Sunday, May 5, 2013

Sunday nite, May 5. Oh Cinco de Mayo. It's funny- it's not a celebration in Mexico but a huge deal  in the states. Ha ha I think it must have been started by the beer companies. It's a day to get drunk. I did not attend any Cinco de Mayo celebrations today, I did however have a very interesting morning.

Ok so it starts back on Friday. Stephanie my niece, is chatting with a friend, and another friend overhears her talking about my quest for beads. I have purchased some and my other niece, Sarah gave me some from her collection- she used to make jewelry but not anymore. Everardo watched some utube videos and so now he's making jewelry, scorpions, and spider, all out of wires and glass beads. I was tasked with getting him so cool beads, and it turned into a quest for me; finding stores, checking prices, showing him on skype what I found each day. I ended up also buying some wire and some tools for fashioning wires for earrings, etc. Anyway this woman gears Step talking about it and she says Hey- I have a bunch of beads I can give her, tell her to give me a call. So Steph sends me a facebook message and I call the lady. We agree that I will drop by Sunday morning at 10am. Now I had already made plans with my friend Marla to have coffee at 9:30, so I asked her if she wanted to go for a drive and we could talk and go for coffee after my errand. She said sure and so this morning I went to pick up Marla and head out towards the beach to the dairy farm my friend lives on.

I am driving Drew's car; her second car and it's a bit of a beater car- you know, kinda beat up, no radio, and the driver's window doesn't go up or down from it's current position of halfway. Oh and the rearview mirror on the driver's side is cracked and so tricky when trying to determine how close that car behind you is....but the important thing to remember is I didn't have to rent a car. The heater works great so even though today was freezing, I was ok, and tonite when I drove it I wore this really cute gray hat of my daughter's that went with my sweater perfect! Oh and it's a Toyota so it's been great in gas which is very important for me since I have been driving up and down the freeway multiple times almost every day. 3 tanks of gas I have already used! Well I got to Marla's and told her to bring her jacket cause the windows didn't roll up and she said- ok we're taking my car! And tonite I found out that the passenger side window actually does roll up- ooopps.

So we drive out to my friend's place. She lives out Bodgea Highway, and I never knew that the name of the road changes to Valley Ford Road out there a ways. Anyway there's turn for the Coast Guard station, and then after that this big dairy. We turned in there and she lives in a small house on the property. She has a big picture window and a beautiful view. Ha ha I love the smell of cow shit in the morning! She invites us in and I was in shock- her house was clean, but so much stuff, I think maybe she's a hoarder. As for the beads, oh my god! There were so many! Thousands! There was 4 of those rolling plastic shelf holders with 5 drawers each, a 2 drawer box and a couple of small shelves like you would keep screws and small nails in. Tiny beads, small beads, mid size, large...some glass, some plastic, some rocks, clasps and hooks, some already created necklaces and bracelets. I mean there was enough to last Everardo forever! And she GAVE it ALL to me! I had actually asked her when I saw it all, cause I didn't want to incorrectly assume anything, so I started to ask if she was giving me some or wanted me to buy some, but she answered before I finished with the question to say she was giving it all to me! She just kept pulling out boxes and drawers of beads, I think I was overwhelmed cause I couldn't believe it! Marla either- she was staring at me and I was staring at her, both of us amazed! So we loaded it all up in Marla's car- it took up her whole back seat- seat and floor. I was already thinking about how the hell I would get all this stuff to Mexico! I could take some, ship some to my friend Deb from the center who lives in Arizona part of the time and said we could ship to her house.....I need boxes, maybe ship UPS.
One other amazing thing happened while we were there. There's a guy that I knew from AA that I had gotten to know in the last few months before we moved; he was a Mexican guy and shy about talking to people because he thought his English was bad- but really- his English was fine. Anyway he always talked to me about his kids and so we usually chatted when we saw each other. Well after we moved I heard he went back out- meaning he left AA and started his destructive drinking again. I was very sorry to hear that and hope things would improve for him. I was also hoping to see him on this trip, and I asked one friend if he had seen him. He said sadly, he comes around but he just can't seem to get it. Well- as it turns out, my friend with the beads knows him! When we were looking at the view she said- hey remember him? I used to see you talking to him. I said yes, kind of puzzled. So she says...yeah see that trailer across the road at the other dairy? That's his place. I was so surprised! I didn't tell anyone I was wondering about him except that one guy, and she brings him up! I didn't go over there, but I may, before I go ho,me. I'll ask someone to come with me, because maybe it's not appropriate for me to simply show up, and I don't know for sure what kind of shape he's in. But the bead lady said she thought he was doing ok. She promised to tell him I was asking for him, even though she and he had had some sort of falling out. Anyway, a day full of positive surprises eh? It felt very cool to first receive this gift of beads for hubby, and then to hear news of someone I was worried about....

Ok so Marla and I left and went to Starbucks for our coffee, still reeling and cracking up at my windfall. Then we started to talk about her job, since I used to work where she works; I asked about people that were still there, and then we talked about our kids and school- we have kids the same age.
The we went back to her house and laughed as we huffed and puffed moving all those beads from her car to mine- we decided maybe I shoulda drove after all! After that I called my daughter Halla; she wanted to start making jewelry, too so I offered her the plastic beads and we shared some of the clasps and hooks. She met me in a store parking lot and we unloaded them all and went thru them all! It took us over an hour of opening drawers, looking, choosing, laughing and talking. It was nice. She took most of the plastics, and I gave the standing drawers to Rex (my future son in law) for their garage to store tools and things. Everybody wins! I sent Everardo some pictures and he is very excited. It was a wonderful gift.
I went home after that, and Drew had made a nice dinner, it was perfect. A nice pork roast, asparagus and potatoes- yummy- my daughter is a great cook.
Later this evening I got to catch up with my final friend I was missing and see her baby boy (19 mo), and her husband. They are an exhausted family ha ha! Babies will do that. She's getting her hair done Tuesday and I'm gonna try to drop in so we can chat, cause they were just so tired when I came by this evening that I left and went to the 7pm meeting.

Well yesterday was pretty good too. I was the speaker at the noon meeting and after a year of not doing it, I was happy to share. I need to get things out, and I like to share, especially when new people are there. In Puerto Penasco we have very small meetings and none of them are speaker meetings. Some of the Spanish meetings are speaker meetings, but I have difficulty following them. In fact when I get back I'm supposed to share for a min of half an hour at a Spanish meeting, and wow - can I talk in Spanish for half an hour?? hmm, vamos a ver, After the meeting I went clothes shopping for me at a place in the mall for us extra curvey people, and found just a couple of things, then I went and met my friend Luis for coffee. It was really nice to catch up with him and hear about their family trip to Europe and his latest work adventures. After that I shot further up the highway to my sisters house and my niece, who is about to graduate from beauty school, cut mt hair for me- very short, just the way I like it when living in the heat.

I can't believe how much and how many people I have been able to do and see in less than 2 weeks! And at least one more doctor appt (a yucky little procedure to have a polyp removed from my uterus- yeah gross eh?)  before I go home. The truth is, yes it will be hard to leave my daughters yet again, but I miss my husband, my dog, and my desert home in Mexico. I am ready to go. Ah oh well, 4 more days....

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