Friday, January 4, 2013

We are trying to figure out the best way to get the girls and then to be able to show them around in the short couple of days they will be here. Because our small truck has only the little jump seats behind the front seats, they're ok for picking them up but not for sight seeing. So we thought ok- well I'll take a shuttle up there, rent a car, bring them down here, and then we can go with them back to the border and then Drew can drive them back and turn in the rental car. Yeah good idea except to bring a rental car into Mexico you have to buy the insurance from the rental car company- and it's $30 a day- so 4 days is $120, on top of $205 to rent the car (before tax). ...oh and $70 for the shuttle. Crap that's expensive. To drive the truck up from here is only $12 in insurance, from this side, the Mexico side. But now our wonderful new friends Anda and Rich have offered us use of their big suv! How nice is that? We might just take them up on it; I'll still drive up and pick them up in the truck, and we can send them back on the shuttle. Well tomorrow we're still gonna chek on renting a car here, cause if it's really cheap we'll do it cause I'm a little uncomfortable with such a nice favor with people we just met. Altho' I told her that and she laughed at me. We'll figure it out tomorrow.

I'm gonna go out to San Rafael with them on Monday and see what it's all about. They give their time out there at the community center, serving lunch, doing stuff with the kids, and I think helping adults as well; teaching them to make crafts, not really sure what else, that's kinda why I need to go for myself and check it out. Actually today these 2 guys Conrad & Mitch who are pretty involved out there as well, were talking to me They are part of this group that works with weekend ministries, which I on't really want to get too involved with; I probly said this before- they build churches and to me- Mexico, Mexicans don't need more churches. They need food, shelter, fresh water, skills, etc, I think there's already LOTS of churches here...But maybe I'm being too harsh since like I said, I haven't been out there to experience anything for myself. So- back to Cnrad & Mitch- I told them about trying to teach English to little kids in Playa Ventura, and how the kids were just not that interested- it was fun at first for them, new, oh they coveted the kid dictionaries I gave out, and the notebooks, but they got bored, and honestly- down there they have no one to practice with so....but here there are alot of English speakers. Conrad was kinda excited; he told me they are trying to put together a class and asked about my Spanish level, because they want a director to take on the whole project. You know I can get by well enough to teach little kids colors, days of the week, etc. But I want to approach with caution, ha ha me! For once I don't want to jump in headfirst, agreeing to something I haven't checked out. I do want to do something to contribute, but I had such a big head about Playa Ventura.

I even fooled myself, well it was partly ignorance. But it was ego. I was asked to teach the kids English and I said sure...and I thought it would make me a part of the community. I was going to do it for free, and thought- oh people will give me things, like fish or eggs or something....somehow I was making myself into someone important. That's humiliating to admit. But when the kids didn't care about learning, when they didn't come, ha ha I had to face myself. And I don't even think the parents cared either. Ok a couple of parents did care, and a couple of the kids actually cared, but on the whole, not so much. Kids are kids, of course they don't want to do something hard...but they had fun with the flashcards, and so did I. At least I figured out to just have fun with it. That it didn't matter if they learned the same thing over and over again. Then it went much better. And if they want some level of that here, great.

I have a few dictionaries, and some packages of flashcards. I gave the color cards to one of the kids in Playa Ventura, but I think I have blanks so I can color them...those were everybody's favorite- yelling out the colors! But I hesitate to think about being a "director" of a program to teach. I am no teacher, so again, we'll see. I do want to be of service, but it needs to be the right thing for the right reason. All that isolation down there pretty much humbled me in a big way ha ha!

We are going to bbq with them on Monday as well. So next week is kinda busy. There is also a meeting on Tuesday that I wanted to attend but now might wait until next month. It's a group I read about down here called "uncommon women doing uncommon things" or something to that effect. I am interested in finding out what they are about, and as it turns out Anda is involved with them. This month is a shortened meting, sort of a ok it's a new year meet and greet, so the perfect one for me to attend, but I need to know the timing in case I need to be available to talk to the girls on the phone since they fly Wednesday morning. So I a already getting more involved with things here, and I think that's a good thing.

