Monday, April 21, 2014

Is this Spring?..and do dolphins signal awareness?

I don't know if the weather is normal for this time of year or not. I heard that we had an unusually dry and warm winter- I'll attest to that- no much rain at all and except at nite, not too much need for warm jackets- well maybe in Dec and part of Jan.....Now it's tank tops and shorts for a part of the day. Sometimes it's gray and foggy in the morning, sometimes it's windy and gray in the afternoon- I never know which is gonna be when so I every day I wake up and look out the window. If it's already sunny at 8am, it's gonna be a beautiful morning and who knows for the afternoon. If it's gray in the morning, well there's a good chance by noon it will be sunny...but maybe it will stay cooler all day. No problemo! I wear no sleeves almost every day, and carry a sweater or a long sleeved shirt wherever I go. You know- those plaid shirts like the lumberjacks wear. I have blue plaid, red plaid and a kind of multi color one that's really soft. I usually wear shorts, and almost always flip flops, unless I know we're gonna be walking around alot and then it's tennis shoes. Tough life eh? ha ha

I was feeling a little discouraged back on Friday morning- about what I don't know- maybe just a general feeling...yeah remember my husband says I "suffer in paradise"....Maybe cause I'm all gung ho about exercising and eating right and I woke up thinking of hot chocolate....or brownies....hmmmm could I be jonesing on chocolate? I do believe I have an addiction to chocolate not unlike the one I have for alcohol. (Of course I never drove dangerously under the influence of chocolate, or any of the other hundred million things I did to humiliate myself and or put others in danger...) But I notice, as soon as I have some chocolate I want more. And I don't care about the package..Snickers bar, cookies, frosting in the's all goooood. But- if I don't have any chocolate at all, the craving goes away. So it's been more than 3 weeks since I've had any "real" chocolate. I bought these Fiber One chocolate brownies, and don't get me wrong, they taste good- but I would hesitate to call them "chocolatey" It's not real chocolate. But they do satisfy a snacking craving so they work. And for now, I'm good. I'm not struggling trying to pretend I don't want any....for now ha ha.

So this is week 4 of going to the gym 3 days a week. (M-W-F) before my dancewalk. I only spend a little over a half hour there, but I think I'm getting into a rhythm...I know it takes probly 3 months to really see a difference but I'm starting to feel a difference. I using the Bowflex- yeah the one you see on tv? It's about resistance and right now I'm just doing 3 types of arm stuff, and about to increase the weight on 2 of them. It's a weird looking contraption and at first I didn't get that all the "tubes" coming off it were different weights! DUH! But the way they're marked is just really small numbers that are upraised and it's black- so good luck seeing the while you're huffin and I took some bright pink nail polish and painted the numbers bigger on them. Don't think anybody's gonna care- don't think anybody besides me goes there...well except Everardo a couple of times and he just hits the heavy bag and does pull ups on this other thing. Yeah I found out my arm are weak! Pull up- ha ha ha- I can barely hand from the damn thing. Ok ok baby steps.

So anyway....Friday morning I went down there to do my workout and it was kinda gray and windy outside and I was sorta feeling sorry for myself....and I do the weight thing where I am facing away from the machine and pulling the weights down to behind my neck, and I am looking out the door at the ocean...and I see a dolphin come up! Ok let me back up. First: free gym equipment yards from my door. Second: beach view walking to the gym and as I exercise. Third: A DOLPHIN!!! I think I do suffer in paradise! Ha ha. Well that sight woke me right up. How lucky am I? I decided to make a commitment to myself, I made a plan..and gave myself goals I can attain (I think). For the next year, I want to concentrate on my health and well being. Exercise- weights and cardio. Eat better. Conquer Spanish. Grow spiritually. All of those things are every day commitments. All those things are do-able. All those things are attainable. Maybe for me right now the dolphins help me back to reality. Every single time I see one I am in awe. I remember how lucky, how grateful I am for my life, where I am, who is near me, my relationship with my kids, my older sister and brother...You know we tend to get complacent...I remember in Hawaii many years ago saying....another beautiful sunset...sarcastically, right? I'm in this amazing place, but I'll bitch at the traffic in Ensenada...or get mad at the tv for showing the same commercials 3 times in a row for the past 3 months. (Ok that still does drive me nuts!) So yeah the newness, the awe, wears off....but little things-or big things like a dolphin, remind me real quick. Awareness is an amazing thing. Of my environment, of my feelings, of those around me...

So life is good. Well we are again spending money like running water- both cars have needed work this month; the truck is already running better but we have to replace the timing belt (I think) before we go on our trip down south- and yes it's weeks away, probly mid June at the earliest but it needs to be done. I have to get my driver's license renewed before we go, and do my visa renewal as well. I think because I am married to a Mexican National, after 2 years I can get on a citizenship path and may get it in a year- we'll find out this June what we have to do. Penasco only gave me a one year license but they gave Everardo a 4 or 5 year. But I think Guerrero gave me 4 or 5 years so I might actually have a Mexican driver's license that will be current after June...hmmmm. We've changed our minds several times now about the purpose of the trip, and now may plan to be in Playa Ventura less than a week. And I know this will sound crazy, but I don't want to leave Sam for more than 3 weeks. He will be here with Hazel, and the woman who's moving in next door may house sit for us- which would be great- but still. Sam is more human than dog. He will miss us terribly. I think he is settling in here, but he still gets anxious sometimes. He lived in our Petaluma house all his life, and when I left him once for 3 weeks he jumped up into my arms when I got home- and this is a 100 pound lab. But when we moved to Playa Ventura, he took awhile to assimilate (me too ha ha), then we moved to Sonora and he had to do it again, but we stayed a year. We've been in this house just 3 months, and added Hazel- who he alternately loves and hates ha ha. She drives him crazy jumping all over him and always trying to steal all the attention. But I also think she's keeping him young, He runs and plays with her on the beach and they wrestle on the rug in the house.

But I'm very excited about this trip. And also really excited to see my daughters. They are so different and I think I will be doing completely different things with each. Drewy has her new job so we will spend both weekends together and I have both of Halla's Wednesdays (her day off) and I'm sure we'll find other time. But this time it does not feel like I'm going "home". I already am home. I'm going to see my kids, and Eveardo's daughter, too. Oh and his aunt and uncle. His uncle was doing poorly and had to have his other leg amputated and they thought he would not survive the operation, but he's home and doing great. So I'm looking forward to that trip as well, and actually it's first, I'm going in May.

And the weather seems to be basically the same there and here. I know that's partly why I feel so comfortable here...ok more than partly I'm sure. Foggy, then nice afternoons- yep that would be Spring and part of summer in Petaluma...ah ha So maybe this is how Spring is supposed to be here. I'm really ok with it. Yeah the ocean is too cold for me, but the dogs and hubby go in. I don't die from the heat in the gym or my dancewalk, and that's a good thing. So: Spring, dolphins, pelicans, hummingbirds all over the place...only thing I need to see now is dragonflys....just kidding- everything is just how it should!

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