Saturday, July 12, 2014


Just a short post tonite. But it was such a beautiful ocean today that I need to share it! The red tide was gone from in front of our place. It was however way down at the furthest south back of the bay...I could see the red crests - well I could see they were not white- without the binoculars...really I simply happy that it was gone from our place today after having it for at least 4 or 5 days. Now yesterday it only went about 5 houses up- across from our gym it took less than 2 minutes to dance up there to exercise and let the dogs go in swimming at the same time. And the day before not alot further than that. But man.....for those 2 days it stunk! It stunk like dead fish and algae. I mean there's no dead fish, the red tide doesn't affect the fish, but I think it just clogs the water. I've never seen dolphins or seals swim in it, but they do swim just beyond it.

That's the weird thing; it's close to shore and comes up on the shore, and this red sort of fuzzy looking gross red fade to pink gunk is left on the beach when the tide goes out. Hmmm lovely summer thoughts, eh? It's this red algae..and there's these bulbs and when they pop this red stream of liquid comes out. Yeah gross. BUT NOT TODAY!! It does not even stretch back as far as the wave break, you know where they first start's in a little closer than that. I will be happy when it's gone, which I hear different things, like Sept or has something to do with water temp, and apparently the last couple of years that hasn't been alot of rain or cold, and the water is warmer longer....BUT NOT TODAY!

I got up lazy this morning, knowing I didn't have to exercise or really do anything at all. Everardo left before 9am to go out to the Bufadora, so I drank coffee and watched tv. I finished my book. I sent a couple of emails. I talked to my daughter for more than an hour (gotta love magic jack for those free calls), I practiced Spanish for an hour. Oh wait, Spanish was after the beach. I took Sam & Hazel down to the water about noon to throw the ball and give them a good workout so I could come back and be lazy again in the afternoon. I didn't come back inside until about 2pm. I spent a few minutes chatting with a neighbor- who I don't care for- but Tim & Iggy had shown up on the beach and iggy joined the ball playing, so when we walked back up, the neighbor guy saw Tim and came to talk. He and I talk if he has walked over for something like seeing Tim, but we normally just do a little hand wave when we see each other. He is a jackass...and I just don't need one more jackass in my life. Not today.

So I came in and worked on Spanish for an hour, and then made myself a perfect lunch. Saltine crackers, some with sharp cheddar (Tillamok) on them, and some with fresh (mushy) goat cheese. A big fistful of almonds and a cut up sour green apple. And a hard boiled egg with salt. Funny that's the only food I put salt on- hard boiled eggs. I love putting different tastes together...I like putting almonds and apple in my mouth at the same time, or apple and cheddar cheese. But the goat cheese was very strong and really on tasted perfect with the saltine cracker. I wrote a little bit by hand in my other journal, the one I'm doing for my exercise and eating change. Making it my habit. I am on schedule with my goals and almost halfway thru month 4. I may share more details about it when I am closer to a year, but it's too new right now I am writing to affirm for myself. My feelings about it, reminding myself of things. Then I got back on my laptop and went to facebook, looked at my kid's pages....ha ha some of it is not really for my consumption and I refrain from commenting- even when I have an opinion. A perfect lazy day.

I saw a pelican this afternoon; they haven't been around- I guess they follow the fish? I miss them because they are so beautiful to watch. We also have a couple of egrets of live in a huge tree on the other side of us, (towards the estuary)...well not sure if they live there, but I believe they have a nest there; they are always bringing little sticks to that tree. But the pelicans remain my favorite. The water was warm according to m friend Tim, I only went in ankle deep while throwing the ball for the doggies; there were some people down the beach playing a game of what looked like baseball. Funny because I am used to seeing people play soccer (yeah I heard a newscaster say only the Americans call it soccer- the name is football) and playing volleyball, but this was the first time I saw a baseball game. There were a few people up the beach near the game and a couple of guys standing in the surf fishing. Although we started with a gray foggy morning, it had burned off by afternoon and the sky was so blue, with stringy wispy white clouds here and there.