Well I will finish with a sad post. A friend, well a schoolmate of Halla's is dead. According to Halla, a huge group of kids from Petaluma were in Tahoe for Ne Year's Eve, and this girl disappeared sometime after midnite and was found this morning, dead, in a snowbank. They were all drinking, and Halla says this girl did alot of drugs, and that she was really messed up that nite. Halla was not with that group of kids, she was with another group, but I guess tonite they are all at a candlelight vigil at their high school. Halla and I talked on the phone for about an hour earlier today, she was upset, and also told me there was a kid who is a known drug dealer involved, and she was sad, mad, upset. Luckily her sister is nearby, and she is with her friends. I cannot imagine what this girl's por parents are going thru. If I lost Halla I would die. Sometime, maybe next week if it's not too soon, I want to tal to her about partying. That lots of drugs and alcohol have these kinds of results. Yes lots of circumstances here; being out of town, snow, etc, but there's always something, the bottom line is that out of control drinking and drugging, kills. This girl is gone. Her family is devastated, they are all changed forever. Her parents will be in my prayers tonite. And I hope my daughter is ok, that she is able to move thru this. The other day I was talking to her about another friend who has become addicted to Oxycontin...She's been thru treatment, and Halla does not know how to be her friend, who to help her, support her. Well I talked to her and suggested some of the ways she might be feeling and she said it was exactly! how she felt. So I suggested Alanon and she was very interested, maybe we can go together down here; I know there's a meeting. My baby is acing alot, is becoming aware of alot, is learning alot. My baby, 19 years old, and growing up. I ache to see them both...ah- so I won't end on a sad note...cause...YIPEE I'm gonna see my daughters next week!!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

I AM SO EXCITED! My daughters are coming to visit next week. Only for a few days, Wed-Sat, but they both have work and school, so you know what? I will take what I can get!! The tickets are soooo much cheaper coming here- actually they will fly from Oakland Ca to Phoenix Ariz and I'll pick them up at the airport, then we'll drive down here. Yipee. Oh and day 2 of elliptical..feels so good, but ouch ouch is so hard to start back!! But maybe if I write about it I will guilt myself into staying with it!

This morning we were laughing about how we went from sweating to freezing - it's all about the timing isn't it?? If we would have waited to come here until Feb or March we would have gone from hot to warming up...but we (ok I) was so ready to leave that place that we went a soon as we were packed. And actually now that I've written that, it wasn't just me- he was ready to go as well- I remember sitting in the water and him saying, in an exhausted voice- let's just get the HELL out of here. My poor hubby and the project house! Well maybe another good thing is to be here when it's quiet, cause I guess come March/April it's gonna get busy busy until next Oct, and I hear the middle of the summer is unbearably hot- Wait ha ha I already know how to survive in unbearably hot ha ha. So our thought process was to be in Playa Ventura thru the rainy seaso (the hard part) and then enjoy the good part...ha ha. Now we've come here, starting again with the "hard part" and moving towards the good part-hmmm ha ha again. But the truth is, we moved when we were ready to go.

But I do feel different here, hopefully it's not the newness. But I feel more, maybe, plugged in? Well the AA meetings in English are good, I go 4 or 5 times a week, and I really like most of the people; it's a pretty small group during "non season", and I don't dislike anyone, but I really really like a couple...One lady is here visitng for a week;her hubby is in the group, they both are- like us- but she has recently moved to Phoenix- or Tuscon (not sure) I think to take care of a family memeber; I'm really not too sure exactly what the deal is- anyway I really like her and hope to get t know her better. I go to some Spanish meetings as well; last nite we went to one I really liked and will go back with him when he goes to that one. He's kinda sticking to the Spanish speaking and to NA, so we both get our own laces to deal with our own stuff, and then sometimes we both go, to both....confused- ha ha I am. I like the community; today we went to the beach for Sam to run, then over to the docks and bought some fish, a ton of it for about $ ha ha we buy fresh fish and then freeze most of it. And we still have a ton of shrimp- well my daughters will love the shrimp- not sure about the fish. I try to speak Spanish in all the stores and to say hi to my neighbors, I guess maybe the big change is for me that I am not feeling so isolated. I also feel a little more confident driving here, still cautious, but not like in Guerrero ha ha! In the stores everybody speaks Spanish, altho' in Sam's Club there is a couple of people who speak some English. I prefer to try...

