It's been a busy week. I'm so glad my husband decided he doesn't like white either! Or maybe he just is such a nice guy that he knows how much I think paint can change everything and he's going for it. He even mixed the green and the yellow we didn't like to make a mustard color I really like. Funny thing is one was water based and the other was oil.....hmmm oh well it looks good. This makes 4 houses Everardo has painted for me in under 2 years! I love color. And really lucky for me he's a really good painter!
So he will not let me paint. Ok well I am busy sitting on the beach with my coffee in the morning, throwing the ball for the dogs, watching these guys surfing down the beach. The waves are not tall here, we're in a bay. But I heard my neighbor and our friend Tim talking about these huge waves so I googled it. At the mouth of the bay, not in the middle, more to the left, and they're called Islas Todos Santos (same as the bay). Anyway there are huge waves, up to 60 feet! There's been some surfing competitions there but I couldn't figure out if anything was coming up. There was something about a competition that is open between Dec 30 and March something (maybe the 1st) and it's by invitation and only about 24 people are invited. I guess they watch the weather and then notify everyone? It sounded like it was here, but I wasn't sure. And I can't see those huge waves although I have seen the spray on one side of the island. The waves have to be coming in to the island so I'm on the wrong side, but I saw some utube videos and they were amazing...there were a bunch of videos but I only watched 3 or 4, but I do love watching surfing. I read you can pay $20 and take a boat out there but you aren't guaranteed to see anything, and our friend Tim has been fishing out there a few times and has never seen the really big waves.
The beach is wonderful (I didn't want to keep saying "amazing") I'm getting what I got from my big rock in Playa Ventura. When I get up I take my coffee out there and sit at the top of the path (the path is maybe 20 feet long) and watch the ocean. Bob, the guy upstairs came down one morning last week and gave me his binoculars- he saw me with my dad's telescope and thought I'd like the binoclulars...he said they made him dizzy. He told me to hang onto them and he'd let me know if he wanted a few minutes later I asked him, since they make him dizzy would he like me to buy them from him? He said no, but keep them for now. He's right- I love them...and man I just HAVE to buy a camera! The other morning there was a ring of fog around the mountain out at the point, it was so beautiful. The pelicans are my favorite bird, one buzzed me- it was so cool. There are so many different colored birds, I mean I think for example that the sea gulls are white and brown, the brown being the females? There are these teeny tiny white birds that run along the surf in big groups.
I watch cruise ships cross the mouth of the bay coming from the south, and cross over to Ensenada, and huge freighter loading up those gigantic crates- railroad cars I think! I see small fishing boats, and always look out to the left by the point to see what's going on with the tuna rings. I could watch all day.
But what's the best- I sit out there with my coffee, and I talk to the universe. I say the prayer I made up and have been saying for almost 13 years now (On Feb 19 I'll have 13 years clean and sober). Then I just talk, kind of free association. I talk about whatever comes to mind. These days I'm working on forgiveness, and acceptance. I have a younger sister who I hardly talk to (meaning email, phone, fb msg, anything). Over the years we have been off and on, but I thought before I left for Mexico we had made some positive progress. But she doesn't answer the phone, or email or reply to private facebook messages, and I just have to let go. Accept it. He husband has had some medical issues; he fell a few years back onto a cement floor- bashed his forehead, and had brain damage. Forgetting things, getting lost, get's tired, not comfortable in a group...really tough stuff. I know it has to be so hard for my sister. But she isolates. Smokes alot of weed, keeps to herself. So- I have to accept it. I mean me getting all resentful over it whenever I reach out and get no response does nothing, It doesn't affect her and fills me with negative energy. It's almost the same with my younger daughter. No communication and I just have to accept that for now, I am not in her life- oh and this started WAY before I left. Basically when I divorced her farther, so almost 8 years ago. I have to accept it. So I ask the universe for guidance. When I do that every morning I can let go of resentment, hurt, fear, anger. My day goes so much better. I was even thinking that maybe my asking for guidance with my daughter- well a situation with my sister was put in front of me, and I had to deal with that- so maybe it shows me the way with my kid. Hmmm...ok what I mean is, I found out from my niece that my brother in law had to go to the emergency room and now needs to see the neurologist, issues with his vision and maybe other things. So I wrote to my sister. I told her that her I was chatting on FB with her kid, and I asked how her husband was. I asked how she was I asked how her other kids were, yadda yadda yadda. So far no reply, But I prayed for them all anyway. And as I talked to the universe about it, I started to accept a little better the relationship (or non relationship) I have with my daughter.
