Tuesday, October 30, 2012

AARRGGHH!! It's raining! Again!! This time in the day time! It started as a lightening storm last nite; I think I got up and let Sam in sometimes after 3am...I don't think it was raining then, not even thunder close by, but around 6am it was raining. Sometimes I can't hear it cause the ocean is very loud. You don't notice after a while and when we were in Morelia, laying in bed late at nite, we marveled at quiet. Ha ha then the sirens started...and the traffic sounds began to blend in....

If it rains 2 more days we will be in month 6 of rain. Did I mention I am SO not crazy about rain. And yeah yeah I keep saying it's ok cause it rains at nite, but if you forget the stuff you put on the line, it's soaking wet in the morning. If you forget to roll up the windows on the truck, which were down cause it's hot outside and a moving vehicle creates a breeze, if I leave the towel I use for a pillow in the hammock- cause it never rains down, always at an angle. And the mud just sucks. And at this point I am not sure they will ever finish paving the road! And it's a mess going out to Casa Piedras! On Sunday when we were at the fiesta, our gate was shut but not tight and Sam squeezed thru- Everardo thinks just to find us, and I think partly cause of the fireworks, which he hates. He begs to come in the house whenever fireworks start going off. And around here, they go with any occasion, birth, death, fiestas, funerals...

Anyway he probly would have gone down to Chela's, where Everardo was at the time and I was further down the road at the fiesta. But that would mean going towards the fireworks, so Sam chose the opposite direction, out towards Casa Peidras, and to the last place Poppi had him out there for fishing. Apprently he got out there, walked around the beach checking everybody out, and not finding either of us, walked across the road and layed down in front of these people's place where they were sitting around. The woamn told us later they all recognized him and she said to let him stay, that if we didn't show up, they bring him back this way. He wouldn't have come back anytime soon cause the fireworks went off all day and nite. Anywa I walked back to the house to get my cream for my little rash, and go to the bathroom; not alot was happening at the fiesta except food preparation so I kinda made up the diversion...I got home and Sam wasn't here. I called and looked around the house, upstairs and on the beach. Then I thought of he must be with Poppi at Chela's. Chelas was at the fiesta but Gume was home with Everardo, and his kids were working the resturant.

But he wasn't there and so we took the truck and started driving, when we past Gencho he said he saw Sam walking out the road to Casa Piedras, so we kept on. The road was a mess, a car wouldn't be able to make it. Nothing has been paved yet, but the tractors have been digging up stuff and heavy trucks going thru; there were big ruts and mushy mud- we had to go really slow and I was worried about Sam. But we got out there and he was laying in the shade like I said in front of a house across the street from the beach. They told us how he walked all over the place sniffing, and then settled with them! Poor baby Sam! We brought him home and left him in the house for the rest of the party. Everardo came back down here and fed & walked him for a few minutes, then put him back in the house. he doesn't like the fireworks or the thunder. Big tough softie!

The road isn't quite finished in front of us because for some reason they left the pipes they needed to fortify the arroyo with under the road, for last...Don't know why. So it's almost done now, and then they'll put the sidewalk in from there to our place and then we shouldn't have a river of mud anymore when it rains. (cause this rainy season that supposed to be from June to Sept...oh maybe Oct...oh...may never be done) They also promised to finish our driveway for us which will be very cool, but we'll see. This is Mexico- if it's not in your hand...you don't have it. And if they don't, that's ok, we go back to our plan of finishing it and it will just cost a little more.

So of course the worker didn't show up today since it's almost 1pm and still raining. The tv went out earlier when it was raining hard, but it's back. I have my book and don't need the hammock, we also have internet- keep fingers crossed- but it's a lazy kind of boring day. I know Everardo is itching to get to work on his projects,so hopefully the rain will go away after today? tried to watch Spanish news for the weather and could see on the screen a storm over this part of Mexico, but the weather lady was talking about the storm in the US ha ha. Not laughing at the storm in the US; Sandy- I know it's a terrible storm and making a real mess of things across numerous states. My heart goes out to everyone. But the ha ha was for our local news station not reporting our storm.

So I have been online for awhile this morning, reading email, looking at facebook, the AA online site, and the uerto Penasco forum. I only found this forum a few days ago; before this Ionly found this travel forum and it wasn't very interesting. But I like this new one. I joined and made a couple of comments and got some positive replies. I read this one post about the Sonora desert, and it seems like a cool place to explore. The post went on to say that some museum in Amsterdam has a Sonora desert room and also plants from the area. 

There are also alot of activities up there including benefit type activities to help the town itself. I'm getting alot if info and becoming more encouraged about what we might find up there. Everytime I say hey honey- they have such and such up there...he says- yeah I know- I keep telling you that you'll like it...Someone wrote to me yesterday and said you have alot of choices there. You can remain on the local side of town. Neighborhoods and families, just living their small town lives. There are quiet strips of beach and popular people filled beaches. There are tiny restaurants & stores much like here in Playa Ventura, or if we want a loud nite life we can go over to the resort side, hotels and beaches, shows and events. I like that we can choose. I like that they have grocery stores ha ha, cell service, electricity. So we shall see what we shall see. We have no idea if anyone will want to buy this place. It's really nice, and if we can, we'll probly put up a sign in Dec, during "the season".

Oh and it only rains 2 inches a year there- I hope it's all in one day! I am so sick of the rain!! It's a very different climate, the desert there vs the tropics here. I'm reading that the days are warm and nites cool, ok sounds good, We certainly have a lot of trouble sleeping here in the heat, although I will say it's not that hot today, or even last nite. This morning I still went out to my boulder to talk to the universe. It was only raining lightly when I went out there but it did work itself up into a pretty steady downpour. I got soaked, but since it's not cold, it's really ok. There were so many crabs out on the rocks and I love to watch them, especially the ones who carry their little houses on their backs.

Ok well now probly time for a nap...

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