I'm going home to my Mexico tomorrow! Yipee. Houston is very busy. I didn't really see any sites; special places in Houston- the only thing I would like to see is in downtown Houston apparently there is a city under the streets, air conditioned and full of stores. But my goal here was to pick up my new credit cards, and shop for a few things we agreed we needed. And I got almost everything we wanted; I didn't get the battery charger, but we think we can get it in Acapulco Tuesday before we head back to Playa Ventura. But the stuff we needed had my suitcase overflowing even tho' I came up here with it almost empty ha ha. Packages of tshirts for Poppi, his new boots, the underwater light, little spear heads for his underwater spear gun, protein powder, some more kid dictionaries, a level 3 Spanish cd set & cd player for me, I also got some needed personal items..anyway my suitcase was gonna be over 50 lbs, so I bought a carry on size case- but I'm going to check it. I think because I'm a United member the second bag is free on int'l flights; anyway that's what it seems like the website said- but I wonder is they make is vague just so they can decided on the fly...I have to change terminals in Mexico City and I don't want to drag too much stuff, just my laptop and purse.
My layover there is pretty short, less than 2 hours and if I have to go thru immigration it can get close...not exactly sure which line I'll go thru since now I'm a resident. I had been told only show Mexican resident card in Mexico and US passport in the US, but in Mexico City they said I needed to show my passport to fly, so like I said, not sure which line- I'll figure it out- But I am flying on Monday, not Sunday cause in Feb I went with Cathy and arrived in DF on Sunday morning and there must have been 1000 people in line in front of us and we had an hour before our connection. Cathy speaking Spanish got us into the line the crew went thru or we would have not make our connection. So at least I know that trick if I need it but I heard Sunday is the busiest day- anyway I'll figure it out.
I went to a couple of AA meetings in English and they were awesome! I'm really happy I went. ha ha It will be awhile before I go to another one, but I have the website for chat and meetings, friends from the program back in Petaluma, and free phone calls to the US from our home phone. So I'm good; just another reason to get fluent as quick as I can ha ha.
It was wonderful to spend time with family. I get to know my brother more every time and see him, and Sandi- I feel so close to her. We talked about our kids, jobs, life in general- nice to just sit and talk. They were so great to drive me around for all my shopping and stuff. Last nite she made macaroni and cheese for her son's birthday dinner and I cracked up cause that was always my birthday dinner growing up. He's an adult; home on his first leave from the navy. I worried at first I was intruding- but it was all good. I hope they take a vacation and visit us soon.
It was funny to hear then talking about their jobs; they are both college professors, and she is the head of the English Dept and so is also an administrator. Ha ha I found out business is business, what she was bitching about was just like me in my jobs, and what I hear my daughter Drewy bitch about hers!
So I'm already to go, maybe I'm more assimilated in Mexico than I thought cause I really REALLY miss it. I miss my hubby, my doggy, and the sound of the ocean. The sunset that knocks me out every single day. The simplicity of Mexico. This place is nice, but so so so busy. So much traffic, everybody in such a hurry. I want to go back to where I don't need to know what day it is or what time it is. I miss my hammock. It's pretty warm here; I forgot to bring a jacket and I borrowed a long sleeved flannel shirt from Sandi- for inside! They have the ac on all the time and it's cold. The stores are cold, it's cold in the car. So I take the shirt off when I'm actually outside, or in my bedroom cause I closed the vent to keep the ac out ha ha.
There's alot of Spanish speakers here in Houston and I found myself listening to them, yep, I want to go home. Tomorrow will be a long day; I get into Acapulco at 8pm, and Poppi will be there to pick me up. We'll stay overnite in a hotel and then shop at Costco in the morning before we drive home. It's just not a great idea to make that drive at nite if we don't have to. Probaly would be fine, but we need the Costco run anyway, so a nite in a nice hotel, just him and me, a nice breakfast, a little shopping and then home sweet home.
My layover there is pretty short, less than 2 hours and if I have to go thru immigration it can get close...not exactly sure which line I'll go thru since now I'm a resident. I had been told only show Mexican resident card in Mexico and US passport in the US, but in Mexico City they said I needed to show my passport to fly, so like I said, not sure which line- I'll figure it out- But I am flying on Monday, not Sunday cause in Feb I went with Cathy and arrived in DF on Sunday morning and there must have been 1000 people in line in front of us and we had an hour before our connection. Cathy speaking Spanish got us into the line the crew went thru or we would have not make our connection. So at least I know that trick if I need it but I heard Sunday is the busiest day- anyway I'll figure it out.
I went to a couple of AA meetings in English and they were awesome! I'm really happy I went. ha ha It will be awhile before I go to another one, but I have the website for chat and meetings, friends from the program back in Petaluma, and free phone calls to the US from our home phone. So I'm good; just another reason to get fluent as quick as I can ha ha.
It was wonderful to spend time with family. I get to know my brother more every time and see him, and Sandi- I feel so close to her. We talked about our kids, jobs, life in general- nice to just sit and talk. They were so great to drive me around for all my shopping and stuff. Last nite she made macaroni and cheese for her son's birthday dinner and I cracked up cause that was always my birthday dinner growing up. He's an adult; home on his first leave from the navy. I worried at first I was intruding- but it was all good. I hope they take a vacation and visit us soon.
It was funny to hear then talking about their jobs; they are both college professors, and she is the head of the English Dept and so is also an administrator. Ha ha I found out business is business, what she was bitching about was just like me in my jobs, and what I hear my daughter Drewy bitch about hers!
So I'm already to go, maybe I'm more assimilated in Mexico than I thought cause I really REALLY miss it. I miss my hubby, my doggy, and the sound of the ocean. The sunset that knocks me out every single day. The simplicity of Mexico. This place is nice, but so so so busy. So much traffic, everybody in such a hurry. I want to go back to where I don't need to know what day it is or what time it is. I miss my hammock. It's pretty warm here; I forgot to bring a jacket and I borrowed a long sleeved flannel shirt from Sandi- for inside! They have the ac on all the time and it's cold. The stores are cold, it's cold in the car. So I take the shirt off when I'm actually outside, or in my bedroom cause I closed the vent to keep the ac out ha ha.
There's alot of Spanish speakers here in Houston and I found myself listening to them, yep, I want to go home. Tomorrow will be a long day; I get into Acapulco at 8pm, and Poppi will be there to pick me up. We'll stay overnite in a hotel and then shop at Costco in the morning before we drive home. It's just not a great idea to make that drive at nite if we don't have to. Probaly would be fine, but we need the Costco run anyway, so a nite in a nice hotel, just him and me, a nice breakfast, a little shopping and then home sweet home.
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