Talking out loud about my fears, my uncertainty, always helps. Kinda the same premise as AA. AA is where I learned to share, where I was able to choose a higher power that worked for me. I also know that for me- positive energy attracts positive energy and the same with negative energy so I know what I need to do. But I have to do it every day.
The beach is a place that works for me. This beach works for me. Sometimes it's so quiet and sometimes there's stuff going on in the water and on the beach. It's fun to watch all the neighborhood dogs; some come down with their owners and some just show up. They run and jump, some run straight to the water, some chase birds....different sizes and colors...and what's really cool is they all get along.
Well in other news, both cars have had issues in the same week. The car has a problem with the gear shift, and over in Maneadero the car wouldn't start in a parking lot. That was 2 days ago and now every time you try to start it. And this is following figuring out we need a new timing chain- which requires pulling the motor aarrggghhhh!! Everardo thought we needed to change spark plugs and oil in the truck and found out there was some wire disconnected. Such fun- oh and today we went to get oil and some other things, in the car, and I remembered on the way home that I had taken the house key off the key we were locked out! We stopped at the rental office and she said the maintenance guy had a key but he was in Ensenada for the day. We came home and looked around, then Poppi took a screw driver and took the window out in the kitchen door! This is a mobile home so that door just has a small window that pushes up, and he got it off. My hero! ('specially since it was my fault). Ha ha the reason I took the keys off the chain was to hide one outside in case we ever got locked out, but I got involved in something else last nite and forgot to do it. ooops
Well that about catches me up. I do need to find someone tomorrow that can take a letter to the states and mail for me. Tim told me he was going "for sure" and this afternoon said, oh yeah I'm not going. I have Everardo's passport and an IRS form, and very important, a check for some girl scout cookies to mail. To get the cheap premium for healthcare (it's hard not to call it Obamacare because it's catchy) but calling it that is wrong)- anyway I have to fill married filing joint to get the credit. So that means I need an ITN # for Everardo and you have to submit that form and proof of ID. With an original passport that's all you need but anything else has to be notarized, so we're going with the passport. God I hope they send it back. But he has no current plans to leave the country so we should be ok. I am for healthcare reform and I believe this is a good first step....but is IS still bullshit. The total monthly premium for me is $740!!! But with the credit I get it's only $145. Before this I was only paying $280. So the credit that the govt pays STILL goes to the insurance company!! Why should the government pay it? Why not stop the fucking insurance companies???? Feels like the problems are the same, just somebody else is paying...ah well, we'll see....
I'm out. Viva!
So he will not let me paint. Ok well I am busy sitting on the beach with my coffee in the morning, throwing the ball for the dogs, watching these guys surfing down the beach. The waves are not tall here, we're in a bay. But I heard my neighbor and our friend Tim talking about these huge waves so I googled it. At the mouth of the bay, not in the middle, more to the left, and they're called Islas Todos Santos (same as the bay). Anyway there are huge waves, up to 60 feet! There's been some surfing competitions there but I couldn't figure out if anything was coming up. There was something about a competition that is open between Dec 30 and March something (maybe the 1st) and it's by invitation and only about 24 people are invited. I guess they watch the weather and then notify everyone? It sounded like it was here, but I wasn't sure. And I can't see those huge waves although I have seen the spray on one side of the island. The waves have to be coming in to the island so I'm on the wrong side, but I saw some utube videos and they were amazing...there were a bunch of videos but I only watched 3 or 4, but I do love watching surfing. I read you can pay $20 and take a boat out there but you aren't guaranteed to see anything, and our friend Tim has been fishing out there a few times and has never seen the really big waves.
The beach is wonderful (I didn't want to keep saying "amazing") I'm getting what I got from my big rock in Playa Ventura. When I get up I take my coffee out there and sit at the top of the path (the path is maybe 20 feet long) and watch the ocean. Bob, the guy upstairs came down one morning last week and gave me his binoculars- he saw me with my dad's telescope and thought I'd like the binoclulars...he said they made him dizzy. He told me to hang onto them and he'd let me know if he wanted a few minutes later I asked him, since they make him dizzy would he like me to buy them from him? He said no, but keep them for now. He's right- I love them...and man I just HAVE to buy a camera! The other morning there was a ring of fog around the mountain out at the point, it was so beautiful. The pelicans are my favorite bird, one buzzed me- it was so cool. There are so many different colored birds, I mean I think for example that the sea gulls are white and brown, the brown being the females? There are these teeny tiny white birds that run along the surf in big groups.
