytime. Another woman I recently met thru the same meditation group has a husband who also works in the states and she actually helped me to get the book we're using for meditation. So it will be ok- but this really put me thru my paces. I was sooooo frustrated and pissed off. If I heard- well this is Mexico- one more time I was gonna scream! It can't be this hard! The other thing is I was intimidated by the border here, I think I said that yesterday. But the truth is I can get one day insurance and drive thru at Tecate.  Ha ha holy crap did I just write all that about getting the juicer?? Yep. Well the people who were supposed to pick it up (when our friend didn't- the regular pick up people) just didn't. One day it was- oh it's such a big box. Really? Another day it was well it didn't have the guy's name first..what? Then, oh well there's no paperwork so the border won't know what to charge...every day a new excuse. oh it will be here Monday...tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow...... I wanted to scream every day and I was stuck- powerless because I couldn't pick it up since I had no account at the place, and couldn't get it sent back..aarrgghhh........BUT this afternoon we got it! It's so pretty. Ha ha yeah didn't use it yet, we're gonna tomorrow, though.

Yep it's good to be home. We decided to make our trip down south in about a month- at the end of October so it should be done raining down there. Looks like we have someone different to stay at the house with the doggys....a guy we know who works on the property here- not "our" property but this whole place- this "camp". He's gonna bring his family and is hoping to have vacation from work even though he works here....He already loves Hazel...and who doesn't love Sam? So we may even be gone a month....I mean 4 days down to our house in Guerrero if we drive 12 hours a day...and I don't want to drive that much every single day. I mean yeah some of it is boring, but I want to have lunch in little towns, or maybe sight see a little since we won't have the dogs. But I'm glad it's not for a month so that I can be back on my routine for a month. Yeah as always I am all about selfish I know- but this one worked out without me, because of the long rainy season it makes sense. And Everardo decided it...ha ha I was ready to go right after I got back from NY- but he convinced me that waiting is a good idea. And it is a good idea. And so is getting back on track- which I feel like I am after this week. No matter what I find a way to exercise. This week I did the weights 10 lbs less and less reps. Next week I'm gonna add back the weights and wait another week to increase the reps. I am so lucky to be able to look out at the waves while I workout in that gym. It's upstairs so I have such a nice view. I don't know how the weather will be going forward here, it's cooler at nite, but I'm still wearing shorts and tank tops every day. I almost wouldn't mind wearing long pants and shoes & socks ha ha. I did that in NY and it was kinda nice. If course on our trip it will be hot in Guerrero, and Oaxaca if we go there...and it seems like Michoacan was cool in the evenings. I think its at about 6000 feet so probly does cool off at nite. Actually I think it will be close to the same time of year as we went last time.

We have a couple of friends who may visit us before we go- meaning sometime in the next 2 or 3 weeks I guess....Everardo's cousins Anna and Carlos are the only ones we've had here, I keep hopin' for my daughters to come soon. I have ideas to change things here in the house when we get back since we're picking up my books and a nice piece of furniture we left down there. Oh Oh! While I was gone in New York Everardo fixed the floor in the extra bedroom and came up with a piece of carpet to put in there and that room looks pretty good- we took out one of the twin beds- don't need it, and it looks nice. Ha ha I dragged home a floor lamp shaped like a cactus and want to paint the lampshade a sort of brick red and it's in there as well. He also fixed the floor on my side of the bed so I don't have to walk so carefully...and he made a new side fence outside where I thought it looked like cardboard tacked together! He actually cut out the planks from a left over square of wood he had for the floors! Now he started digging up the whole side yard to make a winter garden so winter veges here you come! He can make anything grow, and we've been making this mulchy stuff with banana peels and eggs shells and horse shit, so I bet things will grow great. So anyway, in our small living room I have all these little chotzky things, silly tiny plastic penguins, little wood painted pigs...kinda crap really- in lieu of my books and a few things I never brought from the states (that by the way I wish I would have simply entrusted to Drewy or a storage place and not given away- like my 600 year old Chinese statues I gave my sister who doesn't even speak to me ha ha- but who like ancient Chinese artifacts). Maybe I finally noticed because everything gets dusty/sandy here in one day, so to have all this little stuff on shelves, like a crazy old cat insane. So I plan to box most of it up. I mean it all- almost all has meaning to me. My little Russian figures I bought under the street in Moscow...but I also have a couple of hand made/painted nesting dolls from Russia that are actually for my daughters, and a couple of other Russian things...some wooden carved vases from Thailand, and the pigs are from various places in Mexico- but do I need them all- in the living room?? I think not. So it's almost all going into a bin...not a trash bin...the kind we use for packing. I want books and a few larger items that will be easy to dust quickly. My wrought iron chubby ballerinas from Thailand stay along with my brass jazz musicians...but they are large and won't fall over when I dust them ha ha. After that, mainly framed photographs. We are also going to get a couch we can both lay on at the same time! So maybe it's better that my darling daughters haven't come yet. Or Elena (Poppi's daughter).....

