Ooh two days in a row. Well I want to try to be regular, even if it's just for myself like a little online diary. Yesterday afternoon I had got my nails done with Eriika, the daughter of our friends, and she speaks English. So we walked down the road (all dirt roads in this town of less than 1000 people) to see Myra, who gave me a fill. Very interesting process and we'll see if it lasts longer than the 2 weeks they last in Calif. They are shiny like glass and hard. Anyway when I walked home after dark, in our kitchen which is very old with cracks around the windows, there were tons of these huge frantic ants pouring in! Our kitchen is not connected to the rest of the house; it's across a patio, so they were only there. This morning they were gone but outside, on the road, on the beach, everywhere were these same ants only with wings! It seems they come once a year (another first for me!), and they are a delicacy! The little kids were let out of school early (maybe 9 this morning) to collect them, and there were hundreds on the beach and they were being scooped up too! I did not try any- I spent most of today waiting for the guy from Sky TV to hook up our cable...
Then when he came, it took a couple maybe 3 hours to do- hey just like the U.S., ha ha, and then he told us to leave the tv on, but we could not watch any channels until after he got back to the company (in a nearby town) and the "activated it", that we would see this small box blinking red and then it would be working. May be today or else tomorrow but he said be sure not to turn it off. Hmmm what if the electricity goes off? (Like every day??) For some reason we also had to run to the mayor/commissioner of the tow to stamp the paperwork- I'm still not sure why, most of that conversation took place in Spanish...and I was chasing the clothes blowing off the line. Today is blue skies but really windy. On my shopping list is light bulbs and clothes pins! The guy with our license plates didn't show up yet today so we are still kinda stuck.ok all for now!
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