Friday, May 31, 2013

Perfect end to Friday. After Everardo came home from work selling on the beach- and he had a pretty good day, too, we took Sam and his ball and went down to the beach in Las Conchas. There's a place where you can turn in even before the guard booth, and stop almost right away. There's a beach access right there and Sam was whining as soon as we turned out the road to Las Conchas. As soon as we are anywhere close to the beach he starts quivering and whining. He shot out of the car at full speed and headed for the beach. The beach there is so nice, and after a few feet of sand, it's almost all shells. Smooth shells, easy to walk on. The sun was going down and it was cooling off just a smidge, and both the water and the beach looked so pretty. Sam chased the ball into the water and down the beach. I actually remembered to bring a plastic bag and I collected shells. I find it very tranquil, just walking along, looking for shells, wading in, the water is nice and warm, kinda like Playa Ventura, except here is way more nice shells. I'm thinking it's because here we are on what I would call a bay or an inlet, but I guess it's much bigger, longer and wider, so it's called a Sea. The Sea of Cortez. Anyway in Playa Ventura the waves crash against the shore, breaking the shells as they hit. Here the water sorta laps in, and urges the shells to stay up on the beach.

After the beach we sorta drove home the long way and we stopped at a new taco stand- new for me- Everardo is friends with the guy...goes to meetings with him. So I was introduced to Jose and we ate these pork tacos, beans & split a coke. Oh my God those tacos were amazing! Just my be my new favorite place! We usually go to this place right up the street where you have a choice of carne asada or pork, and the carne asada is really good, but this place, wow the tacos were juicy and delicious.

After that we took yet another circuitous route home and stopped an OXXO to get water. We fill up our big jugs ( Mexicans drink more bottled water than the citizens of any other country do, an average of 61.8 gallons per person each year, according to the Beverage Marketing Corp., a consultancy. That's far higher than Italy, and more than twice as much as in the United States.)

We fill them 2 at a time by taking them down to the OXXO or they also have little stores that are just for refilling the big jugs. There is also a guy who drives around the neighborhoods between 8 and 9am, hinking the horn on his little truck, and the back of the truck is filled those big jugs and he'll take your emptys and leave you full ones. It must be more expensive cause we don't do it. In Playa Ventura the only choice was a huge flatbed truck that came once a week (Wed or Thurs), and they'd honk up on the road cause they knew we wanted some. We'd usually get 4, and they knew it, so they'd be bringing it down our driveway as I walked up. I think they were 24 pesos each, but up here, I think we refill them for about 8 pesos each. So water is cheaper here, but everything else is more expensive here.
It's nice and fresh out right now, we have the door and the windows open, Sam is sleeping on the porch and Everardo is sleeping on the couch.

Yesterday was day 3 the final day at the immigration office- oh except that we have to return in 8 days to give my fingerprints and they'll take the photos. At this point I'm not sure if they're going to give me a card then or not, since they told us now they come from Mexico City. Guess we'll see. Learning patience that's for sure!

So today was sort of a slow day. Laundry, and oh yeah, trying to find a place that faxes. Ha ha! I have a scanner on my printer and so can scan and email, but this document had to be faxed. I had asked this morning at my meeting if anybody knew where I could send a fax....and that started I couldn't find the place they told me about, so I went into the computer place, and they sent me to another place, who of course didn't do faxes, but they sent me to another place, this one at the other end of town....and after going into two more places, I found it. And they charged by how many minutes it took for the fax to go thru! ha ha!! Usually I get charged by the page not the time it takes to go...but it was fine, took 4 minutes at 7 pesos a minute. 9 pages, so I was ok with it. Friday is the only day with no classes, English or Spanish. And I ended up driving around a few places I hadn't been and I like getting to know Puerto Penasco.

The classes for English are interesting, 2 days a week with 12-15 people in class, and 3 or 4 of them coming on the off day. Then I come back from the States and I have 18 or 20 students, some new needing more help, so I make 2 groups, each with 2 days. So I have classes 4 days a week for a couple of weeks, but this week, 1 person yesterday- and she was new- her first class, and on Wednesday I only had 6. I talked to Karen about it, and she said that how it goes...ebbs and flows. So Monday the secret project will be revealed, with only 4 of the original students but 3 new ones and at this point I think 7 people singing is the best we're gonna do. I learn things every day- like things change here all the time, people come and go, so all projects need to be short term. My 2 best students are Jessica and Miriam, been with me all this time. Jessica is shy, so Miriam is going to read the little blurb I wrote in English to explain what the song is about and who it's for and why. Ooops that reminds me I want to type it up and print it and slip it inside the cd holder of the copy that's for them. Maybe cause it's almost all women, and right now only women, but they like doing the songs, and so do I. It's good for pronunciation and it's fun.

