Saturday, November 30, 2013

Today is Saturday, 2 days after Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving was great. The turkey was great, the stuffing was great, the mashed potatoes and gray was great. Since I did not have Thanksgiving last year, I thought I was justified eating 2 full plates of food ha ha. Here it is 2 days later and I'm still kinda full. I mean I'm still eating, but I'm just not super hungry. I ate and ate and ate. There was no way I was gonna be able to eat dessert, but they were so nice and let me make a plate with a slice of everything to bring home. That was about 3pm, and about 8pm I split it all with Everardo. Yum. Well except maybe for the banna pudding looked liked vanilla pudding with what I thought was vanilla wafers in it. Nope those were little brown pieces of banana. I mean I like banana, but not when I'm expecting something else. Know what I mean? But the pumpkin pie was amazing, and then there were 2 kinds of apple something, like apple crisp and apple crumb cake or something like that. Then cheesecake, too. So we had a little sampler plate....and it was goooood. We did a long beach walk inbetween dinner and dessert...

So the next day, Friday I went back to that little church outbuilding while Everardo went to Ensenada to find his friend to talk about the logisitcs of him selling stuff over there. He ended up not seeing him, but he did go see the old woman who had so proudly shown us her house, the day before we had to go back to Penasco on our first trip. She had been so proud of her magnificent place, and we were excited to see it, even though we looked at other places as we waited. Our plan atthat point was to rent from her for at least 6 months.....anyway that place was a hellhole! Trashed, cracked, broken, oh and with no stove, fridge or hot water heater...yeah I held back the tears in that one. Anyway, she thought it was a wonderful opportunity, so Everardo dropped in her store (she was a friend of Everardo's friend), and thanked her for her time, but said we decided to live outside the city. So that was nice.

 Ok so the reason I went back was that they were filling Christmas food baskets for the people who are struggling. I had seen in the local newsletter that people were doing this at the fire station, and they were doing the same thing at the church...and were going to feed us. I thought....oooh Thanksgiving leftovers, I might as well do it there. I had already planned to go help at the other place, so...Anyway it was a nice morning, they had set up a little assembly line- I had the corn flour- and they passed the boxes around the table. The table was in the middle of the room and there were shelves behind us with the food on them; white flour, corn flour, sugar, tunafish, dried soup, oil, beans, rice, the milk in the little box, and at the end, little knit hats. They told me that both places were making the same boxes, and then Senor Pablov was going to pick them all up and take them up into the hills around here and distribute them. Wow- this Pablov guy, I just keep on hearing so many good things about them. Well here's hoping we move to one of his camps.

It was a good feeling to get to be a part of that. I wanted to do something to say thank you for having us, but it ended up being another gift for me. Funny how that works.

I got to talk to my brother and my younger sister (and most of her kids) on the phone Thanksgiving, and to my other sister today. She and I talked for about an hour (thank you magic jack). She and her husband and their puppy dog are back in Key West Florida on their little boat for the winter- true snowbirds, right? It turns out that they, and my brother and his wife and us all moved right around the same time (actually my sister and I left on the same day). My brother moved to a town called Spring, Texas, and when I was talking to Drewy she told me she had a friend from there...yep small world. We went to Ensenada this morning after I talked to Karen on the phone and had enchiladas in the same little place as last week, and then went to the AA meeting where someone got a 35 year chip- wow. Then it was off to good old Wallmart for a few items- can't always go to Costco because I don't want the one million pack for everything...But I went to the frozen foods looking for frozen macaroni and cheese dinners, and- so sad- they don't carry frozen food like that. The most they have is frozen pizza. Really- good for them, just sad for me. They have so many other foods I've not had too much of over the past year and a half. No beach walk today, so tomorrow we'll do a long one. But we didn't get home until 3:30, then wanted to collapse for a little while, then doggys ate...then it was it's dark at 5pm. But I think after Dec 22 it will start getting lighter right? Like a minute a day ha ha.

Puerto Penasco didn't have daylight savings time, and Playa Ventura did, but we were only there June thru November...wait this is November, but I swear it was never dark at 5pm. Maybe it has to do with how far south it is. Mexico is a huge country. I think people don't realize how big it is, I mean people think of Mexico as hot, and the beach. But Mexico has sooo many terrains; tropics, deserts, mountains, and what do we call this area? To me it's "normal" ha ha. It's very much like California, not in the mountains, and California basically has mountains, coastal, and then the desert down the middle to Los Angeles. We always lived within about a half hour or less of the coast. And almost all of my life just north of San Francisco. So, fog in the mornings, warm days, cool nights. And it seems to be what it is here. Of course we've just been here a month, but we visited for a week in Sept and Oct; it was hotter, but not that humid hot of Penasco or Playa Ventura. The tropics are amazing. It's so green, and the iguanas, parrots, the vines, the fresh cheeses. But there seems to be fresh cheeses all over Mexico. Banana trees, and coconuts that we picked in our own yard, the water inside was so sweet. Lots of cows too as I remember. Skinny cows, skinny horses, and really skinny chickens ha ha. I'll always remember the tarantula fighting the chicken- and the chicken won. And the scorpions- they were small but I heard that the small ones were more poisonous. Luckily we never had a mishap with a scorpion but one night Rosa had to rush Moncie to the doctor cause she got stung. We saw one in our sink the very first day we were there, then one was in some laundry I had left on the floor, and then one was outside fighting with the little puppy from next door. He was barking at the scorpion and it was waving it's tail around, I was mesmerized and then Everardo squashed it.

