Saturday, November 24, 2012

My husband never loses his temper. Ok almost never. But! So let me back up a little, but not too far...The road in front of our house has been under construction since we got here 6 months ago. He talks to the workers every day as they have been paving our dirt road from the center of town to past us all the way out to Casa Peidras. I say" all the way out" but it's not really all that far. I've walked many times, even when it was a mud river thru the summer. Everardo and Sam walk it every day, sometimes in the morning and the evening. But I think gov't road workers are the same everywhere, slow, the ratio usually one guy working and 3 guys standing around leaning on their shovels ha ha. Sounds like northern Calif in the summer anyway!

There are alot of guys however and they work hard, just slow. When they've been in front of our house Everardo has brought them out cold water and jokes around with them. He's been talking to the engineer and the boss of the group for months, making sure out driveway is usable when they are done. They have said no problem, and at  first we were gonna get a longer driveway, starting a little further down so more level longer. Then it changed to sidewalks ending on each side of the driveway, like for a new street; we saw it in a couple places like that. Then the other day they started to complete our portion- yeah it's weird- they almost finish a patch and then move on. They made a huge mess of paving over the arroyo...and had to redo it more than there's unfinished patches all along the way...

They connected the sidewalk on each side with a long thin "lip" of a driveway, you know how the sidewalk lowers for your driveway? But, it is too high to drive over, and all the dirt the pushed into our short ramp still leaves it completely inaccessible. In fact Everardo tried to bring the truck down in in 4 wheel drive and it got stuck on that cement lip. We needed a tractor to get it out. So....the constrcution bosses, who had been saying it would be completed this week (well it's Saturday guys), who said yeah we'll put in the cement then pave your short driveway, don't worry. Anyway these guys yesterday afternoon said, oh, well we have to finish the section past you, but we'll come back and finish within 2 weeks. He told me that and I got mad. (I get mad easy..especially when i smell bullshit)...I said we've seen what they've done so far, right?

See the thing is, we've decided to take off from here. We got all the paperwork surrounding our deed taken care of. The "to do" list is being completed this wknd. Poppi is tired, tired of fixing EVERYTHING all the time. One of the pumps went out....again. He has basically built a new house, and that's not why we came here. He has fixed the doors, the windows, the roof, the pumps more than once and bought more than one. He has fixed the fence, the back gate, and the front gate, which is a huge cyclone fence thing more than 2 cars wide- we had to turn around so it opens inward not outward to accommodate the new road.....he has fixed the sewer pipes, twice...So our plan is latest take off date Jan 1. But we see that we can go sooner. We are also setting things up in Puerto Penasco for a month's stay. But we are clear that no matter where we land, it will not be back here. We have a guy who's gonna take care of the house and we gave him a number we want to make on the sale and he can make a little something too....

So...enter the sledge hammer! He thought about it for a few minutes, I went back to reading my book in the hammock, and suddenly I hear this pounding! I look up towards the driveway and he is smashing the cement lip they put in earlier this week. He decimated it! ha ha it was a sight to see! By the time he was done it was getting dark; I was sitting out on my rock. He showed up and asked me to go for a walk on the beach. We walked a ways, with Sam...then he said let's jump in! I was in a summer dress and he is shorts & a tshirt, but I said yeah!

We jumped in right in front of the rocks where it makes the pool. Sam was so happy to be in and was swimming around us in circles. Poppi said- Let's just go, I'm so tired of fixing everything every day. I said yes! Let's go! So we are packing more quickly. New leave date, a week form Monday, so in about 9 days....

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