It was today, tonite really, just a little while ago. The best coke I ever had. I swear I could taste the shiny-ness, the sharpness of the bubbles, the sugar was like a thick wave inside the coldness of the wet. I never tasted anything like it, anything so complete, anything so good. I was dead after zumba, in fact about the second to last song I started thinking I might puke. I was so hot, so tired, so.....sick. As I danced I thought I can't stop because I might fall down and then everyone will look at the poor old chubby white lady....and I will be breathing so loud, and my heart will be beating so hard that I will only hear rushing in my ears and so won't understand what anyone is saying. And of course I'm totally insecure about my weight (yes even at the ripe old age of 56) so I'll think they're laughing, and then the teacher will want me to take it easier.....yeah I was thinking all that as I kept pushing and as the song ended looked towards the outer sides of the area where there were bushes I could run over and throw up in.....So the next song started and I pushed just as hard, then mercifully that song ended and the cool down song started....I was shaking and put very little effort into the cool down.
Everardo showed up right after it ended as he always does. He either runs the track for the hour or works on the equipment doing push up, sit ups, pull ups and jumps rope. He always shows up at the end and carries the huge speaker the teacher uses to her truck for her. The teacher told us that tomorrow we're joining another class in the "pencil park", and while she was talking Poppi asked me if I was ok. No- I think I'm gonna throw up...just like last nite, I thought I was going to throw up last nite, too...but I started feeling better when I got home. Well this time, he said he thought he was gonna puke, too. I think it's a combination of things; it's SO hot, we both push so hard, and we're trying to figure out how early to eat, what to enter the coca cola.
When we got in the car Everardo said, I gotta stop on the way and get a coke, I need the sugar. We live 5 minutes from the track and there's a little aborrotes (grocery) on our street, so he stopped and ran in. He passed it to me and said I bet you need the sugar! I don't like soda, I never drink it. I didn't drink it growing up so I guess I never developed a taste for it. When my kids were here a couple of weeks ago, they both said they don't drink soda- yippee I did something right! They didn't get it as kids and now they don't like it.
So back to my story- He handed it to me and I took a big swallow. After a few seconds I said wow- I think I DID need sugar. And it tasted SO good. I took another big gulp before I handed it back. It tasted amazing, refreshing, cold, tart and sweet at the same time, like syrup but cold and sharp. The nausea lifted, I mean it was completely gone! I don't know, maybe we need to split one before exercise? Or should it be after? It was a small coke, 10 or 12 ounces, maybe before is better because I don't like feeling like I'm gonna throw up during my exercise routine. Ok maybe I should google a better solution eh? Poppi says we need to get some Pedialite for our workouts while it's so hot- hmmm that might be a good idea eh?
Ok in other news; it rained last nite- and I mean poured buckets! It was raining so hard it was pounding on the roof. I posted a couple of photos on facebook of the street in front of our house- oh I mean the river in front of our house. And we are one house in on a side road of a main road (a paved road), which is also flooded. There's no sewer system for water run off. I just hope it doesn't rain again tonite. There are intersections all over town that are flooded, it will just take the sun to get the water to dissipate. We took a drive out to a neighborhood called Cholla Bay (pronounced choya), and part of the road out to there is dirt and really messed up. We were driving the truck but what about people who live out there who just drive cars? What a mess- good thing the average rainfall per year is only 2 inches- I guess that's why they don't bother making improvements.
Actually that neighborhood is kinda sad. Lots of fancy houses, some not so fancy; but it looks like not too many people live out there full time, and there were so many for sale! Lots of unfinished huge houses, and lots of houses falling into disrepair. Everardo said when he was here in 2005-6 that this area was booming, and to rent even a camper shell was expensive; a woman wanted to charge him $300 a month for a camper shell on her property- when he stopped laughing I think he told her to go f**k herself...ha ha. Not everywhere was like that, but a small apartment or room in someone's house was $500 a month. There was money here and people here and building like crazy people. I keep hearing it's coming back, not sure I see evidence of that. Well this weekend is Labor Day and "they" are expecting big crowds, I hope so, Everardo would LOVE to make some sales at the beach. It's so freaking hot tho', I'm worried about him walking the beach- but he'll do it, and I know he'll make some money.
Ok talking about rain,we got a call from Jay, the guy who takes care of our house in Playa Ventura, and he said....wait for it.....THE HOUSE IS LEAKING!! In the same F'ing place as last year. Where the new construction meets the old; meaning our bedroom, and the new family is there renting the place. I was pretty surprised, but Jay said there was an earthquake, and also, that it had been raining for 3 days straight down there and it started leaking on day 4. Oh and the kitchen is also leaking. But he knows what to do to fix it, and just needed the ok from us (really- you needed the ok to fix a leak??) The cool thing for me was I answered the phone and I understood everything he said- but to be sure I had Everardo call him back when he got home. I think I'm gonna talk to Poppi about contacting a real estate person in Copala or Marquelia in the next couple of months, before Dec when there's a big tourist time...