I watch cruise ships cross the mouth of the bay coming from the south, and cross over to Ensenada, and huge freighter loading up those gigantic crates- railroad cars I think! I see small fishing boats, and always look out to the left by the point to see what's going on with the tuna rings. I could watch all day.
But what's the best- I sit out there with my coffee, and I talk to the universe. I say the prayer I made up and have been saying for almost 13 years now (On Feb 19 I'll have 13 years clean and sober). Then I just talk, kind of free association. I talk about whatever comes to mind. These days I'm working on forgiveness, and acceptance. I have a younger sister who I hardly talk to (meaning email, phone, fb msg, anything). Over the years we have been off and on, but I thought before I left for Mexico we had made some positive progress. But she doesn't answer the phone, or email or reply to private facebook messages, and I just have to let go. Accept it. He husband has had some medical issues; he fell a few years back onto a cement floor- bashed his forehead, and had brain damage. Forgetting things, getting lost, get's tired, not comfortable in a group...really tough stuff. I know it has to be so hard for my sister. But she isolates. Smokes alot of weed, keeps to herself. So- I have to accept it. I mean me getting all resentful over it whenever I reach out and get no response does nothing, It doesn't affect her and fills me with negative energy. It's almost the same with my younger daughter. No communication and I just have to accept that for now, I am not in her life- oh and this started WAY before I left. Basically when I divorced her farther, so almost 8 years ago. I have to accept it. So I ask the universe for guidance. When I do that every morning I can let go of resentment, hurt, fear, anger. My day goes so much better. I was even thinking that maybe my asking for guidance with my daughter- well a situation with my sister was put in front of me, and I had to deal with that- so maybe it shows me the way with my kid. Hmmm...ok what I mean is, I found out from my niece that my brother in law had to go to the emergency room and now needs to see the neurologist, issues with his vision and maybe other things. So I wrote to my sister. I told her that her I was chatting on FB with her kid, and I asked how her husband was. I asked how she was I asked how her other kids were, yadda yadda yadda. So far no reply, But I prayed for them all anyway. And as I talked to the universe about it, I started to accept a little better the relationship (or non relationship) I have with my daughter.
Talking out loud about my fears, my uncertainty, always helps. Kinda the same premise as AA. AA is where I learned to share, where I was able to choose a higher power that worked for me. I also know that for me- positive energy attracts positive energy and the same with negative energy so I know what I need to do. But I have to do it every day.
The beach is a place that works for me. This beach works for me. Sometimes it's so quiet and sometimes there's stuff going on in the water and on the beach. It's fun to watch all the neighborhood dogs; some come down with their owners and some just show up. They run and jump, some run straight to the water, some chase birds....different sizes and colors...and what's really cool is they all get along.
Well in other news, both cars have had issues in the same week. The car has a problem with the gear shift, and over in Maneadero the car wouldn't start in a parking lot. That was 2 days ago and now every time you try to start it. And this is following figuring out we need a new timing chain- which requires pulling the motor aarrggghhhh!! Everardo thought we needed to change spark plugs and oil in the truck and found out there was some wire disconnected. Such fun- oh and today we went to get oil and some other things, in the car, and I remembered on the way home that I had taken the house key off the key we were locked out! We stopped at the rental office and she said the maintenance guy had a key but he was in Ensenada for the day. We came home and looked around, then Poppi took a screw driver and took the window out in the kitchen door! This is a mobile home so that door just has a small window that pushes up, and he got it off. My hero! ('specially since it was my fault). Ha ha the reason I took the keys off the chain was to hide one outside in case we ever got locked out, but I got involved in something else last nite and forgot to do it. ooops
Well that about catches me up. I do need to find someone tomorrow that can take a letter to the states and mail for me. Tim told me he was going "for sure" and this afternoon said, oh yeah I'm not going. I have Everardo's passport and an IRS form, and very important, a check for some girl scout cookies to mail. To get the cheap premium for healthcare (it's hard not to call it Obamacare because it's catchy) but calling it that is wrong)- anyway I have to fill married filing joint to get the credit. So that means I need an ITN # for Everardo and you have to submit that form and proof of ID. With an original passport that's all you need but anything else has to be notarized, so we're going with the passport. God I hope they send it back. But he has no current plans to leave the country so we should be ok. I am for healthcare reform and I believe this is a good first step....but is IS still bullshit. The total monthly premium for me is $740!!! But with the credit I get it's only $145. Before this I was only paying $280. So the credit that the govt pays STILL goes to the insurance company!! Why should the government pay it? Why not stop the fucking insurance companies???? Feels like the problems are the same, just somebody else is paying...ah well, we'll see....
I'm out. Viva!
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