But I think after Monday I'm going to change back to Tue-Thurs with Wed for extra help, no matter how big the classes are, and new people will just have to try to get what they can and for sure come on Wed....... ok that's my new plan.
Yes today was a beautiful day. 

I'll end with a fun fact about Puerto Penasco:
 As municipal seat, the city of Puerto Peñasco has governing jurisdiction over 27 other named communities, which cover a territory of 9,774.45 km. The municipality has a total population of 57,342 inhabitants, of whom all but 586 live in the city proper. The municipality borders with the municipalities of San Luis Río Colorado, Plutarco Elías Calles, and Caborca. To its north-northwest is Yuma County, Arizona in the United States and to the south is the Gulf of California

Read more here:

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Day 2 at the immigration office. Not that bad, though- was only there for about an hour each day. And tomorrow should do it- this time we'll show up at 8am, telephone and electric bill in hand for proof of address and I should be good. This is to renew my visa (FM2 or 3, I always forget), and the this time next year I can apply for citizenship. I'll have dual, American and Mexican. You didn't used to be able to have dual citizenship, you had to denounce one to take the other, but I guess the laws have changed. The other thing that's changed is all the cards now come from Mexico City; so although we'll be finished tomorrow, then we wait for the card. If the process goes fine, you get the card in 2-3 weeks. But we were sitting next to a guy who's been waiting for his since November last year. Another guy yesterday had been waiting a long time as well, and a lady came in today while we were there and she checked the list on the wall for her name, shook her head and left. This is Mexico, maybe it will take 3 weeks and maybe it will take 3 months, and follow the same process. ha ha if you have a problem, you're screwed. When we went yesterday she told us to go home and go to this website and follow the instructions, but when we did that this morning, nothing came up so we went back down there. The other lady helped us and she was really nice, and she did it for us. The only problem was my address changed since last year, hence we have to bring those bills tomorrow. It's funny- the electric bill is not even in our name, but she said it didn't matter, bring a paid one. The telephone bill is in my name so that's good.

When we did this last year, for the first time, we had to go up to Acapulco- a 2 hour drive- and we got there at 9am right when they opened and it took all day, but they issued me a card right there. That was of course after walking to the bank twice, to make copies once or twice, and walking to a picture place. And then there was the tiny problem that I was in Mexico illegally, ha ha! When we came across I had processed the truck and trailer paperwork and didn't notice they never stamped my papers for my visa, so in Acapulco I had to pay a fine and "admit" by signing a confession (ha ha) that I was at fault. We got pulled over so many times driving down thru Mexico to Guerrero pulling that trailer, but every time they only asked for Everardo's ID, and usually as soon as he answered yes to the question if I was American, we were let go..we paid no bribes until we were all the way down in Acapulco and I know I already wrote about that experience getting pulled over every 5 minutes...and paying to pass...
So this has been relatively painless; the office is only open 8am to noon, and fingers crossed, we'll finish it tomorrow. One trip to the bank, I already got the pictures, and we should be good.

Today we had English class with the group that is just slightly ahead of the other; 3 or 4 students who have been coming all along, and when we practiced the song....THEY WERE AMAZING! We're gonna sing our surprise song/gift on Monday for Karen and Mark. I think it's gonna big so cool! I know Karen and Mark will be touched, and I think the students will feel pretty good about themselves too. There's 2 teenagers, the daughter and sobrina of Elizabeth (oh I see I wrote sobrina which is neice), so I let them come, and they don't seem to enthused about the song, but the other ladies do. There will be at least 8 counting the teens, and today they sang loud with one missing, Maggie, and she has a big mouth and a pretty big voice. Miriam is my other current favorite cause she is very loud, but in a happy way, and she sings loud, too. With her there, she, Veronica and Elizabeth were all asking alot of questions with the lesson we've been working on for about 4 classes now, and this is what I was hoping give them some basic stuff and then thru their questions to build on it. I made some breakfast menus for Teresa's Restaurant, and the last 2 classes I had one person take the breakfast orders for the others. Then another, but today, with Miriam, she starting asking more things, like what if we don't want to order yet, we need more time? So then Veronica wanted to know how to ask if they wanted dessert. Ha ha then a new conversation about desert and dessert. I had to erase some stuff to add more cause we used the entire huge whiteboard. That's the kinda class I love, where the students are engaged. So I need the Miriams. I love Jessica who works hard, but she is shy and so never asks anything new. I lost Rueben who was great for asking questions and joking around - I'm still not giving up on finding out where they live and trying to get them back.