When we got to Penasco I remember being told that they scorpions were really big there, and those and tics were everywhere. I don't know if the dirt outside our house had been treated at some point with some kind of poison, but Sam hardly got any tics, and everyone else would tell me their dogs got them constantly. We never had a scorpion either, not in the entire year, but I always wore shoes in the house at nite, and never put my hand into places I couldn't see. When we went to Morelia, Michocan it was up in the mountains. Mexico City is very high elevation. You know that's probably why I always felt like shit when I was there. I never thought about it until just now; but the few times I was there, I was either drinking and had horrible hangovers, or ate something that made me sick or at least feel crappy. And I didn't drink all that much. But now I realize I get sick from high elevation...I can't stand Colorado Springs, Colorado! Ok so I just opened another window and it says the highest elevation in Mexico City is 7300 feet and Colorado Springs is 7200! Funny, I thought I started getting sick at closer to 10,000 feet- ha ha I am so ignorant sometimes. Ok so anyway, Morelia is not as high, only about 6300 feet, but I still got short of breath more quickly than normal.

Anyway Morelia is a huge city, but very pretty. Much colder that the state of Guerrero of course, and when we visited in Sept (2012), it was the first time I had worn long pants or a jacket since we came to Mexico. The mountains in Mexico are so beautiful. We came to Mexico down thru Chihuahua and the mountains there were so pretty as well. Then traveling from Guerrero up north to Sonora we went thru mountains, then flat agricultural lands- I think that was Sinaloa. Lots and lots of agriculture in Mexico; alot right here in Baja, asparagus fields, lettuce, onions, etc.Mexico has 31 states and I think I've been in about 10, I'll look at the map and do a count. But Mexico just has so many side, so many charcters, so many foods, customs, traditions. I really came down unprepared...well except for the whole being married to a Mexican part ha ha! But the adventure has been so amazing and wonderful. Even the hard stuff, because when you come out the other end, well you're just...more. I mean, every experience enhances you, so you become "more".

Ok, well I hope that we like here, long term. So far so good. I recognize the climate, the weather, and of course I have googled it and believe I know what to expect. A cold ocean is fine with me, it's also what I'm used to. I like living outside the city, but close- 20 minutes- so we can get things if we need or want to. Ha ha probably no more milk from a bucket- well maybe- I guess maybe what I'll do is not guess, not project, just see what comes next. I do like feeling that my kids may be more apt to visit here, I really want them to come because I think they'll really like it more than Penasco. I already know for sure that I like it better. Drewy wants to see Playa Ventura and I really want to take her down there at some point. My ex, their dad is thinking about taking his wife down there for a vacation, to experience it, and I think she'll like it. Maybe the kids could go with them...but it's an expensive ticket. I was thinking maybe when Drewy had a long vacation available, and we were living in a better camp so not worried about our stuff, and maybe have house/dog sitters because we will have gotten to know some people pretty well, to drive. We know we can do it in 3 days, and it is a pretty drive, and it would be a cool experience, also for me it would be a second time and I think I'd see more, be aware of more. I was thinking I should tell my ex they should look at driving to here, then flying because I saw a ticket from Tijuana to Acapulco for $200, and from San Francisco it's about $750....but I guess they'd have to figure out the gas to drive here...and maybe, just maybe I should stay out of their business ha ha. We're all friends, we have the kids in common, so it's important. And also my ex is a nice guy, we just didn't fit anymore, and I know I'm the one who changed...getting sober can do that. At 5 years sobriety I was not the same person, it is too bad, but I think we are both happier now, and happy for each other. His wife is really nice and I think they're really happy, and so I'm happy for them. Actually Everardo and Rana haven't met in person yet because she was in the Middle East before we left, so they've only chatted on Skype. But we're all adults....anyway enough of that, I just want my kids to come visit us in this new place. And honestly some of it is my ego because this place, this house (yeah the one we're not staying in after 6 months ha ha) is so much nicer than the Penasco house And who knows what's next!!

We have so much to explore here in Baja, and the future's lookin' pretty bright. Gonna get the Christmas stuff out in the next couple of days... I don't have too much but will probably just decorate upstairs since it's mostly where we live; maybe a couple of things in the kitchen.

Oh yeah I forgot to say, I'm trying to dance to the zumba music and don't remember most of the steps. But my instructor from Penasco is on facebook and I told her I needed a video of her class ha ha!! But now they're talking about making it for me!! Yippee....Of course getting to me will be the next interesting opportunity. ok Viva!

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