So I'm doing my workout, and also need to spend the next month working on Duolingo for Spanish- feels like I'm always saying I need to work on my Spanish....I do, and I notice that I am understanding alot more....but always always need to work on it. I have a couple of new women friends, Americans, that I have met thru the meditation group- which I am loving by the way. I'm trying to meditate at least for a few minutes every day- should be easy, looking out at the ocean, and yet...I still struggle with it. Well, at least I always have something to work on. So- stuff to do and stuff to look forward to. And oh yeah- kicking around when we'll head back to the U.S again... I mean kicking it around again. For sure at least a year away....5 seems like the right number, but I think the lives of our daughters may end up being the driving force for that....intrigued? Stay

Thursday, September 25, 2014

My trip to upstate NY

It's been so long since I've written that I hardly know where to begin. In fact it's why the past couple of days I come to this page, sign and go somewhere mindlessly look at facebook or play solitaire ha ha. I went on my trip to upstate NY and came home, then immediately caught whatever half the people I see have contracted. (expats only- the Mexicans all seem fine) Not too many details but diarreha so that no matter what I ate, out it came- well at least I wasn't throwing up, right? After one day of no exercise coming back from my trip I was back at it- and exhuasted by it. Got weaker for 3 days until I finally agreed to go to the doctor- so cheap that why the hell not?? Well as my sister says.....I can go to the doctor and be better in a week, or not go and be better in 7 days....ha ha right??

But yesterday I woke up feeling great- no weakness, so I think I'm back. Luckily I exercised almost every day in NY- not weights but my cardio zumba routine- out in my sister's front yard...not as weird as it sounds since not too many cars go by- mostly trucks with big trees on them and every one of them flying past, so I wasn't all that noticeable. Ok gotta grab my little notebook I carry everywhere to tell you about upstate New York- which by the way was amazing! Oh and pls know: Anywhere that is not New York City, is upstate New York! It was soooo green and lush- everywhere! Everywhere was rolling hills, greenery, different shades of green in the trees, the bushes, the flowers, the gardens- oh the gardens people had! I just saw no dirt, no sand- yeah completely the oppisite of here ha ha!! Oh yeah and no ocean, but lots of meandering streams, a river or two, lots of water and lots of boats, so that seemed familiar.