But I have learned another important thing, and it may be about Mexico or maybe about poverty in general. That it ebbs and flows, people come and go. And of course there's all types, and just like in AA, you can't help them all, but you can sure help the ones who help themselves, the ones who sincerely want/need help. There are of course some manipulators out there, one guy who is a drug addict who I guess got clean for awhile, and did enough community service for One Mission to build him a little house. Now, months later, I hear that that house is gutted, he sold the windows and the door, and he actually traded the title for some money to someone who is holding on to it, although he's doing his best to try to manipulate it back out of them without repaying the money. He suddenly doesn't care for me too much cause I won't give him money or a ride, and am not interested to hear his sad story. I been around a lot of addicts, and I'm not buying it. Luckily I am not Karen, who as  Christian missionary in charge of the place, has to have more empathy than me....but I'm sure she struggles with this guy when she has so many other people truly struggling.

So I came back from the States and my class has changed. I actually made it into 2 classes because there were so many the first day back, maybe 12-15 in the original class and 8-9 in the new class. Ha ha joke was on me cause after that...if I have 6 in either class it's a big class. But I can't really combine them back because one class is just beginning and the others are up to ordering in a resturaunt, right? So vamos a ver. I am learning to just go with the flow...and for a control freak like me.....ha ha that's pretty good. I just remain grateful that I can be of service here in my new community, in the armpit of Mexico!

So if my car holds up I'll just keep truckin' on out there 4 days a week. My car is another story, we bought it in Jan, and at the time had a cracked windshield, and the driver's seat belt was broken where you click it in- the receptacle I guess. Since then it seems to deteriorate....neither back door has a working handle on the outside, and now the passenger door is really hard to open from the inside. The windshield is still cracked and I need to get it replaced before I can go to Arizona to pick anybody up from the airport. Actually would have to fix the seat belt as well, but it's not as noticeable. Oh and somebody put a dent in one of my scratched back side I have a little beater Mexican car, it's kinda gray and always dusty...and nobody gives me a second look, just the way I like it. Viva!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

It's Tuesday and the holiday weekend went pretty well for Everardo selling his wares at the beach. He had to come home each nite and make more spiders, which everyone is buying, as well as earrings. He's really getting good at the earrings; now he makes them all instead of buying a few pairs and making a few. He gave me a pair with tiny cancer ribbons that have the word "hope" inscribed on them. Hope! Hey it's everywhere & I thought it was very cool to get a pair like that! There were stilla few people here today, but it's winding down, now we'll wait to see if school getting out will bring a fresh group. Rent and everything else is paid for...nice. Oh so he has to get a hold of the lady who's going to move into the Guerrero house om the 1st- which is this Saturday already! We need to give them our bank account number, and there's also something about taking the internet box back and having it re-issued to them...not sure why it can't happen when the guy comes out, but in Mexico, you will stay sane longer if you stop asking why after the 10 thousandth time ha ha.

So we talked about our credit card bill and decided that paying it off is the best idea, otherwise we will have given them soooo much money in interest, cause with small payments it's gonna be years to pay it off. So we decided we will take the tax free money and pay off that card, give some to Everardo for buying silver, and sending Drewy & Rex some to help pay for their wedding. There will be a little left over that we'll put in our interest bearing savings account. It's the right thing to do. Together he and I are pretty good at not spending, ha ha I can live on beans & tortillas and peanut butter sandwiches. Everardo is a much better eater than me. We went to the store today and spent almost all our time in the produce department. I had a bowl of veges for dinner when I got home from the center- in between 2 Spanish classes ha ha. One at the center and the second at the Canadian's house. Not sure if I mentioned them; they are a couple my gal pal Pam introduced me too, who take Spanish on Tuesday nites. I need more than one nite a week, and so am also taking classes from the same teacher out at the center Tue & Thur, with Karen and Mark (the directors out there). This teacher has a different style, so far it's ok, I like it..we'll see how it goes. I can always go back to Isabel if I want to, but I plan to give this at least a couple of months before making any judgemet. I have learned something new at every class so far, but I'm also a bit ahead of the other students, but in a couple of cases, it may be not ahead, maybe parallel or simply different, so again, we'll see.

