Last nite was the first nite in maybe 2 months, maybe more, that we slept with the bedroom window open! This morning I heard birds! I have a suspicion that they never left, but with the window closed, and the fan on, or the ac, can't ear much. I am looking forward to not even needing the fan! It was also the first evening in weeks and weeks that we had the door open to let cooler air into the house. We had it cracked when Lucky was here so he could go outside and do his business, but it let in hot air. We kept the curtains closed in the living room as well, so if I wanted to read, I had to turn on the light. (when Everardo isn't home I often open the curtain anyway cause I hate living like a hermit). But last nite was cool-er, meaning still hot but actually a little less hot. Even after zumba last nite on our ride with Sam I noticed it just wasn't as hot. But it was like that the day before we went to Ensenada for one day, and then the heat returned, so we'll see.
Zumba was fun the last 2 nites. And tonite we go to a different park one more time for the charity thing, and hopefully we won't have a freak storm or sand storm ha ha. I guess last week was uneventful so tonite probly will be as well. I do know our instructor is leading at least 3 of the dances- maybe to make up for the sand storm nite.....Then next week it gets very interesting! We are doing zumba at the Malecon on Friday nite. We wear black and we will all have these orange sherbet colored sashes to wear at the waist along with our arabic belly dancing sashes with the little shiny coins that make noise when we shake our booties. I think it may be the final charity nite, and maybe is also a demonstartion...hmmm I am the only American in all the classes- I think- I've been to 2 of the classes where all the groups come (like tonite), and it's been all Mexican ladies and me. Maybe dancing at the Malecon will show the Americans that they can come to the classes! I mean the Americans pay for zumba classes at a couple of places down there by the beach...and this if free! I know it's at least 4 parks and I think it's 5, Monday thru Friday- why wouldn't you go for free? I have so much fun, in this god awful heat it been the only thing I look forward to every day.
I'm getting to know some of the ladies, well a little bit- they talk to me and ask where I've been when I'm gone and make sure I know where the other parks are when class is somewhere else. I'll miss them. I hope I can find the zumba classes in Ensenada quickly....and I hope there are some in the evening as well as the morning- but what the hell- if over there I can sleep- no heat making me toss and turn all nite-maybe I can go to sleep earlier and get up for zumba- sounds like an awesome way to start the day. Getting those endorphins going always always puts in me a more positive place.
This morning I had breakfast with my friend Deb, a lady I know a little bit- Ro, and a woman I had never met named Gretchen. I will miss Deb, if I was staying I would hang with her and find ways to get involved. But they are mostly connected by their church, in which I have no interest. So yes there are good things here; I could even keep teaching out at the center, being careful to stay out of everything else out there- which by the way is none of my business. But Deb is a mover & a shaker..she will find a business to start or get involved with and another place to donate her time since she's getting soured on the community center, and if we stayed we could probly find a way to make money together. Yes I will definitely keep in touch with her; she's full of funny stories and her husband, too.
But in Ensenada I will make new connections, new friends, and find ways to be involved. I'll find the zumba class! Maybe I'll find a place to volunteer teach English, maybe I'll even look for a job. Oh yuck I don't even like to write that ha ha!! But there are mfg companies that export the product and I know how to do that. There's a couple of houses on the net right now that look pretty good, now that we decided to bite the bullet and pay more for rent- at least at first. There's a nice looking place with a huge yard in one area called Ejido Chapultepec. It's a little south of el centro but I couldn't really tell looking on a google map, but it did seem alot closer than Punta Banda where we first looked, so that's good. Hmmm maybe I have no problem moving so much because I don't make super close connections...well in Playa Ventura I kinda did with Chela, but still it was hard to communicate and little by little I came to see that I would always be a bit of an outsider there when push came to shove. Just to isolated. Here I may have gotten really close with Deb and have to a certain extent, but I started hanging with her just recently. This has definitely been an adventure of learning about myself.