Ok so about my trip. Ha ha first ya get across the border, so it was my first time walking across at Tijuana, and I did not like it one bit. Well I shouldn't be so dismal about it, because as it turned out I crossed pretty quickly, and if I could always do that, then I am ok with it. And quite possible it does work that way. We didn't get to Tijuana until about 10am, and of course, as we always do...we went the wrong way more than once before going the right way to get close to the border. I don't like the chaos there, not sure why...maybe I'm nervous that maybe there are more bad people there ready to fleece the naive tourist? But I am always there with my Mexican husband, I've never seen anything bad why do I worry? Hmmm gonna have to let that one go....When you finally get near the border it's a zoo! It's like 6 lanes across of cars all waiting and line goes on forever. People everywhere, and so noisy. We parked in the same lot that Everardo did when he picked me up last time and he knew right where to go, so we started walking. I didn't see where the end of the line was and was sure we'd be in it all day! I was already ready to pay Tim the $70 for gas to get a ride thru Tecate, which I did the first time when it took us 6 minutes to cross. The problem there is, there are no services on the other side, so if Everardo was simply dropping me off I'd have no way to get to San Ysidro/San Diego and it's about a 20 minute drive or more. Ok so we are walking and a guy says he I can drive you across- but he want $65 or $75! Yeah no thanks. Then another guy says hey $5 and I get you to the front of the line. I would have kept walking but Everardo talked to him and we said ok. They brought me this white van stuffed full with people and I kissed Poppi goodbye and jumped in. Crazy but I thought -shit! Will I ever see him again? Am I headed for the middle of the desert? Ridiculous thought since we were at the Tijuana would we just turn and drive away? Well next to me in the van were some Asian people who I asked if they spoke English or Spanish and they answered "little bit" and I figured out they also paid $5...but I didn't feel any better. After what was probly only 7 or 8 minutes but I thought forever, they packed a couple of more people - Mexicans this time and took off....and they brought us to the front of the line!! He told us where to stand and wait to be motioned in. We stood there maybe about another 10-15 minutes and then were waved thru. So before 11:30 am I had crossed. Like I said, if those guys are always there...then no problem.

Ok so I got on the trolley and was off. I found out I could jump off and on as long as it was the same direction, so I did that and went to AT&T for a sim chip for my phone and the bank for some cash. I only had my suitcase and a small backpack since my laptop was getting it's screen fixed & my sister had one I could borrow while I was there. Ha ha google kept out of this account from her laptop and then proudly sent me an email to tell me! But I guess that's a good thing right? Ok so I do my business and ride the trolley to where I can catch the bus for the airport. It is so easy to get from the border to the airport! And $2.25 for each. I decided to have lunch since it was so early- my flight wasn't until 9pm! I got to the airport before 3pm; I had decided to just go there and read my new book and people watch since I didn't know anyone in San Diego..but ran into trouble. They wouldn't take my suitcase until 4 hours before my flight- so I had to sit outside security for about 2 hours...doesn't sound that bad- but out's freezing!! The ac is on full blast, the floors are linoleum, and the chairs are plastic and metal. I was miserable. I did get a jacket out and changed into the pajama type pants I had planned to fly in since it was a red eye (overnite) flight. But I was cold. Ok so I read and got in at 5pm and headed right for a coffee place to get warmed up. I bought 2 bananas and the lady said they were $1 each! Ouch...then she looked around and said- nobody's gonna buy them tonite so take 2 for $1...thank you! Then I found $1 on the ground. So things were lookin' up. I packed a peanut butter sandwich, an apple and some almonds for my dinner so I didn't eat airport food...or be tempted to blow my new eating style with fast food right at the start of my trip and so a couple hours later, warm and cozy, I had that. Besides the trip was long long long, I didn't sleep all that great- man they have managed to make the space on the planes even smaller- but the next morning after only one plane change, in NY, I landed in Albany and my sister and her hubby were waiting for me!! We were all so happy to see each other! Let the adventure begin! Oh yeah I did get to see an idiot, who was late for his flight, open the door to head for his place after the people had all gotten on the plan and the airline folks had already left. That was waiting for my connection. A big alarm went off...he jumped in the air.....we all laughed...but I tell ya- NO SECURITY PEOPLE CAME!! Hmmmm. Finally someone came and turned off the alarm but the guy had already stomped off. Ha ha .
Ok- so my first day was very hot and that was good. Shorts and tees all day. Karen and I, and Emmy the dog walked all over her property and it is so beautiful. It must be like 10 acres...I don't actually know but there were hills and little open areas, a big area above the house on the hill they call the soccer field, little areas where there were benches or picnic tables, little paths, a little stone walkway that Karen made by digging up stones that had been there forever. A couple of really old out buildings that the wood had vines or algae (what is it called?) on an old photograph or an old movie. So much character! She had a garden, with big plans for how she would change it for next year- something was eating her veges, but her green bean plant had bravely fought off the bugs and that day had pushed out one lone bean, but a couple of days later I think there were 3!