This is such an interesting place. I saw a house that was half camper shell with a washing machine in front of it, and today saw a place where some of the walls were doors lined up next to each other. I also saw a place that seems to be partially made of cardboard- so what happens when it rains? of course I don't see any rain on the horizon or in the forecast...people here are very resourceful. It seems like there have been alot of what I call refugees coming by, or maybe I am just more aware. These are people from Central and/or South America who cross thru Mexico on their way north, to the US and/or Canada. I have been hearing stories about how horrendous they are treated when they cross into Mexico; the violence, robbery, rape, ect. Tonite my Spanish teacher commented that the Mexican Gov't is trying to improve the situation. I guess a few years back there was a movie about it, maybe call "La Bestia", but I may be mixing that up with a movie about crossing into the States. Everardo sometimes gives these guys food, more often food than money- they look, they are- hungry. And what they have ahead of them is no picnic either. A friend referred to Puerto Penasco as the armpit of Mexico the other day, and followed with she was very happy to be here ha ha. But it is a hard place. At the center, where they feed up to 100 people a day for lunch; for some of them it's the only meal they will have today. It's pretty humbling. Then all the refugees, all the kids, it's just alot.

Hmm my head is jumping around today ha ha. People place and things. All things I have no control over, all invitations on how to behave. Well I hope volunteering at the center helps my behavior.Oh I also met a lady across the street with a little girl. I told Everardo and he thinks she must have just moved in, and I can't really remember ever seeing anyone at that house, but I do remember a car driving behind it. Anyway I introduced myself; it was really Sam who got us noticed- the girl, Dioda I think, told she's 4 yrs old and she liked Sam. Excitedly called to her mom to come see hm chase the ball in our street. All of this was in Spanish so yipee more practice. I really can "survive" here with my Spanish, but I want to LIVE! And we actually had a conversation the mom and me, and I mostly knew what we were talking about...mostly. So that would be nice to have someone to say hi to, maybe make friends with. Her brother showed up while we were chatting so I assume he lives nearby. Anyway I'll get Everardo to get the scoop. He's so social anyway, he'll probly know them really good by the end of the week ha ha.

Well I was looking at our yard and thinking it's not so bad. Yeah not too much greenery, but maybe if we could get a couple of big pots and plant something in them. Arrange the the back corner here with a couple of chairs and and and...wait for it...get my hammock up! It's been 6 months I've been waiting! Actually on Sunday Poppi was talking about putting in some kind of post cause he says the tree is about a million years old and he thinks it might crack in two if we attach a hammock...but I said ok, but let's just wait a little...and he said- oh God you still want to see that house! Yeah I do, but after writing about it the other day, I drove by again. I'm not sure the yard is any better than this one. I'm not sure there's a door near the living room we could keep open with a screen door to have the best air, I'm not sure the interior layout....well anyway..this place is starting to look pretty good. And I'm comfortable here, and not nervous at all. So again, yeah I want to see it, but kinda just to see and let go, you know? And in fact there are so many cute houses around here, don't know if any are for rent or for how much....but that other house is not our only choice. And this one is already painted so cute...and we know what the problems are...and it's big enough for us. We just have to see if there's a sewer problem (meaning smell) when it gets really hot, but Everardo may have fixed that already. So we'll see....