Yeah I thought the storm last nite would make it cooler, but I was wrong, sadly very wrong. The air is like when you take a hot shower with the door shut, and after you turn off the water you can feel the water in the air? That's how it is outside. I don't know, maybe it's a sign that it's gonna get cooler? Oh and maybe a pig will fly over the moon. Arrgghh this heat is killing me! Did I say that out loud??
Ok Mexico fun fact:
Modern Mexicans are a unique blend of many ancient civilizations, including the Olmec, Zapotec, Toltec, Maya, Aztec, Inca, African, French, and Spanish.
Everardo showed up right after it ended as he always does. He either runs the track for the hour or works on the equipment doing push up, sit ups, pull ups and jumps rope. He always shows up at the end and carries the huge speaker the teacher uses to her truck for her. The teacher told us that tomorrow we're joining another class in the "pencil park", and while she was talking Poppi asked me if I was ok. No- I think I'm gonna throw up...just like last nite, I thought I was going to throw up last nite, too...but I started feeling better when I got home. Well this time, he said he thought he was gonna puke, too. I think it's a combination of things; it's SO hot, we both push so hard, and we're trying to figure out how early to eat, what to enter the coca cola.
When we got in the car Everardo said, I gotta stop on the way and get a coke, I need the sugar. We live 5 minutes from the track and there's a little aborrotes (grocery) on our street, so he stopped and ran in. He passed it to me and said I bet you need the sugar! I don't like soda, I never drink it. I didn't drink it growing up so I guess I never developed a taste for it. When my kids were here a couple of weeks ago, they both said they don't drink soda- yippee I did something right! They didn't get it as kids and now they don't like it.
So back to my story- He handed it to me and I took a big swallow. After a few seconds I said wow- I think I DID need sugar. And it tasted SO good. I took another big gulp before I handed it back. It tasted amazing, refreshing, cold, tart and sweet at the same time, like syrup but cold and sharp. The nausea lifted, I mean it was completely gone! I don't know, maybe we need to split one before exercise? Or should it be after? It was a small coke, 10 or 12 ounces, maybe before is better because I don't like feeling like I'm gonna throw up during my exercise routine. Ok maybe I should google a better solution eh? Poppi says we need to get some Pedialite for our workouts while it's so hot- hmmm that might be a good idea eh?
Ok in other news; it rained last nite- and I mean poured buckets! It was raining so hard it was pounding on the roof. I posted a couple of photos on facebook of the street in front of our house- oh I mean the river in front of our house. And we are one house in on a side road of a main road (a paved road), which is also flooded. There's no sewer system for water run off. I just hope it doesn't rain again tonite. There are intersections all over town that are flooded, it will just take the sun to get the water to dissipate. We took a drive out to a neighborhood called Cholla Bay (pronounced choya), and part of the road out to there is dirt and really messed up. We were driving the truck but what about people who live out there who just drive cars? What a mess- good thing the average rainfall per year is only 2 inches- I guess that's why they don't bother making improvements.
Actually that neighborhood is kinda sad. Lots of fancy houses, some not so fancy; but it looks like not too many people live out there full time, and there were so many for sale! Lots of unfinished huge houses, and lots of houses falling into disrepair. Everardo said when he was here in 2005-6 that this area was booming, and to rent even a camper shell was expensive; a woman wanted to charge him $300 a month for a camper shell on her property- when he stopped laughing I think he told her to go f**k herself...ha ha. Not everywhere was like that, but a small apartment or room in someone's house was $500 a month. There was money here and people here and building like crazy people. I keep hearing it's coming back, not sure I see evidence of that. Well this weekend is Labor Day and "they" are expecting big crowds, I hope so, Everardo would LOVE to make some sales at the beach. It's so freaking hot tho', I'm worried about him walking the beach- but he'll do it, and I know he'll make some money.
Ok talking about rain,we got a call from Jay, the guy who takes care of our house in Playa Ventura, and he said....wait for it.....THE HOUSE IS LEAKING!! In the same F'ing place as last year. Where the new construction meets the old; meaning our bedroom, and the new family is there renting the place. I was pretty surprised, but Jay said there was an earthquake, and also, that it had been raining for 3 days straight down there and it started leaking on day 4. Oh and the kitchen is also leaking. But he knows what to do to fix it, and just needed the ok from us (really- you needed the ok to fix a leak??) The cool thing for me was I answered the phone and I understood everything he said- but to be sure I had Everardo call him back when he got home. I think I'm gonna talk to Poppi about contacting a real estate person in Copala or Marquelia in the next couple of months, before Dec when there's a big tourist time...
Yeah I thought the storm last nite would make it cooler, but I was wrong, sadly very wrong. The air is like when you take a hot shower with the door shut, and after you turn off the water you can feel the water in the air? That's how it is outside. I don't know, maybe it's a sign that it's gonna get cooler? Oh and maybe a pig will fly over the moon. Arrgghh this heat is killing me! Did I say that out loud??
Ok Mexico fun fact:
Modern Mexicans are a unique blend of many ancient civilizations, including the Olmec, Zapotec, Toltec, Maya, Aztec, Inca, African, French, and Spanish.
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