There were pretty flowers everywhere, some had been coming back yearly and some she had added. The white farmhouse sits close to the road- it seemed like all the houses were like that- ok wait- many houses, not all because the next door neighbor- their friends, the house was set back. But there's was right off the road, but has this beautiful expanse of green grass all around it, then groves of trees and/or bushes...lots of places for deer, squirrels, chipmunks and bunny rabbits to hide and play. Oh and I think-even a bear...there might have been bear poop evident one morning when Karen was out walking Emmy. Emmy is this cutie pie little dog- their first dog, and in my opinion....just what they needed! I think her breed is mixed, but at least part Pappion...ok I never heard of a Pappion, but they must be cute. She can only weigh about 7 or 8 lbs, black and white, long hair and these tall furry ears! Karen laughed about a facebook post I had put up with this dog who see his shadow and says "Holy cow I'm Batman!" Yeah she has batman ears! She is so sweet and she runs like the wind. We bonded right away and I told her all about her cousins Sam & Hazel. Now Hazel doesn't seem that small to me any more....her body is about the same size as Emmy, but her legs are long so she's much taller. Hazel looks like a german shepard who was in the movie Honey I Shrunk The exact replica only tiny ha ha. So anyway back to Emmy. They have this huge property, but the house is close to the road...and Emmy goes nuts when a big truck or a motorcycle goes by. Uh oh.

They figured out the perfect solution! They put this really long line from the house up the hill on the ground, then attached by a pulley another line that is not attached to the ground, but the first line so it goes out to the sides. That way Emmy can run up and down the hill, and side to side. She has a huge area, and in some places she can get into the front of the bushes, but not entangled. There's also a third line and her leash, so Emmy has the run of the property! Well a big huge square anyway. And she takes her job of protecting her property and her people very seriously (ha ha) From in the house she monitors she windows for trucks or animals. There was these woodchucks that were across the street and oh how she struggled and shivered and barked at the windows for us to let her out to get them! (remember this: How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if a wood chuck could chuck wood??- He'd chuck all the wood that a wood chuck could, if a wood chuck could chuck wood) But I've never seen a woodchuck before! I guess they are not a Calif animal? They kinda looked like a big fat beaver from my vantage point. There's also beavers, raccons...oh and geese! Across the street was a big pond and really early in the morning these geese would fly in, making all this noise. I think they were already flying south for the winter. So Emmy has lots to occupy her time, along with going everywhere with us.

My bedroom (and the master) was upstairs and my window looked out across the road to that pond. I woke up every morning at first light (then went back to sleep) but watched the gray light slowly start to get brighter, some mornings with misty fog swirling...and I could only partially see the pond thru the was mystical, magical. It was a beautiful moment each morning for me. I watched for a few minutes each morning, complimented and thanked the universe...for it's beauty, for letting participate, for my sister and brother in law, for my little Emmy, for my life, for life. Then I snuggled back down in my comfy covers and floated back off. The house was so...quaint. I mean it looked exactly like I thought it would as I came to each room. I mean I really liked how they had it decorated, furniture bought from county auction and barn sales, funky artwork. My sister is an artist and I love her taste. I had a big soft bed, a slanted roof (& yes I did hit my head but only once ha ha). All the rooms had so much light! And my bedroom had a window that was at floor level...really funky...all the rooms looked out to beautiful green rolling hills and trees as far as you could see. Of course it was summer- in another week or so the colors will begin to change- in fact I think it's starting but not yet in full swing- and then the snow will come and stays a long long time ha ha. They will leave and head down to Florida for the winter- snowbirds I guess they are called, right? But their neighbors will stay, so their house will be safe. They bought the property from a neighbor couple who have become their good friends. I met them and was instantly at ease with them- the nicest couple.