Did I say this lately? Life is good. I have my children and my husband and my dog. I am suddenly pretty busy with teaching classes 4 days a week, and taking 3 classes a week. Oh I hurt my foot yesterday when I decided to get right back into the walking swing. Yep had to push it and hurt my knee and my foot. But that's ok, not real damage, I just need to take it more slowly, and I might not walk this week. I wasn't walking towards something, the walking is the goal. The process is the goal. Man when I can remember to think like that, my life is good. I like to be busy. Hopefully my older daughter and her prometido (finac'e) are coming over 4th of July....If they can't, it's ok I'll see them again soon enough. I want them to come here so they can see Everardo, and I know he wants to see them, too. But we will do whatever is the next right thing. Viva!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Day 2 of the US holiday weekend, Everardo left a little after 9am, hopeful for another good day. It's really windy outside, but even with the wind it's still pretty warm so I'm betting the beaches will be packed. Especially with the drinking I saw going on yesterday morning- who feels the wind haha! I, on the other hand am sitting inside, windows and screen door open, just picked out a new book to read, and was looking at my blog posts from when we moved here 6 months ago to see what I said about that other house. I'll probly take Sam down to the beach or the park in a little while to play ball, but not too much cause I'm still worried about his foot. Now I don't think anything's in it...maybe he just hurt it running on the track....but after a while of running he starts to limp a little and favor that foot.
I do not want to skip the track tonite however. It always feels better when I exercise, even walking, and I think maybe that walking for an hour may be better than 30 min of elliptical...the truth is I'm going to do what I enjoy. And right now that's the track in the evening. I like the atmosphere, the people, the soccer games, the peewees practicing...I don't really talk to anybody, but I still feel part of it. Lots of people walk or jog alone, and some seem to be walking as a family. This is a side of Penasco I haven't seen yet, and I like it. People of all ages, doing the same or different things, all over these fields, and there's SO many of them. I've only seen one other person who looked like an American out there; an older lady running- ok older than me ha ha. But you know the gyms we see, never have anyone in them, or just one or two - nobody can afford it; so I guess this is a good way to get some exercise- free. Mexico is so all about families and I like that too. The peewee practices always have lots of parents and the games are packed with spectators. Like I said some of the walkers on the track are families. It's nice.

This morning I woke up missing my children so much. It was overwhelming, crushing, like a wave. I didn't tell Everardo because he will try to fix it. He'll tell me to go for another visit, or ask me if I want to move back. I know he's happy here, and I know this will pass, so I'm working thru it here. of course my pea brain goes from one extreme to the other. I wonder if someday I'll be so sorry I missed these years living near my daughters, and then I remember- duh- they're grown up. And if I'm going to be gone for a few years, then better while their in their 20's, before grandchildren, while they are getting themselves settled. I have a fantastic relationship with Drewy, and staying with her for 2 weeks showed me this is true. I adore her, the way she looks at life, how passionate she is about everything- so determined- she is a force to be reckoned with! And Halla, so strong, so loyal, and also- so passionate. I hope she goes thru with her idea to travel and work/live on these organic farms in 3rd world countries. I love that she cares about the environment and wants to be part of the solution. My daughters are so alike and sooooo different, and I love that about both of them. Am I missing it? I don't think so. I can talk on the phone, skype, and most often facebook chat. Well chat and phone- thank God for magic jack! But right now I wish they were down the street! I don't even have to live in Petaluma, after all Drewy is in the next town, we could live there. I know Poppi will go back whenever I say I want to, but is that fair? And really, do I want to? I love working out at the center, and I really really want to become fluent. This is an adventure, and maybe I'm thinking about it cause we're coming up on a year. And maybe in a few months, when the tourists are gone, we'll take a trip down to Playa Ventura. I'd also love for Everardo to see the pyramids in Mexico- there are some close to Mexico City. I want us to go visit his older brother Arnulfo. He has been talking to him on the phone and to his nieces & nephews on FB- yeah, I think we should do that trip first. Maybe at the end of the summer when I hear it's unbearable hot here, and not too many vacationers. Ooh that's a good idea!
And they are in or near Juarez, which is on the Texas border, but you can't drive straight across from here; there's a mountain range- you have to drive south and then across and then back up north- another adventure. (and I hear driving thru those mountains is not safe at all...cartel we wouldn't even consider it). And we have felt safe everywhere we've driven so far, just need to stick to the cuotas (toll roads) when we can and busy highways when we can't. And when we go back then to Playa Ventura we can go back thru Michoacan and see his sister and other brother Pablo. Yeah, why not a couple of years about his family? Oh and speaking of his family; Elena might get to come and visit us this summer! Maybe even with Drew for 4th of July, although that will be here sooner than we think, so maybe not. But maybe she'll come with her mother...that would be fine too, since I met Kelly I like her and I know Everardo would love to show them both around. See lots of plans for the future here. And non of them are forever. I think another year for sure. Then we can think about it again. We still need to get Poppi a visa so he can come and go to the US. Next year Drewy is getting married and we won't miss that! Halla will turn 21 (oh my God does that make me old ha ha?). They both have wonderful futures ahead of them. Drewy goes on day shift next week I think- good for her, but man I will SO miss chatting with her at nite! But she needs a day shift, she needs a different job, unless the company that bought hers really does make changes. Life goes on doesn't it? So i hope my kids don't think I'm being selfish going off on this Mexican adventure, I hope they are happy for me, because it's something I wanted to do for a long long time, early on it was simply to travel, then to live in another country...and I'm doing it. If we go back in a couple of years, they will still be young women and I hope while I'm down here, they will want to come often, and explore, experience, all that. I know Poppi wants me to visit them whenever I miss them, but honestly I was just there, and writing about it makes me feel better.