Oh and before I forget- the federale that rented our house in Playa Ventura? Well when the storms started to hit he got assigned up there, and he decided to take his family with him. Then "Manual" hit, and nobody knows where the guy is- he hasn't come back to Playa Ventura. I think he's probly just stranded. I hope that's what it is. And Playa Ventura apprently is a little bit higher altitude even though it's at the beach and they really had no problems with the storms. Ah except for the leaking roof of course. Between the weather and the violence in Guerrero, when we will ever be able to sell that house!! Everardo's gonna talk to Jay and make sure he knows we are open to any reasonable offer, to negotiation,,,,
I am looking forward to going back down there when the house sells. I hope my stuff is still there. Not stuff I'll die without but things I want; some books, a blanket being used as a curtain, things like that. To see the ocean outside our backgate, to go wading in it. To sit on my rock and have a chat with God. To see my friend Chela- and my Spanish is way better than when we left so we could have a real conversation. Yeah it's nice to revisit when the emotion of the moment has passed. I was so down when we left, isolated and depressed and questioning myself cause who is unhappy in paradise??? Yep Poppi always say..."my wife-she suffers in paradise"...But even before we left I started to understand the spirituality I gained while sitting on that rock alone. Alot of my insecurities were put to the test, and so acceptance was a big part of my growth. Understanding that really, really, when I have a problem with somebody else- it's really a problem within me.
That I can only change me, affect me. And I cannot have expectations for other to change- it's not my place, my right to judge. Of course I judge people in my little pea brain all the time! I do try to stop myself or at least keep it to myself- ok I try sometimes ha ha.
But what a relief it is to not be in judgement of others. And letting go of expectations...sounds easy- right? Well Mexico is a great place to work on THAT lesson ha ha.
Last nite I saw this guy being interviewed on CNN and he was talking about how old the earth is and when it will become uninhabitable. He said in about 1 and a half billion years the temperature will be about 4 or 5 hundred degrees- uninhabitable. That's because the sun burns brighter and brighter (very slowly). So then they were talking about these 2 planets (one might have been a star) that could be habitable if we can figure out how to travel faster- that these places are light years away and even the closest one- traveling in our fastest spaceship we have today would take something like 400,000 years to get to....hmmm so that needs a little work. It started me thinking though- that if there's life somewhere out there- which I believe there is, and maybe we could recognize it and maybe not- they might be thinking- why do they bother trying to find a new planet to live on- they have spent their entire existence trying to kill each other. Can you imagine us with a true alien- not simply someone you don't want in your country, but still a human!!- but another being, around us? Why we would want to kill him so quickly!! Sad isn't it? Why must we always be at war? With ourselves? Ah well food for I'm for peace..."all we are saaaaaayyyying, is give peace a chance" la la la la la
Mexico fun fact:
In the fourteenth century, a group of Chichmecas (warrior nomads) called the Aztecs (or Mexicas) settled in Mexico when they saw an eagle (representing the sun) standing on a cactus (a symbol of the heart) clutching a snake (a symbol of the earth or Quetzalcoatl)—an image which is now depicted on the Mexican flag
Zumba was fun the last 2 nites. And tonite we go to a different park one more time for the charity thing, and hopefully we won't have a freak storm or sand storm ha ha. I guess last week was uneventful so tonite probly will be as well. I do know our instructor is leading at least 3 of the dances- maybe to make up for the sand storm nite.....Then next week it gets very interesting! We are doing zumba at the Malecon on Friday nite. We wear black and we will all have these orange sherbet colored sashes to wear at the waist along with our arabic belly dancing sashes with the little shiny coins that make noise when we shake our booties. I think it may be the final charity nite, and maybe is also a demonstartion...hmmm I am the only American in all the classes- I think- I've been to 2 of the classes where all the groups come (like tonite), and it's been all Mexican ladies and me. Maybe dancing at the Malecon will show the Americans that they can come to the classes! I mean the Americans pay for zumba classes at a couple of places down there by the beach...and this if free! I know it's at least 4 parks and I think it's 5, Monday thru Friday- why wouldn't you go for free? I have so much fun, in this god awful heat it been the only thing I look forward to every day.
I'm getting to know some of the ladies, well a little bit- they talk to me and ask where I've been when I'm gone and make sure I know where the other parks are when class is somewhere else. I'll miss them. I hope I can find the zumba classes in Ensenada quickly....and I hope there are some in the evening as well as the morning- but what the hell- if over there I can sleep- no heat making me toss and turn all nite-maybe I can go to sleep earlier and get up for zumba- sounds like an awesome way to start the day. Getting those endorphins going always always puts in me a more positive place.