The kitchen was our main room for congregating although we got together at nite in the little "office" to watch movies- there's a comfy couch in there, too, but I also sat in the living room to read and they had a fireplace which we enjoyed one nite.

So we went to these little towns that are all over the place. We went to an auction that is every Tuesday nite (there's also one on Thurs nites at another location) and I bid with a paddle on some stuff!! First time I ever did that- with the auctioneer calling out from up on a stage! I only bid on things I knew I'd be out bid on ha ha! Karen said the prior year she got some great deals on some of their furniture, and you never know what they will have. Farm tools, old bicycles, toys, old costume jewelry, all kinds of was really fun; and they sell hot dogs and other food, drinks, it was a family run business and they were all there from the old guy who was running the auction down to a granddaughter running items out to the lucky buyers who's bid was the highest.

We went to a street fair and a car show, oh and the dump every Saturday...and ha ha it's pretty busy with all the neighboring houses/farms bring their pickup. Sunday we went to another friend's potluck, which was also a jam session, they were awesome!! Also awesome was the garden the guy's girlfriend created where she mixes flowers and vegetables. She gave us a tour and Karen asked lots of questions about what was with what and getting ideas for her own garden creation. We ate and danced and laughed. The next day we went back over to help bring chairs and things back up to the house- yeah the party was outside in a beautiful setting- green of course ha ha- and got to see the guy's workshop. My sister's close friends are very cool. (I want to say awesome but awsome seems to be my only adjective in this post ha ha). His name is Jeff and he makes "stretchers". Not for people going in an ambulance....but the wood frame that an art canvas is "stretched" across that a painter will then paint on. He had an amazing story of how he fell into the business....a friend he was working for when he first got out of college and was bumming around, asked what he was doing with his life....then suggested he take a look behind a painting when her was in a gallery...the guy did something where Jeff delivered things to art galleries for him (see I forget what it was), but anyway Jeff did it. He saw these beautiful works of art, these expensive pieces of art, created on these shabbily put together pieces of wood. His friend asked if he could do better- Jeff said- Hell yes! And so it began. He designed his first stretchers, and with his friend whispering in a couple of ears to give his buddy Jeff a chance...became wildly successful! Such a cools story eh? He told me he basically had no competition for like 25 or 30 years! He has some now, but he is never short of work orders. He's been a friend of my sister and hubby for more than 30 years...and I'm glad they have such a good friend. He's a super nice guy. He plays guitar, seems to like boats, since he had a yard full of these long canoes, a "cottage" that is a house boat...and if he is close with my sister- then he must have met them boating somewhere since they have lived on one boat or another for the last 40 years or so.....yeah this is their first house. In Florida they live on a little houseboat so they are not total landlubbers ha ha! It's funny, they finally moved back to the United States and I move out!

We have a funny cycle. In 1988 I think it was, we both moved to southern Calif and didn't know each other was coming. It was a nice year. My daughter Drewy was 3/4 and she got to spend alot of time with them that year. They were in Long Beach and me and Drewy were in Anaheim. Yep right next to Disneyland- I would see the top of the Materhorn every morning on my way to work! They always lived on a boat, a sailboat, a barge, now a houseboat...I traveled for work to other countries but they were almost always in Europe & I was going to places in Asia.