A guy I originally met on the Puerto Penasco forum was looking for a small place to live as he is about to takeoff in his RV to explore Mexico for a few years. Since he had been communicating with me when I was asking for info before we got here, I wrote and told him about the small studio here. He came to take a look but didn't like it (good we like having the property to ourselves). Anyway he lives in an American area, and we do not. He said this place is not Mexico and not the US- that it's the wild west. I think this place is what you make, but also probly has to do with where you live. There's Las Conchas, that is these million dollar (at least) estates, there are some trailer parks, some perm RV parks, camping and tranit rv parks. Then there is the gov't housing (I forget what it's called but I saw inside one of that old song-' little boxes without top-es...and they all look just the same..' and there are rows and rows of them in a couple pf places. Us- we live in El Centro, in a Mexican neighborhood, everybody speaks Spanish and there are24/7 garage sales (well clothes hanging on the fences, and everything you can think of is for sale if you look. There are tons and tons of hole-in-the-wall taco joints & trucks, longo burros- yum! and anything thing else you can think of. And the hot dog stands! They are everywhere, too. Anyway my neighborhood is pretty quiet, the house across the street has the parrots, there's an old couple down the road a couple of houses who sit outside in the morning sun, and the bread truck- well it's a car- plays this really loud little song that has the words pan pan pan for most of it. He has breads and cookies, and you can buy water everywhere, too-  mean the big jugs. That's one thing we need, a dispenser for the jugs. Anyway- my point is I do not experience chaos in out neighborhood, it feels kinda...typical. I don't know, maybe when this plae fills up for those 7-8 months it gets a little wacky- I'll have to get back to you on that.

I know that this week the malecon has been very busy, no parking, lots of people walking, much busier than since we've been here. People on vacation- so will they be gone next week? I don't know. But I do feel more comfortable here. I think the other problem down there was that the whole town was related - or in one of two families- almost everyone...and living in a tiny place like that, well there was a lot of soap opera going on. And not being able to speak well enough to gossip with anyone except Chela, I was just not in the know ha ha. Too much back biting, double looks, cold politeness, and most of the time I didn't know why. This place- well Everardo knows a few people, but not too many, and it's much much more populated. And even though we own that house; I am more comfortable in this one. I don't hate how the bed fits! This couch is so much better than the outdoor furniture we had...uh..duh..and of course the whole hot water thing.

Yeah you don't need hot water to survive- but I have decided I want it. I also do not choose to live so remotely full time. For a vacation, fine, a little solitude is good- but not all the time. So I learned alot about myself, what I want, need, care and don't care about. So I wonder what lessons I'll learn here?? Oh- and I think next Monday I'm going with Rich and Anda out to San Rafael to see what/how they are involved and hopefully it will be a place that I can be of service. I told her today about my materials for teaching English to little ones, she thought that might be a great idea, so we'll see. And I also want to attend some of those lectures at the CEDO conservatory...oh maybe Halla will be interested in that place..Anyway the last couple of days I have been feeling good, like a feling of well being, that maybe this is the right place. No it's not down deep in Mexico, not the cultural area. blah blah blah, but maybe it's the place for us. I have visited alot of areas in Mexico, and Everardo has family in Morelia so who knows, we have vacations, or maybe we decide to move again, I just don't want to say anything absolute, cause look at what happened in basically less than 6 months in Guerrero- luckily we realzed we have options and so we made a new choice. hey- at least I did it. MOved to another country, and hey- started somewhere remote, no expats anywhere, almost no English, and which days do we have internet, or lights, or tv, and zero hot water-ever...some days finding milk was hard, or driving to the next town to find an atm with no money in it...ok ok..I tried it and now I'm trying something else. (we might have to break dow and paint in here though on our wn dime if we're gonna stay at least a year in this house...and it would make a huge difference...right now it's the principle of the thing- she should be paying for at least the paint..maybe we could ask her to go in halves...)

