Friday, May 17, 2013

Today was Friday, it's almost 9pm now, but a nice lazy day. No English classes and no Spanish classes. Just a meeting in the morning, reading a book with a cool breeze around me, and later a nice walk with Sam up at the track. Ok before that, Everardo came home and we finally got a new mattress..another yippee. But it won't be delivered until Monday. That's ok; we had looked "slightly used" ones, then new ones in a couple of places, but only at 2 places were they in our chosen price range. So we went back to both, and of course, neither had the size we wanted (queen size or 60 inches across). And we are only looking for the top mattress not the box spring. So on the way to the second hand mattress store (yes a second hand mattress store), we decided to stop and look at a place we knew would be really expensive. And guess what? They were having a promotion- a sale- and we got it for less than the second hand place. So I guess I can wait for Monday, right?

Everardo went down to the beach late in the afternoon to see if any tourists were there, and he sold some of the spiders he made. He is busy making more right now. He fusses and fools with all his raw materials, different wires and tools, a million shapes and sizes and kinds of beads, for earrings, necklaces, spiders and scorpions.... he seems happy, and well I guess I'm just sweet on him.....

So this track is really a cool place. It's only about 3 blocks over from us; our street dead ends into it. There's a couple of soccer fields, baseball fields and this big track. Work out stations with bars and sit up boards, on a slant with hooks for your feet. There's at least one school, maybe two, so maybe they share all the sports fields. Yesterday was my first day on the track, ha ha I barely made half an hour...walking! Everardo showed up about half way thru and he jog around it for about 20 min I think. Sam followed me, then him, then when he saw me sitting on a bench, came and laid down with me ha ha. I'm trying to get an exercise regime started. I said that to someone this morning in an email and realized it needs to be a lifestyle, not a "regime". I have my eliptical and that's good. I started back to it this week after dropping it 2 weeks before I went to the US. I need something more, something Well this track may be it. Everardo told me about it before, cause he's taken Sam down there to jog, but he's been about as consistent as me. Maybe we will inspire each other eh?
The thing about this place is, there's soooo many people there. There are high school looking kids jogging or walking, some are there with a coach. There are all ages of adults; some walking, a couple riding bikes, some jogging or running. There are people sitting in the bleachers talking, there are younger teens hanging in small groups. There has been a volleyball game both days, and at the far end; peewee soccer team practices, today watching the doing warm ups was so cute! A huge parade went by; cars full of kids, flatbed trucks with kids and music, a big float- it was a parade for "queen" of the high school- in the US we call it Homecoming Queen. People in the park stopped what they were doing to watch and wave, so I started taking pictures and so of course got wildly waving hands and shouts from the flatbed trucks.

Of course there's lots of little kids everywhere, on bikes or playing in the middle- inside the track. They all asked me what Sam's name was. A few adults asked if he bites. I think if I go down there every day, pretty soon everybody will know Sam- he'll be the track mascot. It felt nice to be there, I felt..."a part of", and it motivates me. Today the half hour was easy. But I'm gonna walk for half an hour for a few more days before I kick it up to an hour. I know me, if I jump right into an hour, I'll hurt my foot again and then no walking. I did it in Playa Vetura; I started walking with Everardo and Sam out to Casa Piedras; this beautiful walk out to an amazing shoreline. But I pushed myself cause that's what I always do and hurt the same darn foot. I hurt my left foot a few years back, I think 2008. I was working put at Curves, this place where you do circuit training- go from station to station, and in between each station you had to do this run in place thing, and I overdid it right from the start and ended up with that injury on the bottom of my foot..called planta factitious (spelling?) Anyway that's when I got the elliptical cause it was easier on my foot than a treadmill or walking. But if I work up to it, to walking an hour at a time, it should be ok. So I'm taking it slow cause I want this.

I was remembering that in 2001 I didn't work for a year. Halla was in 3rd grade and I helped out in her classroom. I would get up and go for an hour walk in the morning. I know I did it for months and months cause I remember the first of the year, and sadly, I remember Sept 11. I lved in northern Calif so when the attacks happened it was early in the morning for us. My husband (now ex) ran into the bedroom yelling and turning on the tv. We watched in horror, we stayed in a daze the whole day. I remember my sister and brother in law were flying from the west coast to the east coast I think, and I didn't know where they were. (As it turned out their flight never took off that morning). The day that changed all of our lives. My older daughter was in Montana and I had the panic thoughts of how fast could we get there. We just didn't understand what was going on or what to do next...