This morning I had breakfast with my friend Deb, a lady I know a little bit- Ro, and a woman I had never met named Gretchen. I will miss Deb, if I was staying I would hang with her and find ways to get involved. But they are mostly connected by their church, in which I have no interest. So yes there are good things here; I could even keep teaching out at the center, being careful to stay out of everything else out there- which by the way is none of my business. But Deb is a mover & a shaker..she will find a business to start or get involved with and another place to donate her time since she's getting soured on the community center, and if we stayed we could probly find a way to make money together. Yes I will definitely keep in touch with her; she's full of funny stories and her husband, too.
But in Ensenada I will make new connections, new friends, and find ways to be involved. I'll find the zumba class! Maybe I'll find a place to volunteer teach English, maybe I'll even look for a job. Oh yuck I don't even like to write that ha ha!! But there are mfg companies that export the product and I know how to do that. There's a couple of houses on the net right now that look pretty good, now that we decided to bite the bullet and pay more for rent- at least at first. There's a nice looking place with a huge yard in one area called Ejido Chapultepec. It's a little south of el centro but I couldn't really tell looking on a google map, but it did seem alot closer than Punta Banda where we first looked, so that's good. Hmmm maybe I have no problem moving so much because I don't make super close connections...well in Playa Ventura I kinda did with Chela, but still it was hard to communicate and little by little I came to see that I would always be a bit of an outsider there when push came to shove. Just to isolated. Here I may have gotten really close with Deb and have to a certain extent, but I started hanging with her just recently. This has definitely been an adventure of learning about myself.
Oh and before I forget- the federale that rented our house in Playa Ventura? Well when the storms started to hit he got assigned up there, and he decided to take his family with him. Then "Manual" hit, and nobody knows where the guy is- he hasn't come back to Playa Ventura. I think he's probly just stranded. I hope that's what it is. And Playa Ventura apprently is a little bit higher altitude even though it's at the beach and they really had no problems with the storms. Ah except for the leaking roof of course. Between the weather and the violence in Guerrero, when we will ever be able to sell that house!! Everardo's gonna talk to Jay and make sure he knows we are open to any reasonable offer, to negotiation,,,,
I am looking forward to going back down there when the house sells. I hope my stuff is still there. Not stuff I'll die without but things I want; some books, a blanket being used as a curtain, things like that. To see the ocean outside our backgate, to go wading in it. To sit on my rock and have a chat with God. To see my friend Chela- and my Spanish is way better than when we left so we could have a real conversation. Yeah it's nice to revisit when the emotion of the moment has passed. I was so down when we left, isolated and depressed and questioning myself cause who is unhappy in paradise??? Yep Poppi always say..."my wife-she suffers in paradise"...But even before we left I started to understand the spirituality I gained while sitting on that rock alone. Alot of my insecurities were put to the test, and so acceptance was a big part of my growth. Understanding that really, really, when I have a problem with somebody else- it's really a problem within me.
That I can only change me, affect me. And I cannot have expectations for other to change- it's not my place, my right to judge. Of course I judge people in my little pea brain all the time! I do try to stop myself or at least keep it to myself- ok I try sometimes ha ha.
But what a relief it is to not be in judgement of others. And letting go of expectations...sounds easy- right? Well Mexico is a great place to work on THAT lesson ha ha.
Last nite I saw this guy being interviewed on CNN and he was talking about how old the earth is and when it will become uninhabitable. He said in about 1 and a half billion years the temperature will be about 4 or 5 hundred degrees- uninhabitable. That's because the sun burns brighter and brighter (very slowly). So then they were talking about these 2 planets (one might have been a star) that could be habitable if we can figure out how to travel faster- that these places are light years away and even the closest one- traveling in our fastest spaceship we have today would take something like 400,000 years to get to....hmmm so that needs a little work. It started me thinking though- that if there's life somewhere out there- which I believe there is, and maybe we could recognize it and maybe not- they might be thinking- why do they bother trying to find a new planet to live on- they have spent their entire existence trying to kill each other. Can you imagine us with a true alien- not simply someone you don't want in your country, but still a human!!- but another being, around us? Why we would want to kill him so quickly!! Sad isn't it? Why must we always be at war? With ourselves? Ah well food for I'm for peace..."all we are saaaaaayyyying, is give peace a chance" la la la la la
Mexico fun fact:
In the fourteenth century, a group of Chichmecas (warrior nomads) called the Aztecs (or Mexicas) settled in Mexico when they saw an eagle (representing the sun) standing on a cactus (a symbol of the heart) clutching a snake (a symbol of the earth or Quetzalcoatl)—an image which is now depicted on the Mexican flag
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