Did I say I am SO excited my daughters are coming next wknd? Yeah and for about $175 per person instead of $750..couple of hours flight instead of all of the biggest things I figured out is I ned to be near my children..ha ha Poppi knew, but he let me figure it out for myself.. We will probly move back in a couple of years...unless of course they both move here...hmmmmm


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year! It's Jan 1, 2013. Let's see what this year brings. I slept in until almost 10am- then got up and jumped on my elliptical. I like to start things on the first day of things; first day of a month, a Monday, well ok first day of the year...I actually could have started late yesterday, but what the hell, right? Yeah we didn't get the missing washers until yesterday, and it turns out he took them off of the truck rack when he took it off the back of the truck. Then this morning I saw a couple of washers on the ground near the eliptical but I forgot to ask about them...I will when he gets home. He's at a Spanish speaking meeting and I think buying bananas and gas for the space heater.

Seems like we are spending about 100 pesos a week on the space heater, but man it is cold- freezing. Ha ha we went from sweating 24/7 to being really cold in the evening and late at nite. And he heard that Jan is going tobe even colder. But during the day it's not too bad right now; I mean I wear long pants but usually a top and a sweater that I can take off and we'll see- but we want to be warm...

Yesterday I was talking with my Drewy (27) on FB chat and she was about to jump on a plane and come see me! She'd come from the 2nd to the 5th, even just for a couple of days would be good- damn- would be great, fantastic, wonderful!!! I miss her, both girls so much! So she would fly Wednesday and have to fly back Saturday so that only made Thurs and Fri, but neither of us cared. Then we saw the prices...ouch (meaning shit!). Not sure if it was because of buying a ticket with one day notice, or bcause it's a vacation time down here, but for her and her sister to come, was $937 round trip, but if they wait one week- $350 round trip for both. We were planning to reimburse her for the tickets, but $937?? So Drewy agreed it was too much. We started trying to figure out if they could do it next week- when we started seeing the high prices she told me that Halla was coming too- so we had to see when school starts back up, and that's Jan 14 so next week is kinda the only time. But I saw right away the tickets were so much cheaper next week. So I don't know what they are going to do. Actually Wednesday Drewy is supposed to talk to her old job about possibly going back there so that's important,and I said, well if they want you back, make sure you can take off a couple of weeks in between and come see me again! Maybe Rex could come that time.

My plan is to go up there in late Feb I think; that way I can hopefully take care of my taxes. I'm going to call up there to the lady who did my taxes last year, she's with a little H&R Block  office that opens up in Jan. She's great and hopefully can get me squared away quickly. I didn't work all 2012, had renters starting June 1...or was it July 1...shit- I need to email Boyce and ask when they started to rent...Drewy wants me to stay with them; they have a spare bedroom,and hopefully I can score a car, too...from her or maybe Halla's car. Worse case will be a rental.

Anyway we'll see. Poppi is home, he went to get gas for the space heater, so I probly have to get dressed ha ha. I really need to take down Christmas today, time for a new start. I'm so glad I exercised! It was only 15 minutes, and I will stick to that for this week, then next week up it to 25, then hopefully half hour to 45 min...I just have to take it easy this week cause I tend to overdue it and then I'm in pain and limpy and don't want to do it. But the fact for me is, when I exercise, I always always always feel better.  I hope I stick with this- well the room is convenient, and the shower is great, so I think I'm off to a good start. I really want to try Zumba soon- maybe next Tuesday at 10am; Anda wants to go, too. Yeah gotta find that schedule today. Ha ha when I dropped by that place for the schedule the lady started telling me how they have a zumba "light"...she said for...she didn't finish her sentence so I just jumped in and said for fat people? for old people? Ha ha she was embarrassed and didn't know what to I laughed and said thanx!

Last nite we went to a Spanish meeting and it was freezing. Then we went to another one which was a marathon. (all nite) When we got there, they were eating, so we had a glass of juice, but when the meeting started we left cause it was just so cold. Got home around 10:30, and watched tv, tried to see New Year's Eve around the world,...but ha ha....our able tv still thinks it's an hour ahead, so we missed most of it! But it's all good.

Ok well Poppi just made some tacos- beans and gotta run...