I was wrong! I was wrong! I am so happy to be wrong! Can't believe it- the bank called today! A business that said they would call actually called- and I was hating the bank most of all! Four trips and my name was not on the account- and it's an hour each way-if you're not stuck behind a truck, which of course you are at some point during the trip, that's where the game with the lights and watching out for topes comes in. But apparently Immigration checked me out and I am not a money launderer or drug trafficker, so they will allow me to have my name added to OUR bank account which my husband was able to open in about 10 minutes. Well to be fair, trip number 4 that ended (after about 2 hours) with- ok I'll send all this info on for review, was because of the recent news with the banks (HCSB) and reports of money laundering, and I am a foreigner here....
Anyway when the guy in the bank said he'd call us Thursday to let us know what was going on, I had to choke back a laugh and was kinda pissed off when Everardo thanked him! We got all the way t the car before I said- he's gonna call us???? ha ha ha aha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. So I marked the date and decided this time to let three week go by for bugging hubby to make the drive again. The first 3 times we waited only 2 weeks between trips. So tomorrow we're gonna drive to Cruz Grande and I'm gonna sign the final paper which puts my name on MY account and gives me an ATM and allows me to transfer money from our US bank.....well it's nice when a story ends well, isn't it??
No swimming in the ocean today; the wind is strong and sea looks angry. Everardo & Polo used up most of the yellow and all of the green on the outside today, we need to go to Acapulco to get more paint, including a small can of the purple & the red since neither of us like how the 3 pillars turned out...the colors are thick and dry looking. It's ok, but not for long. However both of us are tired of driving to Acapulco, so we'll wait until we need something, probly in a couple of weeks. I laid in the hammock and read a book.
We went to Copala for milk- but didn't come home with any. They only have this kind that you buy off the shelf, it doesn't need refrigeration until after you open it...not sure what the deal is there, so for now I just want regular milk. And for that we need to go to Marquelia. I mean I get why they don't have it in Copala; it's such a small town and if it doesn't get bought it will expire. So we will probly go to Mrquelia tomorrow but that's 15 miles so a qucik trip. Yeah last nite this old Steven Douglas movie was on- Basic Instinct- and altho in this one scene when he follows her it said it was Mill Valley- it was Petaluma! He drove into town from the back roads, D Street, right where you come to that light, and if you turn right, then the next left is our old street, F! I was yelling to Everardo who was in the shower to come look. In the movie he kept going straight and turned where the big old Catholic church is and then parked across the street. I recognized the houses! It was so cool. So of course we had to watch the whole freaking movie which I think started at 11pm so I fell into bed.
At nite we are tired, it's so hot during the day, and lately we've been swimming in the ocean in the late afternoon and that takes it out of you. You fight the current in so many directions- from pulling you out, and either pushing towards rocks on the right or left. It's a wide area between the rocks, but you still have to watch. And watch Sam who is determined to swim way out with us. But he's a smart puppy dog. When he sees the white top of the wave he turns himself around so he's facing shore and he rides it in. When he's trying to get out further, he knows to try to jump up when it comes. And lately he's been getting out when he's tired. That's a really good thing. But...he doesn't rest for long so he's back in. So I stay out there too long, too. And truthfully when a good one knocks me around under the water, for a split second the fear comes back. It was nice to talk to Veronica the other day on the phone cause she said...."you mean when you almost got killed out there?" YES!! Ha ha even though she had her back turned and was reading a book as I was being thrown against the rocks, she saw me right after, the fear...and tears..and the blood. ha ha my leg and foot were bleeding but I had wiped my face and so had smeared blood over it and didn't know....That was 2 years ago and time for me to put on my big girl panties and get over it! So, I go in the water and have fun. I make myself walk near the rocks when SMALL waves are coming, and starting to enjoy the little pools that form in front of the rock when the tide is out.
We haven't seen the lady who is making the 2 shirts for me, embroidered, but I'm sure we will on Friday, that seems to be here day to walk by here. The bread lady came today, the bread is called bosillos, and when Everardo offered her a glass of ice water she was very pleased. He's a very nice guy that way. We tip the person who bags our groceries, the guy who pumps the gas, and the garbage man. These are all the people you are supposed to tip- sometimes the grocery store clerks make no money except what we tip, and the gas station people must make hardly anything cause everyone tips them, too. Garbage collection is free, and I don't know if everyone tips them, but we do. And I think if we forgot to put it out they will honk for us. Oh yeah we tip the guys who bring the bottled water on the Pepsi truck too, you know everybody has their little job here, everybody tips each other, and everybody eats. Ha ha at Wallmart in Acapulco there must be 100 people working there, probly don;t make shit, but they make something. And everywhere are people selling something on the side of the road or walking down the street. very creative people...the ones who throw water on the dirt when you come into Ometepec are still my favorite I think.
Mexico has so many possibilities, so many opportunities, so much land and so many people. It will be interesting to watch it going forward. I just hope between the US & Mexico they can somehow get a handle on this drug war business, I mean without the demand which is the US all the way, the viciousness of the supply would diminish. I do not know what the answer is. But I hate to see a beautiful place like this have the wave of fear...although where we are it's so poor that the cartels couldn't use us for anything ha ha.
Well the evening walk and possible swim are calling to me.
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