Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and well, YIPPEE I get to have turkey and all the fixin's; I like to put my stuffing and mashed potatoes and turkey (I like the dark meat so love the leg) in a pile, add gravy and mush it all together, oh and with a buttered roll. I love those white square rolls you can buy in a huge bag- oh and I love the dutch crunch rolls! They were a staple at our Thanksgiving dinners growing up. My grandma G always brought them. My dad's mom. She was a shorty. And she was strong and independent. We had a nice grandma and a mean grandma- although actually they were both nice, she was just the one who didn't let us get away with murder ha ha. Anyway she brought the rolls. For years I looked for them and usually found them, I kinda don't remember when we stopped having them.
Tomorrow's dinner is a potluck which is always fun. Our friend Mike who invited us says there will be around 50+ people there, and that there's always enough food to stuff everyone and bring home leftovers! Did I say yipee?? Love the leftovers! The day after Thanksgiving is the best eating day! Using those rolls to make mashed potato stuffing turkey mini sandwiches, oh and add the gravy! Last year we were still in Playa Ventura so nobody was celebrating Thanksgiving- it's just too far away. And of course- it's not a Mexican holiday. I thought about turkey and pined for pumpkin pie but it was not to be. We left Playa Ventura and traveled north to Penasco on Nov 30, so Thanksgiving had passed. Deb and Rick actually invited us for this year, but we were already leaving. On Sunday I made a reservation at a restaurant down the road who is serving Thanksgiving dinner, but then on Monday Mike showed up with a little invitation, which we gratefully accepted. We will meet some more local people and that's nice, and Thanksgiving is one of those holidays where it's nice to be in a group. Many many years ago I went to a restaurant with just one other person for Thanksgiving (yes a date) and I thought I'd enjoy it more; it was in some well known fancy restaurant in San Francisco and we stayed in a nice hotel, but it was not that great. Another year, when Drew was about 4 I think, after having turkey at my mom's, I went down to the alano club in San Rafael and served dinner to the local homeless people- now that felt good. I read that on Friday people here will be filling Christmas gift boxes next to the fire station and are inviting anyone to come down and help, so I think I'll try to do that, too.
We went over to Maneadero late this morning after I got to talk to Drewy for about an hour- gotta love love love magic jack, because Everardo has been fighting the flu for days. Today he conceded going to the doctor was a good idea and so we went. To see the doctor is 35 pesos (about $2.80USD) and 20 pesos ($1.60) to get an injection. The medicine for him was about 28 pesos- basically a penicillin (antibiotic) shot. I was starting to get a sore throat and chest, so she gave me some pills to take for 3 days for congestion along with my own shot to stop my runny nose and eyes all in all we spent about $20. Not too bad eh? Everardo started feeling better right away and by late this afternoon was perfect. My pills are every 12 hours and since we got home a little past noon, I didn't want to take them until we'll see. The truth is I sorta exaggerated my symptoms because I didn't want to wait until I was good and sick to do anything about it, and there was a pretty good chance in my mind I get at least as sick as Poppi since I'm kissing him, we often share water bottles, etc...And he almost never gets sick..I think I got sick right after we hit Playa Ventura, then again in Penasco, so it seems to be my way ha ha. Maybe I nipped this one in the bud.
Sam loved the beach this afternoon cause we went around 3:30 instead of closer to 4:30 like we have the past few days. It gets dark so early! And it cools off as well so we don't want Sam in the water- the problem is the only thing Sam wants is to BE IN the water! He is one happy dog. And he plays nice with Hazel, too. In fact they sometimes wear each other out playing. It's good, and pretty funny to watch because Hazel barks and turns circles and Sam lifts a paw to try and hold her down. He's such a good dog. And he takes watching the house very seriously; he knows it's his job. He's sacked out right now on the floor next to the couch, and Hazel is snuggled in a blanket next to Everardo on the couch, but when she gets bigger it will be no more furniture for Hazel. They still have to sleep outside until she gets housebroken, and she's coming along but I don't think she can make it all nite. Usually Everardo takes them out about 11pm, they lay on Sam's bed together and then Poppi puts the big blanket on them. Sam will stay under that blanket all nite, and Hazel is good at burrowing in next to him. Of course if someone drives up or other noises Sam is up and patrolling, in fact last nite I went down there about 11:45 and recovered him, and as I said, this place is pretty quiet so usually he's wrapped up for the nite. Once Hazel can hold it all nite they can both sleep inside, I like to have Sam sleeping near me. Poor guy, stuck sleeping outside cause of his new baby sister.
