Monday, February 3, 2014


This morning we left about 10am to get more paint, light purple and some green for the kitchen. We drive out a dirt road (yes back on a dirt road), then to a gravel road out to the main road. On the gravel road we saw a coyote jogging by. He didn't look real thin, but it was weird to see him during the day, just going down the road....towards our house. Everardo said -I hope he doesn't go to our house because Hazel will try to make friends with him!- We've heard about coyotes in a couple of camps that back into hills; we are on the beach with no hills around, but we do have the whole estuary on the back side of us and that's a huge uninhabited by humans area. I've heard barking at nite, but not sure if it's dogs or coyotes....hmm and maybe that was way up the gravel road at the pink house we just left.
Anyway we came home later and Hazel and Sam were just kicking back so I don't think they had any strange encounters. We will keep an eye out for them from now on though. Hazel would be a tasty morsel...

It rained all nite last nite, hard. Well, by all nite I mean it started about 1am and rained until about 8am. We got up about 7:30am which is early for me! I usually get up about 8:30 over here- hmmm well I think about the same time in Penasco...I know the rain is needed here, just like in northern Cal where my kids are and I think they've had a little rain lately as well.

Comex is where we buy paint, and there's one right in Maneadero, but this morning it closed, same as yesterday afternoon when we came by. So we decided to head towards Ensenada and look for another one and it was closed as well. Everardo said -oh I think it's a holiday...well I saw the bank and everything else open so what was it? A paint holiday? No more likely they're closed Sunday & Monday, which I do agree is kinda weird for least in the areas we've been- nothing is closed more than one day in a row! Ah well we'll go back tomorrow. We came home and had lots of other stuff ha ha!

Everardo found this small box of tiles; small tiles, white with blue designs so he's putting them on the wall behind the stove. There's nothing there, just painted wall, whatever was there must have left with the previous tenants. Just like the toilet paper holders and what was probably hooks for the towels. So he worked on the tiles and I finished with my closet/clothes/shoes. I have way too many pairs of shoes and I have to put a couple of bins on the floor of the closet (work out clothes & pajamas) We only have one dresser, and it's kind of workin' out. The top drawer is for his tshirts, and his bedside table has his socks and underwear so I get the rest of the dresser. We each get a closet..ok well mine is done...but his has no floor space because the Christmas bins and all my pictures for the walls are there. Baby steps right? And he's painting! Just a couple of places, a half wall, and now he will around the tiles, and then the wall behind the sink...and I got to add a, so if I play my cards right, slowly I will get rid of all the white walls in here!

So what else....Oh I saw a post in the local newsletter from a guy making a movie in Ensenada and was inviting people to get involved so I wrote back to him. We friended on facebook and then chatted a few days later. One thing he's looking for is funding, Ooops maybe that's why he posted in the newletter....all the "rich Americans" retiring in Mexico. I am of no help on that score. Then he said they were looking for all kinds of things, but I never actually heard what. I mean I was thinking maybe...I don't know, extras on the street? Or artists for sets? Or is that for plays? Maybe some tech-y I told him I am good at motivating people and my husband looks like a movie star! ha ha. I mean I did at first ask if there was a place to come check out what was going on and what they needed, but he didn't really answer that. So quite possibly I am just so SLOW and what he's looking for is $$$.

We met our neighbor and turns out he likes to bake...and then give away the goodies (can I get a big YIPEE?) He brought over a big piece of a "tropical cake" along with some cool whip. It was good, sort of lime flavor with lots of sugar (little yippee) and told us he doesn't really like sweets but he likes to bake them....ahhhhh-OK! He's 66 I think and been living here around 2 years. He introduced us to another neighbor and then we found out that the place next door is an Alzheimers facility....owned and run by a neighbor from the old neighborhood (agua caliente). We kinda knew- we knew he had some kind of seniors home, I thought he worked there, not that he owned it, funny it turns out to be right next door. Scott is an odd bird though. Rumor has it he's a druggie, which may explain his odd behavior. One minute he waves to you, smiles and chats, next time hi ignores you. We saw him alot because his house was at the entrance of Agua Caliente. He hates the devil woman and all of her family, so I have that in common with him ha ha. He told us a story when we first moved in about Felipe Jr & Sr ganging up on him and hitting him with a shovel. The cops came and arrested him and Felipe Jr...put them in the same cell and later made them apologize to each other before they could leave. We see weird stuff going on over there, like the kids stading with armfuls of clothes and Scott speeding out in his truck, then when we came out, we saw him on the side of the main road picking up armfuls of clothes and stuff that had been blown out of the back of the truck- that was an ignore us day so I don't know what that was.

Ok here's the weird part! We saw his wife walking with the kids over the weekend, down here. She told us that the patients are Americans! She said she just flew to New York to pick up a new client. She does all the activities with the people...Anyway I just keep thinking about it. I mean in one way I understand it has to be way way way cheaper to have them here in Mexico... I mean an Alzheimer facility can easily cost you over $5000 a month- who can pay that??? But New York? Why would they send their loved one (oh maybe not so loved) all the way to the other coast? Are these people just being parked here? Ok this is just to sad to think about. Ok well I'll hav to watch and see if visitors come....

Ok since I'm sad now I'll write about Everardo's young nephew. His name was Martin and I think he's under 20 years old. This weekend he went to a party, then fell asleep at the wheel driving home, crashed the car and was killed. This is Pablo, Everardo's other brother (not the one who died in Dec). He is such a sweet man, he must be devastated. He lives in Morelia; we visited him in Sept of 2012, but I didn't meet Martin. Pablo has lots of family around him down there; his sister Nieve as well as many cousins, tias & tios so he is not alone. Everardo will not make the trip this time, but is talking to his brother and sister as much as he can. I think the funeral is tomorrow.

So life goes on. It feels good in this place- I hope we love it and this is it. I really believe that climate is everything- at least to me it is. And I like the neighborhood better than anywhere since we left Playa Ventura...again it's been less than a week...but sitting with my coffee in the morning watching the sea, a really nice place for walking, nice neighbors.....oh and I started back to zumba today so it was like the first time again since I missed all last week. She moved it to the garage so it was really cold and I am so sleepy.....but I paid my 50 pesos for the week, and so I will go....I hope it warms up tho'

Ok viva!

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