Thursday, March 14, 2013

The good weather has stayed! No more propane tank heater to roll into our bedroom at nite after keeping us warm in the evening in the living room. And!! Everardo is making sales on the beach. He was so excited when he made his first sale on Tuesday. He didn't go down there at all on Monday; we kinda had a get stuff done around here & pay bills day Monday. And of course you don't mail your bills- you go down to the company or some other designated place to pay. For Telmex, you go to their office, for Sky TV you go to Banamex bank and pay at a customer window. I think the elcetric bill is paid at the electric company...and water...hmm I don't know. Those 2 (electric & water) only come every other month so both should be coming soon since we didn't get bills for those in Feb.

It's a funny place. Not alot of rules; like all the traffic stuff seems to just be suggestions, unless for some reason a cops decides to pull you over. I see people running stop signs all the time, but rarely see anyone pulled over. I had also heard that they were gonna start pulling over cars with no license plates, and I've seen nobody pulled over for that- and then somebody told they got pulled over for it. There was a lengthy discussion in which the cop wanted my friend to follow hom to the police station and he refused. In the end, without even paying the cop anything- I guess the cop got bored, he just waved my friend on. I see 3 or 4 people on motorcycles; usually little ones, almost scooters. People pass all the time, and I get passed alot cause there's so much to watch out for- ha ha- that I would rather get passed then get hit by a guy running a stop sign on a cross street. I will say this: this week is Spring Break and the really bad drivers I've encountered have been Americans...and NOT students, well not young students- looks like adult vacationers to me. Wow so I guess I'll slow down even more and I'll be that old lady...uh oh I am becoming my mother!!

Well Everardo made a couple of scorpions out of copper wire he had, and sold both of them in about 10 minutes! So last night and this morning he made 4 more. Of course now in hindsight- which is always 20-20, he should have been making them during the months when nobody was here, eh? But anyway he is very excited to be making so money and confident about how it will go. He's gonna use steel wire after the copper is gone, cause to buy it will be expensive, and right now we are all about profit! So I am stashing the amount he brings home that is what he paid for any item he sold (and yes for now the scorpions are pure profit cause he got the wire for free), and when we hit the amount of the original investment, we'll put it in the bank. But we want to know when we get there cause after that, it's all profit. So I am actually stashing in another spot half the profit, and that's for him to use to buy more stuff. Now this week is Spring Break, and I just heard yesterday that it really takes off today (Thurs) thru Sunday, cause now we have the kids from Tuscon and Phoenix. But I guess alot kids from Phoenix also go to Lake Havesu, so for the next few days there should be alot more. But truthfully, the kids don't buy much- besides beer and food. However this week sort of signals the start of the tourists, and I have seen alot of people who are obviously not students (like the bad drivers).In fact none of the items he sold; earrings, bracelets and the scorpions were to kids.

Oh and I saw the beer bong! It is a hose that has to be 30 feet long that comes down from the roof of a bar, to the street where I saw these kids with it in their mouths...thank God my kids are not here this week. It's funny I actually heard someone saying (an American), that Mexico should change their drinking age to 21 instead of 18 because of all the kids who come down here to party. WOW yeah every country should just do everything we do cause WE know everything! People- get a grip.

Ok so anyway- now Everardo is feeling so motivated! So he's getting up early; this morning I think it was about 6:30am...a little too early for non working me ha ha. But at least I'm getting up at 8, and that way I can exercise before I start my day. Kinda nice. I worked out before my meeting today and in a few minutes I'm heading out to the community center for English class. Actually usually I have Spanish class (ha ha usually- it's been 2 weeks), have it Tue & Thurs but it's cancelled for this week- my teacher and her boyfriend got a permit for a beer concession on the beach under a palapa...everybody wants to make a buck right? But she was very cool and sent me a couple of links to reflexive verbs, which is the part I'm struggling with. Now that Charlie has dropped the class it's just me, and we changed the time to 10am-noon, so I can still get my work out in. However she told me that she got a couple of emails from new potential students, so we'll see. It's convenient for me having the class here, but I like having more than 1 student. The bottom line is I want the class, with only me as a student or however many come.

So we start a new phase. Everardo working selling to tourists, and me with Spanish classes. And the class I teach at the center. That is going great. We have alot of fun, and the people seem to really like it. I will do the best I can with them; I'm sure there's lots of places for the class to go- doing conversations. I was even thinking of getting the words to a couple of song- oldies of course. I might have already written this, but the song "Respect", and also maybe "Walk like an Egyptian"- it's a fun song....but today we just gotta practice the sound for the next vowels (I & O). But that's kinda boring so we'll make up some sentences as well. The other day I was feeling down, kinda lonely, but as soon as I start getting involved in things I start to feel better. Oh and a trip up to Petaluma to see my daughts and go to a dr appt is coming up- oh but gotta get out to the more later. Viva!

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