Ha ha now I'm just thinking about that other house again! I read what I wrote in Dec when we saw it, and I said the fridge was gross (no prob we have one), and it was dirty. That the backyard was all overgrown...ha ha I've been living with a dirt backyard (ok side yard) for almost 6 months...and overgrown doesn't sound too bad. I did however write there was a problem with the floor in a spot though, and I wonder how that looks after 6 months- the thing is though- it's still empty. Oh and I wrote that the fence was 2 inches from the door! ha ha, Like I said, I drove by yesterday and there's a front porch and then the fence....but I am SO selfish. I am thinking that we could get a little money out of our savings- that I have been saying all along- NO we're not touching it- and let Everardo go to Taxco like he wants to, to buy some silver, and see how it works out for him- he's been trying different things and it's been working out pretty good. But the truth is a little part of me is thinking that he'll be more open to looking at the other house-arrghh I am awful! But I have been thinking that maybe I'm too stiff about the money- I mean I have been wanting us to live only on what we can make, and that's basically him since I volunteer...and I am now looking to see if I can make any money with my blog- but really? get paid to write in my diary? Ha ha I don't think it will be too lucrative. Especially now that we live in this 'very civilized' area ha ha where not too much happens out of the tarantulas fighting chickens and nobody taking their pig for a walk! The poverty here is heart breaking, and the only thing I know to do is the volunteering I am doing to maybe help someone to help themselves, and maybe more will show itself to me working with Karen and Mark out there- I mean more that I can do to help my community. But not sure anybody wants to read about my thoughts..actually I'm really surprised how many people do! So Everardo brings home any money we have, and believe me he works hard for it, walking up and down the beaches every day.

And that is turning out to be not every day at this point- more like Friday-Mon. That's when the people, the tourists are here. He also might be able to make a little money working with the center by helping out with the dog ministry. There are people that really want to help with the dog problems in Mexico. I think they get donations from the states and from within Mexico. And he can hand out these cards that if the people will get their dog fixed (spayed or neutered), it will be free when they present that card. Then the vet turns the card into the pet ministry to get paid. Everardo will make a few pesos off each card turned in with his name on it- I think that's how it works. He speaks the language and can help to educate people. Did you know 85% of the dogs in Mexico have sexually transmitted diseases? That there are so many stray dogs! There are other statistics for him to know and let people know about, for the safety and health of their pets. He can also make a little money helping with the dogs that are brought out to the center, taking them to the vet, taking them up to the shelter that takes them to the states for adoption, other things. Well doesn't that make my sweet husband a busy boy? He's going out to the center next week to see if he can work for Karen maybe Tue-Wed-Th. So he'll be busy every day. Me, I have 4 days a week in the afternoons, plus my own Spanish lessons. Oh and I have a new teacher- just had 2 classes with her cause she was sick last week, but looking forward to that and it's sooooo much cheaper.

So maybe we should spend a little for Poppi to try out what he wants to do as well, eh? I have certainly gotten to try everything I wanted to.... he's had some time to see what works and what doesn't, in fact right now he's selling alot of the stuff he's making himself- earring and the spiders are really selling! Did I say he works hard? He does; and he's such a good man. I am so grateful that he and I are who we are. Hey don't know about anyone who's reading this- but I feel so much better now! Yeah I still miss my kids, but I can call them..right now. Viva!