Luckily it doesn't get too cold, and if it does in the next couple of months then we'll figure out something else, but for now, it's working. Sam had a great swim today, going in over and over, and I can see he's a little stiff, ha ha he and I will both be happy when we move to a one story house!
I hope all my American family and friends have a nice Thanksgiving holiday tomorrow. I know Drewy and Rex and my soon to be granddaughter, and her half brother are all going to my ex's and that some other family is coming as well so it will be a houseful. My younger daughter Halla lives with her dad and his wife; I haven't spoken to her but in our house friends of the kids were always welcome on Thanksgiving, so I know they will all have a good time. It's nice to have a good relationship with ex's because we share kids, and who knows, maybe next year we'll all be together. These days there are so many "blended" families...I mean it's too bad so many people get divorced, but if we can be good to each other, remember that at some point we liked each other ha ha, then we can all gain. I mean kids, even adult kids, can always use as much love as we all can give them. Everardo talked with his cousin/sister Anna tonite and then I chatted with her for a few minutes. They are also in northern Ca, and planning to come visit us in a couple, maybe 3 weeks. Yippee again. Hmmm maybe there's some way Drewy could come with them...well if she'd be comfortable driving down with them...oooh maybe even Elena- no she has school. Well and Drewy is in this (f'ing) holding pattern waiting to get her externship. Boston Reed has sucked at this part, it's been about 2 months and she found the externship location herself. Now this one might not come thru and she'll be depending on them, and they haven't done shit for her. Oh one thing- they did fire the counselor who was supposed to be finding her a placement- apparently he was dropping the ball with other students as well, maybe all the students from her class is what she's starting to hear. But she is determined and it will work out. I want to end this on a high note, so let's see...turkey legs, mashed potatoes, peas, stuffing, gravy gravy gravy..pumpkin pie, whipped cream, ice cream....yummmmmm
Tomorrow's dinner is a potluck which is always fun. Our friend Mike who invited us says there will be around 50+ people there, and that there's always enough food to stuff everyone and bring home leftovers! Did I say yipee?? Love the leftovers! The day after Thanksgiving is the best eating day! Using those rolls to make mashed potato stuffing turkey mini sandwiches, oh and add the gravy! Last year we were still in Playa Ventura so nobody was celebrating Thanksgiving- it's just too far away. And of course- it's not a Mexican holiday. I thought about turkey and pined for pumpkin pie but it was not to be. We left Playa Ventura and traveled north to Penasco on Nov 30, so Thanksgiving had passed. Deb and Rick actually invited us for this year, but we were already leaving. On Sunday I made a reservation at a restaurant down the road who is serving Thanksgiving dinner, but then on Monday Mike showed up with a little invitation, which we gratefully accepted. We will meet some more local people and that's nice, and Thanksgiving is one of those holidays where it's nice to be in a group. Many many years ago I went to a restaurant with just one other person for Thanksgiving (yes a date) and I thought I'd enjoy it more; it was in some well known fancy restaurant in San Francisco and we stayed in a nice hotel, but it was not that great. Another year, when Drew was about 4 I think, after having turkey at my mom's, I went down to the alano club in San Rafael and served dinner to the local homeless people- now that felt good. I read that on Friday people here will be filling Christmas gift boxes next to the fire station and are inviting anyone to come down and help, so I think I'll try to do that, too.