Anyway, my trip was...wait for it...awesome. We went to nearby Cooperstown where the Baseball Hall of Fame is- I took a photo as we drove by...none of us care about baseball ha ha. But I had a fabulous (see different word) cheeseburger in a little diner, and a horrible Rueben sandwich in another. (I was told I had to have a Rueben in NY..ugh wasn't missing anything). We went to an orchard and picked apples and berries, went to an apple cider farm...they weren't making cider that day but they had a nice layout, lots of "fall" knickknacks for sale...we bought some wonderful sharp cheddar cheese from them. We went to a farmer's market on a rainy day out in the country- ok everything was out in the country ha ha- and bought more fresh cheese and some great bread, that day we went home and got some hot chocolate on the way so had a feast in the cozy kitchen when we got home. Wednesday nite we had a Mexican dinner party and invited the 3 couple who they are close friends with, sadly one couple couldn't make because their dog was really sick...but we had alot of fun with the other 2 couples. We went to a couple of different museums and art exhibits and "visited" the sculture they bought but agreed to leave until the exhibit/show was over. I fell in love with a piece myself and am still kicking myself for not buying it on impulse! I took a picture of it, and still can see it exactly where it should be sitting in my house! (my husband never reads my blog so it's ok if I say this ha ha). I hesitated and did not spend the money because it was enough $ that I should have discussed it with him first- so I did. But he does not look at art the way I do. I tried to show him examples of the few nice things I do have, and what they mean to me, but he didn't understand. That's what I mean about I kinda wish I had just gone for it. I mean he wouldn't have stayed mad forever....(I think ha ha). My sister had a year will the money won't seem like much, but if you are looking at something you love....she was right. They had chosen a sculpture that was/is really cool, and it was fun to see how much she loved it. The sculptures were all created out of old things- alot of old farming equipment, tools, that sort of thing. You could see faces in them all. After that day I started seeing faces everywhere. At the apple cider place they had old farm tools hanging along the inside of the big barn we were in and I started taking pictures of them all because I could see faces in them all!
So I had a wonderful, awesome, fantastic time. We did alot, and yet, not. We also spent time watching movies or curled up reading. I exercised almost every morning, and Karen bought tickets to a zumba class we tried out. It wasn't the best...girl had no Latin bones in her skinny bod ha ha! But we had fun anyway. We all did good with eating- they are healthy eaters already so except for the ice cream we bought for the dinner party, there was no sneaky bad foods calling to me from the cupboards. I didn't put on any weight, stayed the same and I'm soooo happy about that. The time with them flew by. I was so sad to leave. Everardo heard it in my voice and asked if I wanted to stay longer. I did of course, but isn't that the right time to leave? And after the first few days it started to get cold and rainy anyway... and man when it got cold- it got cold....for me of course after living in sunny hot Mexico for the last 2.5 years.

I went to see them because I missed them. I had started to worry about my brother in law after talking/emailing with my sister, and then found out I had enough frequent flyer miles for a free ticket- so I went. Barry is my brother in law, but I've known him longer than anyone in my life except my brother and my 2 sisters. Maybe 40 years, maybe more. He's older than my sister, but has had some fucked up medical problems over the years, including open heart surgery, cancer, ect. His poor body is tired out, and now he's having some crazy issues where it seems like his brain can't get the message out sometimes to other body parts that it was just talkin' to. Sad and scary. But it's still him. They are still them. It's so touching how much they care for each other and how much my sister loves him. It's hard though, to become the one who kinda has to caretake the other, and I'm sure hard to be the one who can't do everything you did just not that long ago. That's another reason I love those friends and neighbors. The couple next door has a similar (but diff of course) problem, where the husband had brain cancer 7 years ago and the doctor said go home and get your affairs in order...but he beat it! But it took his toll, and little by little he has started to deteriorate. So the two women can commiserate and when they can laugh they can see their 2 gimps. And I suspect when they need to cry they have each others shoulders, hugs and unconditional support and love. I got to spend some one on one time with my sister and we talked and talked. About our mom, our family, ourselves...her family and mine, which of course when all is said and done, is the same family. Am I blessed or what? Love you sissy.

Wow! So this was such a long post that I think I am done...oh except to say on the way home I did come across the perfect zip up sweatshirt for only $20 in the airport (yep $20!) that says Upstate New York on it....and when I tried to catch that trolley back to the border, I missed it and had to wait almost an hour because they don't run as often on Sunday...but I missed it because the ticket machine would not give me a ticket- but it did spit a whole bunch of quarters at me...they just kept coming out of the machine! I found in the pile one of those new gold dollars that are just slightly bigger than a quarter and I bet it got stuck in the I made out with a couple of extra bucks on that deal. I walked back across the border and into the arms of my darling husband...and THAT is the end of my trip to upstate New York story! Viva y buenas noches!