Well I walked that year. And I walked off 40 lbs. That would be nice. Even if I don't lose 40 lbs (even tho that would be nice too), but I want to feel better. Not rigid and stiff...and oh yeah...chubby...and this park, this track, feels good. So my plan is to try to do both, at least one or the other every day but hopefully both. Elliptical in the morning and walking at nite. I also am trying to change my eating out of control habits as well. This is another place were hubby is a good influence. He likes to snack on fruit, and we eat alot of bananas and apples. And were both trying to eat more vegges and less bread. For me the huge issue is chocolate, more than just sugar, chocolate is a killer for me. I can eat sugar and be fine, but if it's in the form of chocolate, I start craving more chocolate. I was in the habit (again) of eating ice cream every nite! Arrgghh. I think I wrote about the 1 pound box of Sees candy I bought at the airport cause I left the box I bought previously at my daughter's (with the extra sharp cheddar cheese boo hoo), well that one pound box of candy- I ate the WHOLE thing in 2 days. I ate EVERY piece. I am happy to say however that I haven't eaten any chocolate since last Saturday when I polished off that box.

I felt like in the past year I have been pretty stressed out at times. I was telling my friend Pam, my solutions, my way to cope- well I have (had) three; drinking, shopping, eating. I don't drink anymore, I have no money to get the hell away from my cupcakes! I didn't try to watch myself with food this past year, having my cupcakes (here they're called Pinguinos), or my Magnum ice cream bars, I don't know, it has been like something I have control over, you know? So I ate whatever I wanted and my attempts at exercise have been half measures at best. Well my 2 weeks in Ca, I spent them eating! And it wasn't even my plan! I thought I would buy myself a jar of peanut butter; yes I was stying with my daughter, but she works nites, and so I planned to fend for myself. As it turned out, I kept seeing friends, was so much busier than I planned to be, and it was around dinner almost every nite. Ugh I was stttttuuuffffeeeddd (stuffed). I did have however, a fabulous dinner the nite Drewy cooked, as well as the day we bbq'd, and an amazing chicken pot pie made my my friend Kay who is one half our renter team. ha ha I was trying to figure out how to ask if I could take some with me, but decided that might be a little over the top ha ha, so I just stuffed myself (see everywhere stuffing myself). One totally outstanding meal was the evening I took myself to sushi. I was supposed to meet  a girlfriend that day, and spend almost the whole day together, and then attend a function together that nite. She kinda blew me off in little bits, first for our lunchtime, then didn't answer the phone for meeting up to see her place, then called me to cancel the evening (ahh, can you tell I still feel resentful about it ha ha?), so anyway I decided to take myself to sushi. I sat by myself at the bar, chatting with the chef, and closing my eyes with every delicious bite. Oh the salmon, the hamachi, the was to die for. They just don't have sushi here, and we certainly never found any in Guerrero altho' they probly had some in Acapulco. Here, sushi is rolls only. So yeah, I was disappointed by a friend, but treated myself and it was perfect.
 One of those things I have to work on- having expectations, and then I'm always disappointed. And that's on me. So I guess it was just time for a lesson ha ha.

Ok- so after my return, I went thru alot of soul searching about how I feel. That this is truly now my home. That except for missing my kids, this is the place for me. That I'm not done here, not sure what it is I need to do, but I just need to be here now. And that I feel like the past year has been about learning acceptance, on a lot of levels (including patience, including acknowledging that I can have a dream, then change my mind- that it's ok to do that, to listen when I ask for guidance...and some other things) and so am thinking that maybe for this coming year, it can be about hope. My year starting June 1 basically. Yep we have been living in Mexico for almost one year, couple more weeks to go. The community center I'm involved with is about hope. I am so grateful to be a part of it! What they bring to people who are truly struggling- in a way that most of us just don't see. And teaching English to adults is also giving hope. And when I came back and found I had even more students??!! Well then I was really hoping for guidance ha ha! I am coming to love this place, the people are amazing. I'm starting to feel like a part of things here. And it feels like it changed in the week since I got back- kicked up a notch. I found a new Spanish teacher, and she works for Karen and Mark, too, so we can have class Tue & Thurs, haha right after English class both days. And now seeing this big park- I kinda found this park- I mean Everardo told me about it before, but I never checked it out. I'm excited to go there every day and walk for an hour, maybe meet some new friends, but at least the camaraderie of people all doing the same thing. So this year is the year of HOPE.

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