We went over to Maneadero late this morning after I got to talk to Drewy for about an hour- gotta love love love magic jack, because Everardo has been fighting the flu for days. Today he conceded going to the doctor was a good idea and so we went. To see the doctor is 35 pesos (about $2.80USD) and 20 pesos ($1.60) to get an injection. The medicine for him was about 28 pesos- basically a penicillin (antibiotic) shot. I was starting to get a sore throat and chest, so she gave me some pills to take for 3 days for congestion along with my own shot to stop my runny nose and eyes all in all we spent about $20. Not too bad eh? Everardo started feeling better right away and by late this afternoon was perfect. My pills are every 12 hours and since we got home a little past noon, I didn't want to take them until we'll see. The truth is I sorta exaggerated my symptoms because I didn't want to wait until I was good and sick to do anything about it, and there was a pretty good chance in my mind I get at least as sick as Poppi since I'm kissing him, we often share water bottles, etc...And he almost never gets sick..I think I got sick right after we hit Playa Ventura, then again in Penasco, so it seems to be my way ha ha. Maybe I nipped this one in the bud.
Sam loved the beach this afternoon cause we went around 3:30 instead of closer to 4:30 like we have the past few days. It gets dark so early! And it cools off as well so we don't want Sam in the water- the problem is the only thing Sam wants is to BE IN the water! He is one happy dog. And he plays nice with Hazel, too. In fact they sometimes wear each other out playing. It's good, and pretty funny to watch because Hazel barks and turns circles and Sam lifts a paw to try and hold her down. He's such a good dog. And he takes watching the house very seriously; he knows it's his job. He's sacked out right now on the floor next to the couch, and Hazel is snuggled in a blanket next to Everardo on the couch, but when she gets bigger it will be no more furniture for Hazel. They still have to sleep outside until she gets housebroken, and she's coming along but I don't think she can make it all nite. Usually Everardo takes them out about 11pm, they lay on Sam's bed together and then Poppi puts the big blanket on them. Sam will stay under that blanket all nite, and Hazel is good at burrowing in next to him. Of course if someone drives up or other noises Sam is up and patrolling, in fact last nite I went down there about 11:45 and recovered him, and as I said, this place is pretty quiet so usually he's wrapped up for the nite. Once Hazel can hold it all nite they can both sleep inside, I like to have Sam sleeping near me. Poor guy, stuck sleeping outside cause of his new baby sister.
Luckily it doesn't get too cold, and if it does in the next couple of months then we'll figure out something else, but for now, it's working. Sam had a great swim today, going in over and over, and I can see he's a little stiff, ha ha he and I will both be happy when we move to a one story house!
I hope all my American family and friends have a nice Thanksgiving holiday tomorrow. I know Drewy and Rex and my soon to be granddaughter, and her half brother are all going to my ex's and that some other family is coming as well so it will be a houseful. My younger daughter Halla lives with her dad and his wife; I haven't spoken to her but in our house friends of the kids were always welcome on Thanksgiving, so I know they will all have a good time. It's nice to have a good relationship with ex's because we share kids, and who knows, maybe next year we'll all be together. These days there are so many "blended" families...I mean it's too bad so many people get divorced, but if we can be good to each other, remember that at some point we liked each other ha ha, then we can all gain. I mean kids, even adult kids, can always use as much love as we all can give them. Everardo talked with his cousin/sister Anna tonite and then I chatted with her for a few minutes. They are also in northern Ca, and planning to come visit us in a couple, maybe 3 weeks. Yippee again. Hmmm maybe there's some way Drewy could come with them...well if she'd be comfortable driving down with them...oooh maybe even Elena- no she has school. Well and Drewy is in this (f'ing) holding pattern waiting to get her externship. Boston Reed has sucked at this part, it's been about 2 months and she found the externship location herself. Now this one might not come thru and she'll be depending on them, and they haven't done shit for her. Oh one thing- they did fire the counselor who was supposed to be finding her a placement- apparently he was dropping the ball with other students as well, maybe all the students from her class is what she's starting to hear. But she is determined and it will work out. I want to end this on a high note, so let's see...turkey legs, mashed potatoes, peas, stuffing, gravy gravy gravy..pumpkin pie, whipped cream, ice cream....yummmmmm
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