Tim heard "they" are catching yellow fin tuna and he wants Everardo to go fishing with him in his boat on Monday. Poppi is gonna have to get a fishing license to fish from a boat- it's strictly enforced and they take your boat! Tim just gave Everardo a spear gun and the "Hawaiian sling" thing and Everado is very happy about that! 

The guy I don't care for was talking about problems with the tuna rings and the companies that run them. Tim commented they were not sustainable and I chipped in with- but I thought they grow the tunas in those rings so they are not wiping them out...Well the answer to that was- yes..BUT...and I never considered this: They are using all the available bait, the food all the rest of the fish eat- to feed the tuna in these rings. Oh-I've seen the fishing boats that cross the bay and back, side to side, at nite. Well they have huge nets and are scooping up all the small bait fish, then they take them to this place north of Ensenada and freeze them into these huge blocks. The the blocks are taken out as needed to this boat that is always sitting next to the rings, the blocks broken into chunks and dropped into the rings. Oh again. There are about 5 rings at the southern side of the mouth of this bay, and I found out there are 30 more a little south of us, I guess maybe in little bays or inlets(?) because it seems like the ocean itself would be too choppy but I don't know. And there are more both north and south. These companies go unchecked and over the past few years they have gone from- for example one of them has gone from about an $8 million a year to an $80 million a year enterprise, and growing. They have done this in other areas (3rd world so little or no restrictions) and they deplete the bait fish, then sport fishing and commercial fishing gets wiped out as well. Then they simply pack up and move to another place, another coast line and start again. Sad isn't it? Now I have written this very vaguely because I although I read a little bit about it, a lot of this is stuff I've only heard word of mouth- even though it rings true to me. I will google it more, and if I am way off base, I'll write that, but I suspect I am not wrong about this. Oh and all the tuna being harvested here currently, gets shipped immediately to Japan.

Hmmm more commentary than I planned tonite. When I started I was just thinking about what a beautiful day it was. How much I love Mexico, and how the lessons I get here are not what I expected at all. I become more and more content with this simple life. And the days when I can really let go of expectations are the best. I cannot control ANYTHING. Only my attitude. Some days that's hard to hang onto- I get overwhelmed with how awful people can be to each other. Kidnapped girls in Nigeria, who fade from our minds, Palestine and the ongoing genocide of these people and how the United States condones it. Harsh words? YES! Because we give Israel billions of dollars yes BILLIONS every year and support them. Why? ha ha oil of course and a foothold in the middle east. It's not that simple you say? YES IT IS. In 1948 when the United Nations decided to "give" the Jewish people their own country...yeah fine- except they gave them houses people already lived in! My ex inlaws were thrown out of their house with their clothes on their backs and walked across the bridge to Jordan. Ok ok I will not go on about this right here. But what is happening today is not new news and it is always so sad that so many Americans choose to be so ignorant. Fox news! ha ha ha ha. But these were only 2 areas in crisis....slave trade in China, Korea....wars in the Congo and other African countries....yeah sometimes it overwhelms me......which is why I am trying to get back into meditation.

Yes, meditation and physical exercise both relieve me. Sitting and looking at the ocean and talking to the universe does the same thing. For mediation right now I am only listening to cds, I've been listening to one as I go to sleep and it's helping me to get to sleep much faster. I get all sleepy, go to bed, and then my mind clicks on and I struggle getting to sleep. With this guided meditation I fall asleep much quicker. This coming Wednesday hopefully I'll get to the bigger meditation group I think I want to join..I think there's discussion then mediation. I heard the guy does Buddhist so I'm looking forward to it. And I always feel great body and mind after my dancing. I might even dance tomorrow even thought I keep saying no dancing on the weekend because my knees get sore.

But for today. No red tide. No regrets. Our doggys are both fast asleep on the rug in front of me. Poppi just gave me half of a golden delicious apple (sweeter than the other) and a few almonds. The full moon is supposed to be huge tonite- the moon is it's closest to the earth, but it's foggy out so not sure we'll see it....that's ok. I can hear the ocean and the window are open, the sea breeze smells salty, that's all, no red tide, it might be back tomorrow. BUT NOT TODAY!

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